Files for check-in v2.0.0beta0 sorted by filename
File ages are expressed relative to the check-in time of 2021-07-18 11:49:17.
GNU socialLast ChangeSize
- .gitignore1.96 years162
- actions16.4 hours
- accessadminpanel.php1.7 days6,472
- addpeopletag.php1.7 days5,430
- all.php4.89 years7,619
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- apigroupismember.php7.72 years3,731
- apigroupjoin.php7.38 years4,242
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- apigrouplistall.php1.7 days5,548
- apigroupmembership.php7.72 years4,972
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- apilistsubscriptions.php7.72 years3,129
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- apioauthauthorize.php5.13 years23,603
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- apioauthrequesttoken.php5.13 years4,774
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- apisearchjson.php5.13 years3,589
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- apitimelinenetworkpublic.php6.47 years557
- apitimelinepublic.php6.47 years10,535
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- apitimelineuser.php1.7 days13,360
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- apiuserfriends.php7.76 years2,511
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- atompubshowmembership.php6.51 years4,932
- atompubshowsubscription.php6.51 years5,782
- atompubsubscriptionfeed.php6.37 years8,708
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- avatar.php1.7 days2,193
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- deleteuser.php5.13 years6,670
- doc.php5.84 years5,599
- editapplication.php5.13 years11,403
- editgroup.php1.7 days10,434
- editpeopletag.php1.7 days11,331
- emailsettings.php1.7 days19,371
- featured.php1.7 days4,092
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- groupblock.php5.13 years8,745
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- grouplogo.php2.23 years16,558
- groupmembers.php1.7 days2,854
- groupqueue.php1.7 days6,063
- grouprss.php6.02 years3,792
- groups.php1.7 days4,525
- groupsearch.php1.7 days4,768
- groupunblock.php5.13 years5,029
- imsettings.php1.7 days16,897
- invite.php5.13 years12,153
- joingroup.php7.26 years5,818
- leavegroup.php7.26 years5,061
- licenseadminpanel.php1.7 days9,803
- login.php6.36 years7,225
- logout.php6.03 years2,293
- makeadmin.php1.7 days6,244
- networkpublic.php2.20 years3,046
- newapplication.php1.7 days8,786
- newgroup.php6.36 years6,262
- newnotice.php1.7 days9,134
- noticesearch.php1.7 days7,837
- noticesearchrss.php6.02 years2,982
- nudge.php1.7 days4,227
- oauthappssettings.php1.7 days3,612
- oauthconnectionssettings.php6.01 years6,650
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- otp.php5.13 years4,850
- passwordsettings.php2.23 years5,505
- pathsadminpanel.php1.7 days15,535
- peoplesearch.php1.7 days4,368
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- peopletagsbyuser.php1.7 days10,508
- peopletagsforuser.php1.7 days5,669
- peopletagsubscribers.php1.7 days7,159
- peopletagsubscriptions.php1.7 days5,203
- plugindelete.php1.7 days3,868
- plugindisable.php1.7 days3,612
- pluginenable.php1.7 days5,187
- plugininstall.php1.7 days7,174
- pluginsadminpanel.php1.7 days3,749
- profilecompletion.php1.7 days6,872
- profilesettings.php1.7 days22,191
- profiletagbyid.php5.13 years2,516
- public.php2.20 years4,415
- publicrss.php6.02 years2,617
- recoverpassword.php5.13 years13,043
- redirect.php5.13 years1,926
- redirecturl.php1.7 days2,418
- register.php5.13 years26,049
- removepeopletag.php1.7 days5,454
- replies.php6.02 years7,169
- repliesrss.php6.02 years2,054
- restoreaccount.php2.23 years11,879
- revokerole.php5.13 years2,966
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- sandbox.php5.13 years2,469
- selftag.php1.7 days5,420
- sessionsadminpanel.php1.7 days5,532
- showapplication.php1.7 days13,081
- showgroup.php4.89 years7,417
- shownotice.php1.7 days7,662
- showprofiletag.php2.05 years11,021
- showstream.php1.7 days12,822
- silence.php5.43 years1,596
- siteadminpanel.php1.7 days12,357
- sitenoticeadminpanel.php5.13 years4,842
- smssettings.php1.7 days19,257
- subedit.php5.13 years3,260
- subqueue.php5.54 years3,655
- subscribe.php5.13 years4,586
- subscribepeopletag.php5.13 years5,218
- subscribers.php2.07 years5,468
- subscriptions.php2.07 years6,228
- sup.php1.7 days2,696
- tag.php4.89 years5,241
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- tagrss.php6.02 years2,124
- top.php6.03 years1,729
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- unsandbox.php5.13 years2,479
- unsilence.php5.43 years1,595
- unsubscribe.php5.13 years3,703
- unsubscribepeopletag.php5.13 years4,801
- urlsettings.php1.7 days8,233
- useradminpanel.php1.7 days9,543
- userbyid.php1.7 days2,658
- usergroups.php1.7 days6,007
- userrss.php6.02 years2,536
- version.php1.7 days8,869
- CHANGELOG.md1.7 days4,323
- classes1.7 days
- Attention.php1.7 days3,660
- Avatar.php1.7 days10,004
- Config.php5.56 years4,545
- Confirm_address.php1.7 days6,934
- Consumer.php1.7 days3,544
- Conversation.php1.7 days6,733
- File.php1.7 days39,400
- File_redirection.php1.7 days19,005
- File_thumbnail.php1.7 days13,595
- File_to_post.php1.7 days3,938
- Foreign_link.php1.7 days7,411
- Foreign_service.php1.7 days2,426
- Foreign_subscription.php1.7 days2,930
- Foreign_user.php1.7 days3,945
- Group_alias.php1.7 days2,587
- Group_block.php1.7 days4,462
- Group_inbox.php1.7 days2,530
- Group_join_queue.php1.7 days4,742
- Group_member.php1.7 days7,969
- GS_DataObject.php6.12 years6,571
- Invitation.php1.7 days3,284
- Local_group.php1.7 days3,766
- Location_namespace.php1.7 days2,197
- Login_token.php1.7 days3,277
- Managed_DataObject.php1.7 days23,816
- Memcached_DataObject.php1.7 days33,543
- Nonce.php1.7 days2,946
- Notice.php1.7 days118,905
- Notice_location.php1.7 days3,637
- Notice_prefs.php1.7 days6,577
- Notice_source.php1.7 days2,510
- Notice_tag.php1.7 days3,588
- Oauth_application.php1.7 days8,925
- Oauth_application_user.php1.7 days4,367
- Oauth_token_association.php1.7 days3,293
- Old_school_prefs.php1.7 days2,827
- Profile.php1.7 days60,209
- Profile_block.php1.7 days2,608
- Profile_list.php1.7 days30,268
- Profile_prefs.php1.7 days6,631
- Profile_role.php1.7 days3,098
- Profile_tag.php1.7 days12,647
- Profile_tag_subscription.php1.7 days5,901
- Queue_item.php1.7 days4,447
- Related_group.php1.7 days2,343
- Remember_me.php1.7 days2,167
- Reply.php1.7 days3,364
- Safe_DataObject.php1.7 days11,404
- Schema_version.php1.7 days2,255
- Session.php1.7 days3,066
- Sms_carrier.php1.7 days2,580
- status_network.ini10.97 years362
- Status_network.php1.7 days12,653
- Status_network_tag.php1.96 years4,175
- Subscription.php1.7 days16,651
- Subscription_queue.php1.7 days4,796
- Token.php1.7 days3,475
- Unavailable_status_network.php1.7 days2,157
- User.php1.7 days39,313
- User_group.php1.7 days29,645
- User_im_prefs.php1.7 days3,574
- User_location_prefs.php1.7 days2,459
- User_urlshortener_prefs.php1.7 days4,378
- User_username.php1.7 days3,430
- CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md2.10 years4,193
- composer.json1.7 days2,356
- composer.lockcurrent253,866
- CONTRIBUTING.md1.95 years178
- COPYING13.20 years34,520
- CREDITS.mdcurrent1,801
- db1.7 days
- core.php1.7 days3,002
- foreign_services.sql1.7 days256
- location_namespace.sql1.7 days149
- notice_source.sql1.7 days6,317
- site.sql2.26 years1,327
- sms_carrier.sql1.7 days4,529
- doc-src1.7 days
- about6.12 years708
- api5.65 years497
- atompub5.65 years7,085
- contact1.7 days937
- faq6.12 years745
- groups6.12 years2,189
- help6.12 years991
- im6.12 years3,200
- privacy6.12 years2,492
- sms6.12 years2,681
- source6.12 years960
- tags6.12 years2,265
- tos6.12 years16,647
- twitterapi4.14 years13,288
- DEVELOPERS1.7 days
- boilerplate.php1.95 years1,784
- coding_standards.md1.7 days11,668
- merge_request_checklist.md1.95 years1,328
- EVENTS.txt1.7 days56,756
- Plugins1.7 days
- README.md1.7 days9,857
- Sample Plugins1.7 days
- Awesomeness1.7 days
- includes1.7 days
- AwesomenessPlugin.php1.7 days3,057
- locale1.7 days
- af1.7 days
- LC_MESSAGES1.7 days
- Awesomeness.po1.7 days901
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- LC_MESSAGES1.7 days
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- Awesomeness.po1.7 days995
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- Awesomeness.po1.7 days902
- Awesomeness.pot1.7 days766
- be-tarask1.7 days
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- Awesomeness.po1.7 days1,209
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- Awesomeness.po1.7 days897
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- Awesomeness.po1.7 days1,012
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- Awesomeness.po1.7 days1,008
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- Awesomeness.po1.7 days902
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- Awesomeness.po1.7 days959
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- LC_MESSAGES1.7 days
- Awesomeness.po1.7 days901
- hy_AM1.7 days
- LC_MESSAGES1.7 days
- Awesomeness.po1.7 days916
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- LC_MESSAGES1.7 days
- Awesomeness.po1.7 days997
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- Awesomeness.po1.7 days923
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- Awesomeness.po1.7 days997
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- Awesomeness.po1.7 days891
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- lt1.7 days
- LC_MESSAGES1.7 days
- Awesomeness.po1.7 days965
- lv1.7 days
- LC_MESSAGES1.7 days
- Awesomeness.po1.7 days949
- mg1.7 days
- LC_MESSAGES1.7 days
- Awesomeness.po1.7 days914
- mk1.7 days
- LC_MESSAGES1.7 days
- Awesomeness.po1.7 days1,115
- ml1.7 days
- LC_MESSAGES1.7 days
- Awesomeness.po1.7 days901
- ms1.7 days
- LC_MESSAGES1.7 days
- Awesomeness.po1.7 days890
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- LC_MESSAGES1.7 days
- Awesomeness.po1.7 days892
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- Awesomeness.po1.7 days909
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- LC_MESSAGES1.7 days
- Awesomeness.po1.7 days1,049
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- LC_MESSAGES1.7 days
- Awesomeness.po1.7 days1,017
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- LC_MESSAGES1.7 days
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- LC_MESSAGES1.7 days
- Awesomeness.po1.7 days957
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- LC_MESSAGES1.7 days
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- LC_MESSAGES1.7 days
- Awesomeness.po1.7 days953
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- LC_MESSAGES1.7 days
- Awesomeness.po1.7 days973
- sv1.7 days
- LC_MESSAGES1.7 days
- Awesomeness.po1.7 days1,103
- ta1.7 days
- LC_MESSAGES1.7 days
- Awesomeness.po1.7 days912
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- LC_MESSAGES1.7 days
- Awesomeness.po1.7 days898
- tl1.7 days
- LC_MESSAGES1.7 days
- Awesomeness.po1.7 days1,040
- tr1.7 days
- LC_MESSAGES1.7 days
- Awesomeness.po1.7 days898
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- LC_MESSAGES1.7 days
- Awesomeness.po1.7 days1,190
- ur_PK1.7 days
- LC_MESSAGES1.7 days
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- LC_MESSAGES1.7 days
- Awesomeness.po1.7 days895
- zh1.7 days
- LC_MESSAGES1.7 days
- Awesomeness.po1.7 days892
- zh_CN1.7 days
- LC_MESSAGES1.7 days
- Awesomeness.po1.7 days906
- zh_TW1.7 days
- LC_MESSAGES1.7 days
- Awesomeness.po1.7 days907
- README5.44 years263
- public1.7 days
- js1.7 days
- cornify.js1.7 days7,354
- BlankAd1.7 days
- includes1.7 days
- BlankAdPlugin.php1.7 days4,139
- locale1.7 days
- af2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- BlankAd.po2.11 years821
- ar2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- BlankAd.po2.11 years901
- arz2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- BlankAd.po2.11 years915
- ast2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- BlankAd.po2.11 years889
- be-tarask2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- BlankAd.po2.11 years1,079
- bg2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- BlankAd.po2.11 years821
- BlankAd.pot1.7 days686
- bn_IN2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- BlankAd.po2.11 years833
- br2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- BlankAd.po2.11 years883
- ca2.11 years
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- da2.11 years
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- de2.11 years
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- es2.11 years
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- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
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- fi2.11 years
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- BlankAd.po2.11 years886
- fr2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- BlankAd.po2.11 years887
- fur2.11 years
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- BlankAd.po2.11 years822
- gl2.11 years
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- hsb2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- BlankAd.po2.11 years879
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- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
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- hy_AM2.11 years
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- ia2.11 years
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- BlankAd.po2.11 years952
- is2.11 years
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- BlankAd.po2.11 years843
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- ja2.11 years
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- ka2.11 years
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- ko2.11 years
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- ksh2.11 years
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- BlankAd.po2.11 years885
- lv2.11 years
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- BlankAd.po2.11 years869
- mg2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- BlankAd.po2.11 years834
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- ml2.11 years
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- ms2.11 years
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- BlankAd.po2.11 years884
- pt_BR2.11 years
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- BlankAd.po2.11 years963
- ro_RO2.11 years
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- BlankAd.po2.11 years877
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- BlankAd.po2.11 years1,051
- sl2.11 years
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- BlankAd.po2.11 years873
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- BlankAd.po2.11 years893
- sv2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- BlankAd.po2.11 years876
- ta2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
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- te2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- BlankAd.po2.11 years818
- tl2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- BlankAd.po2.11 years885
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- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- BlankAd.po2.11 years818
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- BlankAd.po2.11 years879
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- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- BlankAd.po2.11 years827
- README5.44 years423
- public11.47 years
- redpixel.png11.47 years159
- Sample1.7 days
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- hello.php1.7 days5,572
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- User_greeting_count.php1.7 days4,524
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- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Sample.po2.11 years2,189
- hy_AM2.11 years
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- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Sample.po2.11 years2,168
- ko2.11 years
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- ksh2.11 years
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- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
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- lt2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
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- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
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- ml2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
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- ms2.11 years
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- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
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- pdc2.11 years
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- pl2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Sample.po2.11 years2,257
- pt2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Sample.po2.11 years2,190
- pt_BR2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Sample.po2.11 years2,204
- ro_RO2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Sample.po2.11 years2,258
- ru2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Sample.po2.11 years3,108
- Sample.pot1.7 days2,103
- sl2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Sample.po2.11 years2,267
- sr-ec2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Sample.po2.11 years2,274
- sv2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
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- ta2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Sample.po2.11 years2,185
- te2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Sample.po2.11 years2,186
- tl2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Sample.po2.11 years2,531
- tr2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Sample.po2.11 years2,186
- uk2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Sample.po2.11 years2,812
- ur_PK2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
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- vi2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Sample.po2.11 years2,170
- zh2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Sample.po2.11 years2,167
- zh_CN2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Sample.po2.11 years2,396
- zh_TW2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Sample.po2.11 years2,182
- README5.44 years330
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- AccountManager.po2.11 years879
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- ActivitySpam.po2.11 years939
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- sl2.11 years
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- README5.44 years802
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- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- AnonymousFave.po2.11 years2,285
- README5.44 years248
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- AntiBrutecurrent
- AntiBrutePlugin.php1.7 days3,612
- localecurrent
- AntiBrute.potcurrent684
- README5.44 years275
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- ast2.11 years
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- be-tarask2.11 years
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- ca2.11 years
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- cs2.11 years
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- ApiLogger.po2.11 years833
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- hu2.11 years
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- hy_AM2.11 years
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- ia2.11 years
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- ApiLogger.po2.11 years901
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- io2.11 years
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- is2.11 years
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- it2.11 years
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- ja2.11 years
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- ka2.11 years
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- ko2.11 years
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- ApiLogger.po2.11 years822
- ksh2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ApiLogger.po2.11 years970
- lb2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ApiLogger.po2.11 years836
- lt2.11 years
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- ApiLogger.po2.11 years896
- lv2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ApiLogger.po2.11 years880
- mg2.11 years
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- ApiLogger.po2.11 years845
- mk2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ApiLogger.po2.11 years983
- ml2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ApiLogger.po2.11 years832
- ms2.11 years
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- ApiLogger.po2.11 years888
- my2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ApiLogger.po2.11 years823
- nb2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ApiLogger.po2.11 years840
- ne2.11 years
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- nl2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ApiLogger.po2.11 years905
- nn2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ApiLogger.po2.11 years840
- pl2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ApiLogger.po2.11 years957
- pt2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ApiLogger.po2.11 years917
- pt_BR2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ApiLogger.po2.11 years985
- ro_RO2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ApiLogger.po2.11 years888
- ru2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ApiLogger.po2.11 years1,124
- sl2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ApiLogger.po2.11 years884
- sr-ec2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
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- sv2.11 years
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- ApiLogger.po2.11 years994
- ta2.11 years
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- tl2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ApiLogger.po2.11 years914
- tr2.11 years
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- ApiLogger.po2.11 years925
- uk2.11 years
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- ur_PK2.11 years
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- vi2.11 years
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- ApiLogger.po2.11 years826
- zh2.11 years
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- zh_CN2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ApiLogger.po2.11 years837
- zh_TW2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
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- hsb2.11 years
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- ia2.11 years
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- is2.11 years
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- it2.11 years
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- ka2.11 years
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- ko2.11 years
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- ksh2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Autocomplete.po2.11 years890
- lb2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Autocomplete.po2.11 years858
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- lv2.11 years
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- Autocomplete.po2.11 years854
- ms2.11 years
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- Autocomplete.po2.11 years933
- my2.11 years
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- nb2.11 years
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- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Autocomplete.po2.11 years947
- nn2.11 years
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- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Autocomplete.po2.11 years855
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- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Autocomplete.po2.11 years1,026
- ro_RO2.11 years
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- Autocomplete.po2.11 years910
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- Autocomplete.po2.11 years1,179
- sl2.11 years
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- Autocomplete.po2.11 years906
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- Autocomplete.po2.11 years926
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- Autocomplete.po2.11 years851
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- zh_TW2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Autocomplete.po2.11 years860
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- fi2.11 years
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- gl2.11 years
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- hsb2.11 years
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- hy_AM2.11 years
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- AutoSandbox.po2.11 years1,376
- ia2.11 years
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- AutoSandbox.po2.11 years1,757
- id2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- AutoSandbox.po2.11 years1,453
- io2.11 years
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- AutoSandbox.po2.11 years1,742
- is2.11 years
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- AutoSandbox.po2.11 years1,383
- it2.11 years
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- AutoSandbox.po2.11 years1,720
- ja2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- AutoSandbox.po2.11 years1,353
- ka2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- AutoSandbox.po2.11 years1,353
- ko2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- AutoSandbox.po2.11 years1,351
- ksh2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- AutoSandbox.po2.11 years1,382
- lb2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- AutoSandbox.po2.11 years1,365
- lt2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- AutoSandbox.po2.11 years1,425
- lv2.11 years
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- mg2.11 years
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- AutoSandbox.po2.11 years1,374
- mk2.11 years
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- AutoSandbox.po2.11 years2,101
- ml2.11 years
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- AutoSandbox.po2.11 years1,361
- ms2.11 years
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- my2.11 years
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- AutoSandbox.po2.11 years1,352
- nb2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- AutoSandbox.po2.11 years1,369
- ne2.11 years
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- nl2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- AutoSandbox.po2.11 years1,764
- nn2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- AutoSandbox.po2.11 years1,369
- pl2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- AutoSandbox.po2.11 years1,828
- pt2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- AutoSandbox.po2.11 years1,362
- pt_BR2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- AutoSandbox.po2.11 years1,973
- ro_RO2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- AutoSandbox.po2.11 years1,417
- ru2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- AutoSandbox.po2.11 years2,209
- sl2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- AutoSandbox.po2.11 years1,413
- sr-ec2.11 years
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- AutoSandbox.po2.11 years1,433
- sv2.11 years
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- AutoSandbox.po2.11 years1,527
- ta2.11 years
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- te2.11 years
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- AutoSandbox.po2.11 years1,358
- tl2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- AutoSandbox.po2.11 years1,776
- tr2.11 years
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- AutoSandbox.po2.11 years1,358
- uk2.11 years
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- AutoSandbox.po2.11 years2,154
- ur_PK2.11 years
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- vi2.11 years
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- zh2.11 years
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- zh_TW2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- AutoSandbox.po2.11 years1,367
- README11.32 years1,293
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- pt2.11 years
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- br2.11 years
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- de2.11 years
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- fur2.11 years
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- gl2.11 years
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- ta2.11 years
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- CacheLog.po2.11 years838
- te2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- CacheLog.po2.11 years824
- tl2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- CacheLog.po2.11 years885
- tr2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- CacheLog.po2.11 years824
- uk2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- CacheLog.po2.11 years976
- ur_PK2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- CacheLog.po2.11 years839
- vi2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- CacheLog.po2.11 years821
- zh2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- CacheLog.po2.11 years818
- zh_CN2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- CacheLog.po2.11 years874
- zh_TW2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- CacheLog.po2.11 years833
- README5.44 years470
- CasAuthenticationcurrent
- actions3.58 years
- caslogin.php3.58 years3,487
- CasAuthenticationPlugin.php1.7 days5,203
- localecurrent
- af2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- CasAuthentication.po2.11 years2,702
- ar2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- CasAuthentication.po2.11 years2,893
- arz2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- CasAuthentication.po2.11 years2,911
- ast2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- CasAuthentication.po2.11 years2,644
- be-tarask2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- CasAuthentication.po2.11 years3,574
- bg2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- CasAuthentication.po2.11 years2,712
- bn_IN2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- CasAuthentication.po2.11 years2,655
- br2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- CasAuthentication.po2.11 years2,978
- ca2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- CasAuthentication.po2.11 years2,918
- CasAuthentication.potcurrent2,627
- cs2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- CasAuthentication.po2.11 years2,798
- da2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- CasAuthentication.po2.11 years2,762
- de2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- CasAuthentication.po2.11 years3,162
- el2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- CasAuthentication.po2.11 years2,723
- en_GB2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- CasAuthentication.po2.11 years3,119
- eo2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- CasAuthentication.po2.11 years2,742
- es2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- CasAuthentication.po2.11 years3,412
- eu2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- CasAuthentication.po2.11 years3,099
- fa2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- CasAuthentication.po2.11 years2,820
- fi2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- CasAuthentication.po2.11 years2,709
- fr2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- CasAuthentication.po2.11 years3,272
- fur2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- CasAuthentication.po2.11 years2,704
- gl2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- CasAuthentication.po2.11 years3,180
- he2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- CasAuthentication.po2.11 years2,783
- hsb2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- CasAuthentication.po2.11 years2,818
- hu2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- CasAuthentication.po2.11 years2,920
- hy_AM2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- CasAuthentication.po2.11 years2,658
- ia2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- CasAuthentication.po2.11 years3,180
- id2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- CasAuthentication.po2.11 years2,691
- io2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- CasAuthentication.po2.11 years3,158
- is2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- CasAuthentication.po2.11 years2,737
- it2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- CasAuthentication.po2.11 years3,062
- ja2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- CasAuthentication.po2.11 years2,819
- ka2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- CasAuthentication.po2.11 years2,811
- ko2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- CasAuthentication.po2.11 years2,793
- ksh2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- CasAuthentication.po2.11 years2,664
- lb2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- CasAuthentication.po2.11 years2,647
- lt2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- CasAuthentication.po2.11 years2,707
- lv2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- CasAuthentication.po2.11 years2,691
- mg2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- CasAuthentication.po2.11 years2,670
- mk2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- CasAuthentication.po2.11 years3,488
- ml2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- CasAuthentication.po2.11 years3,050
- ms2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- CasAuthentication.po2.11 years2,648
- my2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- CasAuthentication.po2.11 years2,634
- nb2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- CasAuthentication.po2.11 years3,072
- ne2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- CasAuthentication.po2.11 years2,655
- nl2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- CasAuthentication.po2.11 years3,172
- nn2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- CasAuthentication.po2.11 years2,700
- pl2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- CasAuthentication.po2.11 years2,838
- pt2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- CasAuthentication.po2.11 years2,776
- pt_BR2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- CasAuthentication.po2.11 years3,221
- ro_RO2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- CasAuthentication.po2.11 years2,699
- ru2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- CasAuthentication.po2.11 years3,610
- sl2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- CasAuthentication.po2.11 years2,695
- sr-ec2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- CasAuthentication.po2.11 years2,715
- sv2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- CasAuthentication.po2.11 years3,016
- ta2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- CasAuthentication.po2.11 years2,654
- te2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- CasAuthentication.po2.11 years2,982
- tl2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- CasAuthentication.po2.11 years3,223
- tr2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- CasAuthentication.po2.11 years2,703
- uk2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- CasAuthentication.po2.11 years3,422
- ur_PK2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- CasAuthentication.po2.11 years2,655
- vi2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- CasAuthentication.po2.11 years2,699
- zh2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- CasAuthentication.po2.11 years2,634
- zh_CN2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- CasAuthentication.po2.11 years3,056
- zh_TW2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- CasAuthentication.po2.11 years2,745
- README4.25 years1,832
- ChooseThemecurrent
- actions1.7 days
- choosethemesettings.php1.7 days5,244
- ChooseThemePlugin.php1.7 days2,840
- localecurrent
- ChooseTheme.potcurrent1,284
- nb2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ChooseTheme.po2.11 years1,720
- README.md6.12 years443
- ClientSideShortencurrent
- actions5.13 years
- shorten.php5.13 years2,207
- ClientSideShortenPlugin.php1.7 days2,650
- localecurrent
- af2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ClientSideShorten.po2.11 years1,099
- ar2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ClientSideShorten.po2.11 years1,179
- arz2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ClientSideShorten.po2.11 years1,193
- ast2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ClientSideShorten.po2.11 years1,100
- be-tarask2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ClientSideShorten.po2.11 years1,501
- bg2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ClientSideShorten.po2.11 years1,099
- bn_IN2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ClientSideShorten.po2.11 years1,111
- br2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ClientSideShorten.po2.11 years1,095
- ca2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ClientSideShorten.po2.11 years1,097
- ClientSideShorten.potcurrent964
- cs2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ClientSideShorten.po2.11 years1,122
- da2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ClientSideShorten.po2.11 years1,096
- de2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ClientSideShorten.po2.11 years1,299
- el2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ClientSideShorten.po2.11 years1,095
- en_GB2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ClientSideShorten.po2.11 years1,337
- eo2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ClientSideShorten.po2.11 years1,099
- es2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ClientSideShorten.po2.11 years1,414
- eu2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ClientSideShorten.po2.11 years1,283
- fa2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ClientSideShorten.po2.11 years1,090
- fi2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ClientSideShorten.po2.11 years1,097
- fr2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ClientSideShorten.po2.11 years1,332
- fur2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ClientSideShorten.po2.11 years1,100
- gl2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ClientSideShorten.po2.11 years1,305
- he2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ClientSideShorten.po2.11 years1,377
- hsb2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ClientSideShorten.po2.11 years1,157
- hu2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ClientSideShorten.po2.11 years1,099
- hy_AM2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ClientSideShorten.po2.11 years1,114
- ia2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ClientSideShorten.po2.11 years1,310
- id2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ClientSideShorten.po2.11 years1,325
- io2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ClientSideShorten.po2.11 years1,370
- is2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ClientSideShorten.po2.11 years1,121
- it2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ClientSideShorten.po2.11 years1,333
- ja2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ClientSideShorten.po2.11 years1,091
- ka2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ClientSideShorten.po2.11 years1,091
- ko2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ClientSideShorten.po2.11 years1,089
- ksh2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ClientSideShorten.po2.11 years1,120
- lb2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ClientSideShorten.po2.11 years1,103
- lt2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ClientSideShorten.po2.11 years1,163
- lv2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ClientSideShorten.po2.11 years1,147
- mg2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ClientSideShorten.po2.11 years1,112
- mk2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ClientSideShorten.po2.11 years1,494
- ml2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ClientSideShorten.po2.11 years1,099
- ms2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ClientSideShorten.po2.11 years1,088
- my2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ClientSideShorten.po2.11 years1,090
- nb2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ClientSideShorten.po2.11 years1,298
- ne2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ClientSideShorten.po2.11 years1,111
- nl2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ClientSideShorten.po2.11 years1,327
- nn2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ClientSideShorten.po2.11 years1,107
- pl2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ClientSideShorten.po2.11 years1,154
- pt2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ClientSideShorten.po2.11 years1,100
- pt_BR2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ClientSideShorten.po2.11 years1,114
- ro_RO2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ClientSideShorten.po2.11 years1,155
- ru2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ClientSideShorten.po2.11 years1,529
- sl2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ClientSideShorten.po2.11 years1,151
- sr-ec2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ClientSideShorten.po2.11 years1,171
- sv2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ClientSideShorten.po2.11 years1,241
- ta2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ClientSideShorten.po2.11 years1,110
- te2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ClientSideShorten.po2.11 years1,096
- tl2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ClientSideShorten.po2.11 years1,329
- tr2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ClientSideShorten.po2.11 years1,096
- uk2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ClientSideShorten.po2.11 years1,546
- ur_PK2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ClientSideShorten.po2.11 years1,111
- vi2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ClientSideShorten.po2.11 years1,093
- zh2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ClientSideShorten.po2.11 years1,090
- zh_CN2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ClientSideShorten.po2.11 years1,230
- zh_TW2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ClientSideShorten.po2.11 years1,105
- README5.44 years202
- Cometcurrent
- CometPlugin.php1.7 days3,981
- extlib1.7 days
- Bayeux1.7 days
- Bayeux.class.php1.7 days4,015
- localecurrent
- af2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Comet.po2.11 years955
- ar2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Comet.po2.11 years1,035
- arz2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Comet.po2.11 years1,049
- ast2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Comet.po2.11 years956
- be-tarask2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Comet.po2.11 years1,117
- bg2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Comet.po2.11 years955
- bn_IN2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Comet.po2.11 years967
- br2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Comet.po2.11 years951
- ca2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Comet.po2.11 years953
- Comet.potcurrent817
- cs2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Comet.po2.11 years978
- da2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Comet.po2.11 years952
- de2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Comet.po2.11 years1,022
- el2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Comet.po2.11 years951
- en_GB2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Comet.po2.11 years1,064
- eo2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Comet.po2.11 years955
- es2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Comet.po2.11 years1,114
- eu2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Comet.po2.11 years1,021
- fa2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Comet.po2.11 years946
- fi2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Comet.po2.11 years953
- fr2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Comet.po2.11 years1,038
- fur2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Comet.po2.11 years956
- gl2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Comet.po2.11 years1,035
- he2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Comet.po2.11 years1,036
- hsb2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Comet.po2.11 years1,013
- hu2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Comet.po2.11 years955
- hy_AM2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Comet.po2.11 years970
- ia2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Comet.po2.11 years1,028
- id2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Comet.po2.11 years1,047
- io2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Comet.po2.11 years1,087
- is2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Comet.po2.11 years977
- it2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Comet.po2.11 years1,031
- ja2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Comet.po2.11 years947
- ka2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Comet.po2.11 years947
- ko2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Comet.po2.11 years945
- ksh2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Comet.po2.11 years976
- lb2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Comet.po2.11 years959
- lt2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Comet.po2.11 years1,019
- lv2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Comet.po2.11 years1,003
- mg2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Comet.po2.11 years968
- mk2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Comet.po2.11 years1,099
- ml2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Comet.po2.11 years955
- ms2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Comet.po2.11 years944
- my2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Comet.po2.11 years946
- nb2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Comet.po2.11 years1,036
- ne2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Comet.po2.11 years967
- nl2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Comet.po2.11 years1,014
- nn2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Comet.po2.11 years963
- pl2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Comet.po2.11 years1,010
- pt2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Comet.po2.11 years956
- pt_BR2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Comet.po2.11 years970
- ro_RO2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Comet.po2.11 years1,011
- ru2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Comet.po2.11 years1,181
- sl2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Comet.po2.11 years1,007
- sr-ec2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Comet.po2.11 years1,027
- sv2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Comet.po2.11 years1,127
- ta2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Comet.po2.11 years966
- te2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Comet.po2.11 years952
- tl2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Comet.po2.11 years1,045
- tr2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Comet.po2.11 years952
- uk2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Comet.po2.11 years1,144
- ur_PK2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Comet.po2.11 years967
- vi2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Comet.po2.11 years949
- zh2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Comet.po2.11 years946
- zh_CN2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Comet.po2.11 years960
- zh_TW2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Comet.po2.11 years961
- README.md10.84 years1,043
- ConversationTreecurrent
- ConversationTreePlugin.php1.7 days1,947
- lib1.7 days
- conversationtree.php1.7 days3,790
- conversationtreeitem.php1.7 days1,892
- localecurrent
- af2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ConversationTree.po2.11 years831
- ar2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ConversationTree.po2.11 years911
- arz2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ConversationTree.po2.11 years925
- ast2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ConversationTree.po2.11 years832
- be-tarask2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ConversationTree.po2.11 years993
- bg2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ConversationTree.po2.11 years831
- bn_IN2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ConversationTree.po2.11 years843
- br2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ConversationTree.po2.11 years827
- ca2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ConversationTree.po2.11 years829
- ConversationTree.potcurrent696
- cs2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ConversationTree.po2.11 years854
- da2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ConversationTree.po2.11 years828
- de2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ConversationTree.po2.11 years828
- el2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ConversationTree.po2.11 years827
- en_GB2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ConversationTree.po2.11 years925
- eo2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ConversationTree.po2.11 years831
- es2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ConversationTree.po2.11 years928
- eu2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ConversationTree.po2.11 years828
- fa2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ConversationTree.po2.11 years822
- fi2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ConversationTree.po2.11 years829
- fr2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ConversationTree.po2.11 years905
- fur2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ConversationTree.po2.11 years832
- gl2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ConversationTree.po2.11 years830
- he2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ConversationTree.po2.11 years828
- hsb2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ConversationTree.po2.11 years889
- hu2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ConversationTree.po2.11 years831
- hy_AM2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ConversationTree.po2.11 years846
- ia2.11 years
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- ConversationTree.po2.11 years833
- id2.11 years
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- ConversationTree.po2.11 years901
- io2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ConversationTree.po2.11 years958
- is2.11 years
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- ConversationTree.po2.11 years853
- it2.11 years
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- ja2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ConversationTree.po2.11 years823
- ka2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ConversationTree.po2.11 years823
- ko2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ConversationTree.po2.11 years821
- ksh2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ConversationTree.po2.11 years852
- lb2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ConversationTree.po2.11 years835
- lt2.11 years
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- ConversationTree.po2.11 years895
- lv2.11 years
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- ConversationTree.po2.11 years879
- mg2.11 years
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- ConversationTree.po2.11 years844
- mk2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ConversationTree.po2.11 years862
- ml2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ConversationTree.po2.11 years831
- ms2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ConversationTree.po2.11 years820
- my2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ConversationTree.po2.11 years822
- nb2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ConversationTree.po2.11 years839
- ne2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ConversationTree.po2.11 years843
- nl2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ConversationTree.po2.11 years827
- nn2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ConversationTree.po2.11 years839
- pl2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ConversationTree.po2.11 years886
- pt2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ConversationTree.po2.11 years832
- pt_BR2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ConversationTree.po2.11 years846
- ro_RO2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ConversationTree.po2.11 years887
- ru2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ConversationTree.po2.11 years967
- sl2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ConversationTree.po2.11 years883
- sr-ec2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ConversationTree.po2.11 years903
- sv2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ConversationTree.po2.11 years972
- ta2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ConversationTree.po2.11 years842
- te2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ConversationTree.po2.11 years828
- tl2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ConversationTree.po2.11 years828
- tr2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ConversationTree.po2.11 years828
- uk2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ConversationTree.po2.11 years1,056
- ur_PK2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ConversationTree.po2.11 years843
- vi2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ConversationTree.po2.11 years825
- zh2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ConversationTree.po2.11 years822
- zh_CN2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ConversationTree.po2.11 years836
- zh_TW2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ConversationTree.po2.11 years837
- README5.44 years285
- Cronishcurrent
- CronishPlugin.php1.7 days1,694
- lib1.7 days
- cronish.php1.7 days2,864
- localecurrent
- af2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Cronish.po2.11 years869
- ar2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Cronish.po2.11 years949
- arz2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Cronish.po2.11 years963
- ast2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Cronish.po2.11 years870
- be-tarask2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Cronish.po2.11 years1,031
- bg2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Cronish.po2.11 years869
- bn_IN2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Cronish.po2.11 years881
- br2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Cronish.po2.11 years865
- ca2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Cronish.po2.11 years867
- Cronish.potcurrent734
- cs2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Cronish.po2.11 years892
- da2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Cronish.po2.11 years866
- de2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Cronish.po2.11 years866
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- Cronish.po2.11 years865
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- Cronish.po2.11 years1,007
- eo2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Cronish.po2.11 years869
- es2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Cronish.po2.11 years1,023
- eu2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Cronish.po2.11 years866
- fa2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Cronish.po2.11 years860
- fi2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Cronish.po2.11 years867
- fr2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Cronish.po2.11 years1,006
- fur2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Cronish.po2.11 years870
- gl2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Cronish.po2.11 years868
- he2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Cronish.po2.11 years866
- hsb2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Cronish.po2.11 years927
- hu2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Cronish.po2.11 years869
- hy_AM2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Cronish.po2.11 years884
- ia2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Cronish.po2.11 years871
- id2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Cronish.po2.11 years863
- io2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Cronish.po2.11 years1,044
- is2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Cronish.po2.11 years891
- it2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Cronish.po2.11 years867
- ja2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Cronish.po2.11 years861
- ka2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Cronish.po2.11 years861
- ko2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Cronish.po2.11 years859
- ksh2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Cronish.po2.11 years890
- lb2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Cronish.po2.11 years873
- lt2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Cronish.po2.11 years933
- lv2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Cronish.po2.11 years917
- mg2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Cronish.po2.11 years882
- mk2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Cronish.po2.11 years900
- ml2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Cronish.po2.11 years869
- ms2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Cronish.po2.11 years858
- my2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Cronish.po2.11 years860
- nb2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Cronish.po2.11 years877
- ne2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Cronish.po2.11 years881
- nl2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Cronish.po2.11 years865
- nn2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Cronish.po2.11 years877
- pl2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Cronish.po2.11 years924
- pt2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Cronish.po2.11 years870
- pt_BR2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Cronish.po2.11 years884
- ro_RO2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Cronish.po2.11 years925
- ru2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Cronish.po2.11 years1,005
- sl2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Cronish.po2.11 years921
- sr-ec2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Cronish.po2.11 years941
- sv2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Cronish.po2.11 years1,059
- ta2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Cronish.po2.11 years880
- te2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Cronish.po2.11 years866
- tl2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Cronish.po2.11 years866
- tr2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Cronish.po2.11 years866
- uk2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Cronish.po2.11 years1,173
- ur_PK2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Cronish.po2.11 years881
- vi2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Cronish.po2.11 years863
- zh2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Cronish.po2.11 years860
- zh_CN2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Cronish.po2.11 years874
- zh_TW2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Cronish.po2.11 years875
- README5.44 years240
- DBQueuecurrent
- classes1.7 days
- DBQueueManager.php1.7 days5,601
- DBQueuePlugin.php1.7 days1,757
- localecurrent
- DBQueue.potcurrent716
- README.md1.7 days317
- DefaultLayoutcurrent
- DefaultLayoutPlugin.php1.7 days2,302
- localecurrent
- DefaultLayout.potcurrent695
- Diasporacurrent
- DiasporaPlugin.php1.7 days12,209
- localecurrent
- Diaspora.potcurrent796
- README5.44 years357
- DirectionDetectorcurrent
- DirectionDetectorPlugin.php1.7 days10,305
- localecurrent
- af2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DirectionDetector.po2.11 years864
- ar2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DirectionDetector.po2.11 years944
- arz2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DirectionDetector.po2.11 years958
- ast2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DirectionDetector.po2.11 years960
- be-tarask2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DirectionDetector.po2.11 years1,191
- bg2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DirectionDetector.po2.11 years864
- bn_IN2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DirectionDetector.po2.11 years876
- br2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DirectionDetector.po2.11 years958
- ca2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DirectionDetector.po2.11 years862
- cs2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DirectionDetector.po2.11 years887
- da2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DirectionDetector.po2.11 years861
- de2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DirectionDetector.po2.11 years952
- DirectionDetector.potcurrent729
- el2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DirectionDetector.po2.11 years860
- en_GB2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DirectionDetector.po2.11 years989
- eo2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DirectionDetector.po2.11 years864
- es2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DirectionDetector.po2.11 years1,046
- eu2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DirectionDetector.po2.11 years937
- fa2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DirectionDetector.po2.11 years855
- fi2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DirectionDetector.po2.11 years960
- fr2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DirectionDetector.po2.11 years956
- fur2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DirectionDetector.po2.11 years865
- gl2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DirectionDetector.po2.11 years950
- he2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DirectionDetector.po2.11 years960
- hsb2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DirectionDetector.po2.11 years922
- hu2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DirectionDetector.po2.11 years864
- hy_AM2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DirectionDetector.po2.11 years879
- ia2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DirectionDetector.po2.11 years953
- id2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DirectionDetector.po2.11 years949
- io2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DirectionDetector.po2.11 years1,016
- is2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DirectionDetector.po2.11 years886
- it2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DirectionDetector.po2.11 years951
- ja2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DirectionDetector.po2.11 years952
- ka2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DirectionDetector.po2.11 years856
- ko2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DirectionDetector.po2.11 years854
- ksh2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DirectionDetector.po2.11 years885
- lb2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DirectionDetector.po2.11 years979
- lt2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DirectionDetector.po2.11 years928
- lv2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DirectionDetector.po2.11 years912
- mg2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DirectionDetector.po2.11 years877
- mk2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DirectionDetector.po2.11 years1,059
- ml2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DirectionDetector.po2.11 years864
- ms2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DirectionDetector.po2.11 years853
- my2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DirectionDetector.po2.11 years855
- nb2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DirectionDetector.po2.11 years949
- ne2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DirectionDetector.po2.11 years876
- nl2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DirectionDetector.po2.11 years980
- nn2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DirectionDetector.po2.11 years872
- pl2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DirectionDetector.po2.11 years919
- pt2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DirectionDetector.po2.11 years961
- pt_BR2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DirectionDetector.po2.11 years879
- ro_RO2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DirectionDetector.po2.11 years920
- ru2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DirectionDetector.po2.11 years1,139
- sl2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DirectionDetector.po2.11 years916
- sr-ec2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DirectionDetector.po2.11 years936
- sv2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DirectionDetector.po2.11 years979
- ta2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DirectionDetector.po2.11 years875
- te2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DirectionDetector.po2.11 years861
- tl2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DirectionDetector.po2.11 years956
- tr2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DirectionDetector.po2.11 years861
- uk2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DirectionDetector.po2.11 years1,080
- ur_PK2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DirectionDetector.po2.11 years876
- vi2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DirectionDetector.po2.11 years858
- zh2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DirectionDetector.po2.11 years855
- zh_CN2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DirectionDetector.po2.11 years959
- zh_TW2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DirectionDetector.po2.11 years870
- README5.44 years277
- DirectMessagecurrent
- actions1.7 days
- apidirectmessage.php1.7 days15,042
- apidirectmessagenew.php1.7 days5,278
- inbox.php1.7 days2,784
- newmessage.php1.7 days5,228
- outbox.php1.7 days3,931
- showmessage.php1.7 days5,934
- classes1.7 days
- Message.php1.7 days7,002
- DirectMessagePlugin.php1.7 days8,216
- EVENTS.txt1.7 days683
- lib1.7 days
- inboxmessagelist.php5.70 years201
- inboxmessagelistitem.php1.7 days1,610
- mailboxaction.php5.13 years4,583
- mailboxmenu.php10.29 years2,490
- messagecommand.php1.7 days3,470
- messageform.php1.7 days6,632
- messagelist.php10.29 years2,909
- messagelistitem.php1.7 days6,761
- models1.7 days
- MessageModel.php1.7 days4,546
- localecurrent
- af2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DirectMessage.po2.11 years2,927
- ar2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DirectMessage.po2.11 years3,271
- arz2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DirectMessage.po2.11 years3,120
- ast2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DirectMessage.po2.11 years2,923
- be-tarask2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DirectMessage.po2.11 years3,150
- bg2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DirectMessage.po2.11 years2,922
- bn_IN2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DirectMessage.po2.11 years2,934
- br2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DirectMessage.po2.11 years3,005
- ca2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DirectMessage.po2.11 years3,016
- cs2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DirectMessage.po2.11 years2,982
- da2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DirectMessage.po2.11 years2,923
- de2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DirectMessage.po2.11 years3,013
- DirectMessage.potcurrent5,230
- el2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DirectMessage.po2.11 years2,918
- en_GB1.7 days
- LC_MESSAGES1.7 days
- DirectMessage.po1.7 days3,276
- eo2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DirectMessage.po2.11 years2,927
- es2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DirectMessage.po2.11 years3,433
- eu2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DirectMessage.po2.11 years2,996
- fa2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DirectMessage.po2.11 years2,901
- fi2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DirectMessage.po2.11 years2,928
- fr2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DirectMessage.po2.11 years3,246
- fur2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DirectMessage.po2.11 years2,990
- gl2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DirectMessage.po2.11 years3,029
- he2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DirectMessage.po2.11 years2,933
- hsb2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DirectMessage.po2.11 years3,044
- hu2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DirectMessage.po2.11 years2,933
- hy_AM2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DirectMessage.po2.11 years2,937
- ia2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DirectMessage.po2.11 years3,028
- id2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DirectMessage.po2.11 years2,937
- io2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DirectMessage.po2.11 years3,406
- is2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DirectMessage.po2.11 years2,944
- it2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DirectMessage.po2.11 years3,091
- ja2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DirectMessage.po2.11 years2,903
- ka2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DirectMessage.po2.11 years2,912
- ko2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DirectMessage.po2.11 years2,898
- ksh2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DirectMessage.po2.11 years2,969
- lb2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DirectMessage.po2.11 years2,926
- lt2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DirectMessage.po2.11 years3,019
- lv2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DirectMessage.po2.11 years2,996
- mg2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DirectMessage.po2.11 years2,935
- mk2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DirectMessage.po2.11 years3,084
- ml2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DirectMessage.po2.11 years2,943
- ms2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DirectMessage.po2.11 years2,885
- my2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DirectMessage.po2.11 years2,887
- nb2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DirectMessage.po2.11 years2,934
- ne2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DirectMessage.po2.11 years2,934
- nl2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DirectMessage.po2.11 years3,002
- nn2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DirectMessage.po2.11 years2,930
- pl2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DirectMessage.po2.11 years3,015
- pt2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DirectMessage.po2.11 years2,988
- pt_BR2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DirectMessage.po2.11 years2,946
- ro_RO2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DirectMessage.po2.11 years3,004
- ru2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DirectMessage.po2.11 years3,131
- sl2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DirectMessage.po2.11 years3,026
- sr-ec2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DirectMessage.po2.11 years3,032
- sv2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DirectMessage.po2.11 years3,199
- ta2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DirectMessage.po2.11 years2,933
- te2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DirectMessage.po2.11 years2,952
- tl2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DirectMessage.po2.11 years3,017
- tr2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DirectMessage.po2.11 years2,926
- uk2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DirectMessage.po2.11 years3,466
- ur_PK2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DirectMessage.po2.11 years2,946
- vi2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DirectMessage.po2.11 years2,890
- zh2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DirectMessage.po2.11 years2,887
- zh_CN2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DirectMessage.po2.11 years2,913
- zh_TW2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DirectMessage.po2.11 years2,902
- README1.7 days1,131
- Directorycurrent
- actions1.7 days
- groupdirectory.php1.7 days10,927
- userdirectory.php2.11 years10,478
- DirectoryPlugin.php1.7 days7,511
- lib2.20 years
- alphanav.php10.20 years4,437
- sortablegrouplist.php2.20 years8,811
- sortablesubscriptionlist.php2.20 years7,003
- localecurrent
- af2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Directory.po2.11 years5,266
- ar2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Directory.po2.11 years6,865
- arz2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Directory.po2.11 years5,459
- ast2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Directory.po2.11 years5,215
- be-tarask2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Directory.po2.11 years5,471
- bg2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Directory.po2.11 years5,381
- bn_IN2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Directory.po2.11 years5,211
- br2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Directory.po2.11 years5,369
- ca2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Directory.po2.11 years6,245
- cs2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Directory.po2.11 years6,420
- da2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Directory.po2.11 years5,256
- de2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Directory.po2.11 years6,426
- Directory.potcurrent5,048
- el2.11 years
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- Directory.po2.11 years5,221
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- Directory.po2.11 years6,155
- eo2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Directory.po2.11 years5,297
- es2.11 years
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- Directory.po2.11 years6,463
- eu2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Directory.po2.11 years6,268
- fa2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
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- fi2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Directory.po2.11 years5,493
- fr2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Directory.po2.11 years6,426
- fur2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Directory.po2.11 years5,465
- gl2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Directory.po2.11 years6,334
- he2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Directory.po2.11 years5,312
- hsb2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Directory.po2.11 years5,375
- hu2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Directory.po2.11 years5,410
- hy_AM2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Directory.po2.11 years5,214
- ia2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Directory.po2.11 years6,315
- id2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Directory.po2.11 years5,277
- io2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Directory.po2.11 years6,162
- is2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Directory.po2.11 years5,264
- it2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Directory.po2.11 years6,221
- ja2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Directory.po2.11 years6,266
- ka2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Directory.po2.11 years5,439
- ko2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Directory.po2.11 years5,502
- ksh2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Directory.po2.11 years5,235
- lb2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Directory.po2.11 years5,218
- lt2.11 years
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- Directory.po2.11 years5,263
- lv2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Directory.po2.11 years5,247
- mg2.11 years
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- Directory.po2.11 years5,212
- mk2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Directory.po2.11 years7,108
- ml2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Directory.po2.11 years5,544
- ms2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Directory.po2.11 years5,203
- my2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Directory.po2.11 years5,190
- nb2.11 years
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- Directory.po2.11 years5,487
- ne2.11 years
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- nl2.11 years
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- Directory.po2.11 years5,276
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- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Directory.po2.11 years5,362
- pt2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Directory.po2.11 years5,289
- pt_BR2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Directory.po2.11 years5,529
- ro_RO2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Directory.po2.11 years5,255
- ru2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Directory.po2.11 years5,848
- sl2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Directory.po2.11 years5,251
- sr-ec2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Directory.po2.11 years5,377
- sv2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Directory.po2.11 years5,722
- ta2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Directory.po2.11 years5,210
- te2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Directory.po2.11 years5,473
- tl2.11 years
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- Directory.po2.11 years6,595
- tr2.11 years
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- Directory.po2.11 years5,308
- uk2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Directory.po2.11 years7,323
- ur_PK2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Directory.po2.11 years5,240
- vi2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Directory.po2.11 years5,226
- zh2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Directory.po2.11 years5,190
- zh_CN2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Directory.po2.11 years5,309
- zh_TW2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Directory.po2.11 years5,271
- README5.44 years311
- DiskCachecurrent
- DiskCachePlugin.php1.7 days5,177
- localecurrent
- af2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DiskCache.po2.11 years846
- ar2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DiskCache.po2.11 years926
- arz2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DiskCache.po2.11 years940
- ast2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DiskCache.po2.11 years847
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- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DiskCache.po2.11 years1,148
- bg2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DiskCache.po2.11 years846
- bn_IN2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DiskCache.po2.11 years858
- br2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DiskCache.po2.11 years930
- ca2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DiskCache.po2.11 years928
- cs2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DiskCache.po2.11 years869
- da2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DiskCache.po2.11 years843
- de2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DiskCache.po2.11 years932
- DiskCache.potcurrent711
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- DiskCache.po2.11 years842
- en_GB2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DiskCache.po2.11 years961
- eo2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DiskCache.po2.11 years846
- es2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DiskCache.po2.11 years984
- eu2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DiskCache.po2.11 years912
- fa2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DiskCache.po2.11 years837
- fi2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DiskCache.po2.11 years929
- fr2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DiskCache.po2.11 years950
- fur2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DiskCache.po2.11 years847
- gl2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DiskCache.po2.11 years939
- he2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DiskCache.po2.11 years931
- hsb2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DiskCache.po2.11 years904
- hu2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DiskCache.po2.11 years846
- hy_AM2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DiskCache.po2.11 years861
- ia2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DiskCache.po2.11 years930
- id2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DiskCache.po2.11 years955
- io2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DiskCache.po2.11 years1,001
- is2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DiskCache.po2.11 years868
- it2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DiskCache.po2.11 years929
- ja2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DiskCache.po2.11 years838
- ka2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DiskCache.po2.11 years838
- ko2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DiskCache.po2.11 years836
- ksh2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DiskCache.po2.11 years867
- lb2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DiskCache.po2.11 years850
- lt2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DiskCache.po2.11 years910
- lv2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DiskCache.po2.11 years894
- mg2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DiskCache.po2.11 years859
- mk2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DiskCache.po2.11 years1,006
- ml2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DiskCache.po2.11 years846
- ms2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DiskCache.po2.11 years835
- my2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DiskCache.po2.11 years837
- nb2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DiskCache.po2.11 years937
- ne2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DiskCache.po2.11 years858
- nl2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DiskCache.po2.11 years912
- nn2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DiskCache.po2.11 years854
- pl2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DiskCache.po2.11 years901
- pt2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DiskCache.po2.11 years936
- pt_BR2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DiskCache.po2.11 years941
- ro_RO2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DiskCache.po2.11 years902
- ru2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DiskCache.po2.11 years1,129
- sl2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DiskCache.po2.11 years898
- sr-ec2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DiskCache.po2.11 years918
- sv2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DiskCache.po2.11 years920
- ta2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DiskCache.po2.11 years857
- te2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DiskCache.po2.11 years843
- tl2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DiskCache.po2.11 years942
- tr2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DiskCache.po2.11 years843
- uk2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DiskCache.po2.11 years1,026
- ur_PK2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DiskCache.po2.11 years858
- vi2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DiskCache.po2.11 years840
- zh2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DiskCache.po2.11 years837
- zh_CN2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DiskCache.po2.11 years911
- zh_TW2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DiskCache.po2.11 years852
- README5.44 years302
- DomainStatusNetworkcurrent
- actions1.7 days
- globalapi.php1.7 days3,447
- globallogin.php2.23 years2,623
- globalrecover.php2.23 years2,379
- globalregister.php2.23 years2,792
- DomainStatusNetworkPlugin.php1.7 days8,537
- extlib5.23 years
- years84,232
- years2,629
- lib6.39 years
- domainstatusnetworkinstaller.php6.39 years9,799
- freeemail.php9.73 years17,442
- localecurrent
- af2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DomainStatusNetwork.po2.11 years866
- ar2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DomainStatusNetwork.po2.11 years946
- arz2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DomainStatusNetwork.po2.11 years960
- ast2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DomainStatusNetwork.po2.11 years867
- be-tarask2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DomainStatusNetwork.po2.11 years1,028
- bg2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DomainStatusNetwork.po2.11 years866
- bn_IN2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DomainStatusNetwork.po2.11 years878
- br2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DomainStatusNetwork.po2.11 years862
- ca2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DomainStatusNetwork.po2.11 years864
- cs2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DomainStatusNetwork.po2.11 years889
- da2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DomainStatusNetwork.po2.11 years863
- de2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DomainStatusNetwork.po2.11 years959
- DomainStatusNetwork.potcurrent731
- el2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DomainStatusNetwork.po2.11 years862
- en_GB2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DomainStatusNetwork.po2.11 years991
- eo2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DomainStatusNetwork.po2.11 years866
- es2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DomainStatusNetwork.po2.11 years1,064
- eu2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DomainStatusNetwork.po2.11 years953
- fa2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DomainStatusNetwork.po2.11 years857
- fi2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DomainStatusNetwork.po2.11 years864
- fr2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DomainStatusNetwork.po2.11 years962
- fur2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DomainStatusNetwork.po2.11 years867
- gl2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DomainStatusNetwork.po2.11 years976
- he2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DomainStatusNetwork.po2.11 years962
- hsb2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DomainStatusNetwork.po2.11 years924
- hu2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DomainStatusNetwork.po2.11 years866
- hy_AM2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DomainStatusNetwork.po2.11 years881
- ia2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DomainStatusNetwork.po2.11 years948
- id2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DomainStatusNetwork.po2.11 years860
- io2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DomainStatusNetwork.po2.11 years1,016
- is2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DomainStatusNetwork.po2.11 years888
- it2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DomainStatusNetwork.po2.11 years974
- ja2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DomainStatusNetwork.po2.11 years858
- ka2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DomainStatusNetwork.po2.11 years858
- ko2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DomainStatusNetwork.po2.11 years856
- ksh2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DomainStatusNetwork.po2.11 years887
- lb2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DomainStatusNetwork.po2.11 years870
- lt2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DomainStatusNetwork.po2.11 years930
- lv2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DomainStatusNetwork.po2.11 years914
- mg2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DomainStatusNetwork.po2.11 years879
- mk2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DomainStatusNetwork.po2.11 years1,012
- ml2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DomainStatusNetwork.po2.11 years866
- ms2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DomainStatusNetwork.po2.11 years855
- my2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DomainStatusNetwork.po2.11 years857
- nb2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DomainStatusNetwork.po2.11 years962
- ne2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DomainStatusNetwork.po2.11 years878
- nl2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DomainStatusNetwork.po2.11 years939
- nn2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DomainStatusNetwork.po2.11 years874
- pl2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DomainStatusNetwork.po2.11 years921
- pt2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DomainStatusNetwork.po2.11 years867
- pt_BR2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DomainStatusNetwork.po2.11 years881
- ro_RO2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DomainStatusNetwork.po2.11 years922
- ru2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DomainStatusNetwork.po2.11 years1,002
- sl2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DomainStatusNetwork.po2.11 years918
- sr-ec2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DomainStatusNetwork.po2.11 years938
- sv2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DomainStatusNetwork.po2.11 years1,053
- ta2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DomainStatusNetwork.po2.11 years877
- te2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DomainStatusNetwork.po2.11 years863
- tl2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DomainStatusNetwork.po2.11 years978
- tr2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DomainStatusNetwork.po2.11 years863
- uk2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DomainStatusNetwork.po2.11 years1,091
- ur_PK2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DomainStatusNetwork.po2.11 years878
- vi2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DomainStatusNetwork.po2.11 years860
- zh2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DomainStatusNetwork.po2.11 years857
- zh_CN2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DomainStatusNetwork.po2.11 years871
- zh_TW2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DomainStatusNetwork.po2.11 years872
- README5.44 years480
- scripts1.7 days
- installforemail.php1.7 days1,948
- proposesite.php1.7 days1,488
- sitefordomain.php1.7 days1,419
- DomainWhitelistcurrent
- DomainWhitelistPlugin.php1.7 days9,108
- forms1.7 days
- whitelistinvite.php1.7 days4,711
- localecurrent
- af2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DomainWhitelist.po2.11 years2,736
- ar2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DomainWhitelist.po2.11 years2,984
- arz2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DomainWhitelist.po2.11 years2,826
- ast2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DomainWhitelist.po2.11 years2,712
- be-tarask2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DomainWhitelist.po2.11 years2,889
- bg2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DomainWhitelist.po2.11 years2,828
- bn_IN2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DomainWhitelist.po2.11 years2,723
- br2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DomainWhitelist.po2.11 years2,815
- ca2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DomainWhitelist.po2.11 years3,036
- cs2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DomainWhitelist.po2.11 years2,841
- da2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DomainWhitelist.po2.11 years2,794
- de2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DomainWhitelist.po2.11 years3,159
- DomainWhitelist.potcurrent2,253
- el2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DomainWhitelist.po2.11 years2,707
- en_GB2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DomainWhitelist.po2.11 years3,120
- eo2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DomainWhitelist.po2.11 years2,778
- es2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DomainWhitelist.po2.11 years3,267
- eu2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DomainWhitelist.po2.11 years3,121
- fa2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DomainWhitelist.po2.11 years2,843
- fi2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DomainWhitelist.po2.11 years2,782
- fr2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DomainWhitelist.po2.11 years3,193
- fur2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DomainWhitelist.po2.11 years2,835
- gl2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DomainWhitelist.po2.11 years3,194
- he2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DomainWhitelist.po2.11 years2,739
- hsb2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DomainWhitelist.po2.11 years2,900
- hu2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DomainWhitelist.po2.11 years2,788
- hy_AM2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DomainWhitelist.po2.11 years2,726
- ia2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DomainWhitelist.po2.11 years3,136
- id2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DomainWhitelist.po2.11 years2,760
- io2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DomainWhitelist.po2.11 years3,175
- is2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DomainWhitelist.po2.11 years2,818
- it2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DomainWhitelist.po2.11 years3,128
- ja2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DomainWhitelist.po2.11 years2,907
- ka2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DomainWhitelist.po2.11 years2,927
- ko2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
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- ksh2.11 years
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- lb2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
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- lt2.11 years
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- lv2.11 years
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- ml2.11 years
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- ms2.11 years
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- my2.11 years
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- nb2.11 years
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- nl2.11 years
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- pt2.11 years
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- DomainWhitelist.po2.11 years3,211
- ro_RO2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DomainWhitelist.po2.11 years2,767
- ru2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DomainWhitelist.po2.11 years3,063
- sl2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DomainWhitelist.po2.11 years2,763
- sr-ec2.11 years
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- sv2.11 years
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- te2.11 years
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- tl2.11 years
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- tr2.11 years
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- DomainWhitelist.po2.11 years2,830
- uk2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
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- ur_PK2.11 years
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- vi2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DomainWhitelist.po2.11 years2,789
- zh2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
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- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DomainWhitelist.po2.11 years2,799
- zh_TW2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- DomainWhitelist.po2.11 years2,717
- README5.44 years366
- EmailAuthenticationcurrent
- EmailAuthenticationPlugin.php1.7 days2,541
- localecurrent
- af2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- EmailAuthentication.po2.11 years889
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- EmailAuthentication.po2.11 years969
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- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- EmailAuthentication.po2.11 years983
- ast2.11 years
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- EmailAuthentication.po2.11 years905
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- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- EmailAuthentication.po2.11 years901
- br2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- EmailAuthentication.po2.11 years999
- ca2.11 years
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- cs2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- EmailAuthentication.po2.11 years1,066
- da2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- EmailAuthentication.po2.11 years886
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- el2.11 years
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- eo2.11 years
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- EmailAuthentication.po2.11 years889
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- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
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- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- EmailAuthentication.po2.11 years880
- fi2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- EmailAuthentication.po2.11 years1,009
- fr2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
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- fur2.11 years
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- EmailAuthentication.po2.11 years890
- gl2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- EmailAuthentication.po2.11 years1,039
- he2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- EmailAuthentication.po2.11 years1,023
- hsb2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- EmailAuthentication.po2.11 years947
- hu2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- EmailAuthentication.po2.11 years889
- hy_AM2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- EmailAuthentication.po2.11 years904
- ia2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- EmailAuthentication.po2.11 years1,004
- id2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- EmailAuthentication.po2.11 years1,016
- io2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- EmailAuthentication.po2.11 years1,074
- is2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- EmailAuthentication.po2.11 years911
- it2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- EmailAuthentication.po2.11 years1,019
- ja2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- EmailAuthentication.po2.11 years1,016
- ka2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- EmailAuthentication.po2.11 years881
- ko2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- EmailAuthentication.po2.11 years879
- ksh2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- EmailAuthentication.po2.11 years925
- lb2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- EmailAuthentication.po2.11 years908
- lt2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- EmailAuthentication.po2.11 years953
- lv2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- EmailAuthentication.po2.11 years937
- mg2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- EmailAuthentication.po2.11 years902
- mk2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- EmailAuthentication.po2.11 years1,104
- ml2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- EmailAuthentication.po2.11 years889
- ms2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- EmailAuthentication.po2.11 years893
- my2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- EmailAuthentication.po2.11 years880
- nb2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- EmailAuthentication.po2.11 years1,007
- ne2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- EmailAuthentication.po2.11 years901
- nl2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- EmailAuthentication.po2.11 years1,003
- nn2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- EmailAuthentication.po2.11 years897
- pl2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- EmailAuthentication.po2.11 years1,071
- pt2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- EmailAuthentication.po2.11 years1,013
- pt_BR2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- EmailAuthentication.po2.11 years1,027
- ro_RO2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- EmailAuthentication.po2.11 years945
- ru2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- EmailAuthentication.po2.11 years1,260
- sl2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- EmailAuthentication.po2.11 years941
- sr-ec2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- EmailAuthentication.po2.11 years961
- sv2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- EmailAuthentication.po2.11 years1,118
- ta2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- EmailAuthentication.po2.11 years900
- te2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- EmailAuthentication.po2.11 years886
- tl2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- EmailAuthentication.po2.11 years1,033
- tr2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- EmailAuthentication.po2.11 years886
- uk2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- EmailAuthentication.po2.11 years1,193
- ur_PK2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- EmailAuthentication.po2.11 years901
- vi2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- EmailAuthentication.po2.11 years883
- zh2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- EmailAuthentication.po2.11 years880
- zh_CN2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- EmailAuthentication.po2.11 years964
- zh_TW2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- EmailAuthentication.po2.11 years895
- README5.44 years291
- EmailRegistrationcurrent
- actions2.23 years
- emailregister.php2.23 years14,596
- doc-src10.25 years
- welcome10.25 years462
- EmailRegistrationPlugin.php1.7 days6,000
- forms2.23 years
- confirmregistration.php2.23 years6,218
- emailregistration.php10.25 years3,477
- localecurrent
- af2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
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- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- EmailRegistration.po2.11 years7,787
- arz2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- EmailRegistration.po2.11 years6,558
- ast2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- EmailRegistration.po2.11 years6,171
- be-tarask2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- EmailRegistration.po2.11 years6,933
- bg2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- EmailRegistration.po2.11 years6,499
- bn_IN2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- EmailRegistration.po2.11 years6,182
- br2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- EmailRegistration.po2.11 years6,583
- ca2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- EmailRegistration.po2.11 years7,401
- cs2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- EmailRegistration.po2.11 years6,521
- da2.11 years
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- EmailRegistration.po2.11 years6,254
- de2.11 years
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- EmailRegistration.po2.11 years7,767
- el2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- EmailRegistration.po2.11 years6,298
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- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
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- eo2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- EmailRegistration.po2.11 years6,397
- es2.11 years
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- EmailRegistration.po2.11 years7,845
- eu2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
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- fa2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- EmailRegistration.po2.11 years6,562
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- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- EmailRegistration.po2.11 years6,525
- fr2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- EmailRegistration.po2.11 years7,808
- fur2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- EmailRegistration.po2.11 years6,466
- gl2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- EmailRegistration.po2.11 years7,761
- he2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- EmailRegistration.po2.11 years6,382
- hsb2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- EmailRegistration.po2.11 years6,539
- hu2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- EmailRegistration.po2.11 years6,572
- hy_AM2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- EmailRegistration.po2.11 years6,185
- ia2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- EmailRegistration.po2.11 years7,765
- id2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- EmailRegistration.po2.11 years6,383
- io2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- EmailRegistration.po2.11 years7,633
- is2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- EmailRegistration.po2.11 years6,423
- it2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- EmailRegistration.po2.11 years7,738
- ja2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- EmailRegistration.po2.11 years6,822
- ka2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- EmailRegistration.po2.11 years6,856
- ko2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- EmailRegistration.po2.11 years6,517
- ksh2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- EmailRegistration.po2.11 years6,191
- lb2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- EmailRegistration.po2.11 years6,174
- lt2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- EmailRegistration.po2.11 years6,234
- lv2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- EmailRegistration.po2.11 years6,218
- mg2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- EmailRegistration.po2.11 years6,221
- mk2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- EmailRegistration.po2.11 years8,786
- ml2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- EmailRegistration.po2.11 years7,148
- ms2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- EmailRegistration.po2.11 years6,159
- my2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- EmailRegistration.po2.11 years6,161
- nb2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- EmailRegistration.po2.11 years6,421
- ne2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- EmailRegistration.po2.11 years6,182
- nl2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- EmailRegistration.po2.11 years7,573
- nn2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- EmailRegistration.po2.11 years6,367
- pl2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- EmailRegistration.po2.11 years6,543
- pt2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- EmailRegistration.po2.11 years6,456
- pt_BR2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- EmailRegistration.po2.11 years7,698
- ro_RO2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- EmailRegistration.po2.11 years6,226
- ru2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- EmailRegistration.po2.11 years9,297
- sl2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- EmailRegistration.po2.11 years6,222
- sr-ec2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- EmailRegistration.po2.11 years6,614
- sv2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- EmailRegistration.po2.11 years7,102
- ta2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- EmailRegistration.po2.11 years6,181
- te2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- EmailRegistration.po2.11 years6,951
- tl2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- EmailRegistration.po2.11 years7,909
- tr2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- EmailRegistration.po2.11 years6,484
- uk2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- EmailRegistration.po2.11 years9,060
- ur_PK2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- EmailRegistration.po2.11 years6,297
- vi2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- EmailRegistration.po2.11 years6,286
- zh2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- EmailRegistration.po2.11 years6,161
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- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- EmailRegistration.po2.11 years6,432
- zh_TW2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- EmailRegistration.po2.11 years6,281
- mail-src10.21 years
- confirmemailreg10.21 years289
- README5.44 years692
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- registeremailuser.php1.7 days1,943
- EmailRemindercurrent
- classes1.7 days
- Email_reminder.php1.7 days5,208
- EmailReminderPlugin.php1.7 days6,282
- lib1.7 days
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- userinvitereminderhandler.php10.07 years5,030
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- arz2.11 years
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- EmailReminder.po2.11 years2,010
- ast2.11 years
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- EmailReminder.po2.11 years1,917
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- EmailReminder.po2.11 years2,078
- bg2.11 years
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- EmailReminder.po2.11 years1,916
- bn_IN2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- EmailReminder.po2.11 years1,928
- br2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- EmailReminder.po2.11 years1,912
- ca2.11 years
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- EmailReminder.po2.11 years2,049
- cs2.11 years
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- EmailReminder.po2.11 years1,939
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- de2.11 years
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- EmailReminder.po2.11 years2,312
- el2.11 years
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- EmailReminder.po2.11 years1,912
- EmailReminder.potcurrent1,857
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- eu2.11 years
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- fa2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- EmailReminder.po2.11 years1,907
- fi2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- EmailReminder.po2.11 years1,914
- fr2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- EmailReminder.po2.11 years2,321
- fur2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- EmailReminder.po2.11 years1,917
- gl2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- EmailReminder.po2.11 years2,267
- he2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- EmailReminder.po2.11 years1,913
- hsb2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- EmailReminder.po2.11 years1,974
- hu2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- EmailReminder.po2.11 years1,916
- hy_AM2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- EmailReminder.po2.11 years1,931
- ia2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- EmailReminder.po2.11 years2,325
- id2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- EmailReminder.po2.11 years1,910
- io2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- EmailReminder.po2.11 years2,355
- is2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- EmailReminder.po2.11 years1,938
- it2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- EmailReminder.po2.11 years2,302
- ja2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- EmailReminder.po2.11 years1,908
- ka2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- EmailReminder.po2.11 years1,908
- ko2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- EmailReminder.po2.11 years1,906
- ksh2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- EmailReminder.po2.11 years1,937
- lb2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- EmailReminder.po2.11 years1,920
- lt2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- EmailReminder.po2.11 years1,980
- lv2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- EmailReminder.po2.11 years1,964
- mg2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- EmailReminder.po2.11 years1,929
- mk2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- EmailReminder.po2.11 years2,655
- ml2.11 years
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- EmailReminder.po2.11 years1,916
- ms2.11 years
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- EmailReminder.po2.11 years1,905
- my2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- EmailReminder.po2.11 years1,907
- nb2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- EmailReminder.po2.11 years2,294
- ne2.11 years
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- EmailReminder.po2.11 years1,928
- nl2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- EmailReminder.po2.11 years2,312
- nn2.11 years
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- EmailReminder.po2.11 years1,924
- pl2.11 years
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- EmailReminder.po2.11 years1,971
- pt2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- EmailReminder.po2.11 years2,293
- pt_BR2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- EmailReminder.po2.11 years2,117
- ro_RO2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- EmailReminder.po2.11 years1,972
- ru2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- EmailReminder.po2.11 years2,052
- sl2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- EmailReminder.po2.11 years1,968
- sr-ec2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- EmailReminder.po2.11 years1,988
- sv2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- EmailReminder.po2.11 years2,359
- ta2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- EmailReminder.po2.11 years1,927
- te2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- EmailReminder.po2.11 years1,913
- tl2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- EmailReminder.po2.11 years2,287
- tr2.11 years
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- EmailReminder.po2.11 years1,913
- uk2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- EmailReminder.po2.11 years2,800
- ur_PK2.11 years
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- EmailReminder.po2.11 years1,928
- vi2.11 years
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- EmailReminder.po2.11 years1,910
- zh2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- EmailReminder.po2.11 years1,907
- zh_CN2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- EmailReminder.po2.11 years1,921
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- ExtendedProfile.po1.7 days9,305
- hu1.7 days
- LC_MESSAGES1.7 days
- ExtendedProfile.po1.7 days9,204
- hy_AM1.7 days
- LC_MESSAGES1.7 days
- ExtendedProfile.po1.7 days8,879
- ia1.7 days
- LC_MESSAGES1.7 days
- ExtendedProfile.po1.7 days9,859
- id1.7 days
- LC_MESSAGES1.7 days
- ExtendedProfile.po1.7 days9,032
- io1.7 days
- LC_MESSAGES1.7 days
- ExtendedProfile.po1.7 days9,988
- is1.7 days
- LC_MESSAGES1.7 days
- ExtendedProfile.po1.7 days9,167
- it1.7 days
- LC_MESSAGES1.7 days
- ExtendedProfile.po1.7 days9,876
- ja1.7 days
- LC_MESSAGES1.7 days
- ExtendedProfile.po1.7 days9,959
- ka1.7 days
- LC_MESSAGES1.7 days
- ExtendedProfile.po1.7 days9,460
- ko1.7 days
- LC_MESSAGES1.7 days
- ExtendedProfile.po1.7 days9,236
- ksh1.7 days
- LC_MESSAGES1.7 days
- ExtendedProfile.po1.7 days8,885
- lb1.7 days
- LC_MESSAGES1.7 days
- ExtendedProfile.po1.7 days8,879
- lt1.7 days
- LC_MESSAGES1.7 days
- ExtendedProfile.po1.7 days8,984
- lv1.7 days
- LC_MESSAGES1.7 days
- ExtendedProfile.po1.7 days8,912
- mg1.7 days
- LC_MESSAGES1.7 days
- ExtendedProfile.po1.7 days8,955
- mk1.7 days
- LC_MESSAGES1.7 days
- ExtendedProfile.po1.7 days10,587
- ml1.7 days
- LC_MESSAGES1.7 days
- ExtendedProfile.po1.7 days9,365
- ms1.7 days
- LC_MESSAGES1.7 days
- ExtendedProfile.po1.7 days8,884
- my1.7 days
- LC_MESSAGES1.7 days
- ExtendedProfile.po1.7 days8,879
- nb1.7 days
- LC_MESSAGES1.7 days
- ExtendedProfile.po1.7 days9,177
- ne1.7 days
- LC_MESSAGES1.7 days
- ExtendedProfile.po1.7 days8,876
- nl1.7 days
- LC_MESSAGES1.7 days
- ExtendedProfile.po1.7 days9,855
- nn1.7 days
- LC_MESSAGES1.7 days
- ExtendedProfile.po1.7 days9,137
- pl1.7 days
- LC_MESSAGES1.7 days
- ExtendedProfile.po1.7 days9,461
- pt1.7 days
- LC_MESSAGES1.7 days
- ExtendedProfile.po1.7 days9,218
- pt_BR1.7 days
- LC_MESSAGES1.7 days
- ExtendedProfile.po1.7 days9,432
- ro_RO1.7 days
- LC_MESSAGES1.7 days
- ExtendedProfile.po1.7 days8,920
- ru1.7 days
- LC_MESSAGES1.7 days
- ExtendedProfile.po1.7 days9,639
- sl1.7 days
- LC_MESSAGES1.7 days
- ExtendedProfile.po1.7 days8,916
- sr-ec1.7 days
- LC_MESSAGES1.7 days
- ExtendedProfile.po1.7 days9,242
- sv1.7 days
- LC_MESSAGES1.7 days
- ExtendedProfile.po1.7 days9,581
- ta1.7 days
- LC_MESSAGES1.7 days
- ExtendedProfile.po1.7 days8,875
- te1.7 days
- LC_MESSAGES1.7 days
- ExtendedProfile.po1.7 days9,979
- tl1.7 days
- LC_MESSAGES1.7 days
- ExtendedProfile.po1.7 days10,043
- tr1.7 days
- LC_MESSAGES1.7 days
- ExtendedProfile.po1.7 days9,351
- uk1.7 days
- LC_MESSAGES1.7 days
- ExtendedProfile.po1.7 days10,745
- ur_PK1.7 days
- LC_MESSAGES1.7 days
- ExtendedProfile.po1.7 days8,927
- vi1.7 days
- LC_MESSAGES1.7 days
- ExtendedProfile.po1.7 days9,138
- zh1.7 days
- LC_MESSAGES1.7 days
- ExtendedProfile.po1.7 days8,855
- zh_CN1.7 days
- LC_MESSAGES1.7 days
- ExtendedProfile.po1.7 days9,144
- zh_TW1.7 days
- LC_MESSAGES1.7 days
- ExtendedProfile.po1.7 days8,918
- README.md1.7 days468
- FeedPollercurrent
- FeedPollerPlugin.php1.7 days1,952
- lib1.7 days
- feedpoll.php1.7 days3,202
- feedpollqueuehandler.php1.94 years957
- localecurrent
- af2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- FeedPoller.po2.11 years848
- ar2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- FeedPoller.po2.11 years928
- arz2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- FeedPoller.po2.11 years942
- ast2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- FeedPoller.po2.11 years849
- be-tarask2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- FeedPoller.po2.11 years1,010
- bg2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- FeedPoller.po2.11 years848
- bn_IN2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- FeedPoller.po2.11 years860
- br2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- FeedPoller.po2.11 years844
- ca2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- FeedPoller.po2.11 years846
- cs2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- FeedPoller.po2.11 years871
- da2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- FeedPoller.po2.11 years845
- de2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- FeedPoller.po2.11 years845
- el2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- FeedPoller.po2.11 years844
- en_GB2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- FeedPoller.po2.11 years965
- eo2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- FeedPoller.po2.11 years848
- es2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- FeedPoller.po2.11 years1,005
- eu2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- FeedPoller.po2.11 years845
- fa2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- FeedPoller.po2.11 years839
- FeedPoller.potcurrent713
- fi2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- FeedPoller.po2.11 years846
- fr2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- FeedPoller.po2.11 years844
- fur2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- FeedPoller.po2.11 years849
- gl2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- FeedPoller.po2.11 years847
- he2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- FeedPoller.po2.11 years845
- hsb2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- FeedPoller.po2.11 years906
- hu2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- FeedPoller.po2.11 years848
- hy_AM2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- FeedPoller.po2.11 years863
- ia2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- FeedPoller.po2.11 years850
- id2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- FeedPoller.po2.11 years842
- io2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- FeedPoller.po2.11 years1,003
- is2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- FeedPoller.po2.11 years870
- it2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- FeedPoller.po2.11 years846
- ja2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- FeedPoller.po2.11 years840
- ka2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- FeedPoller.po2.11 years840
- ko2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- FeedPoller.po2.11 years838
- ksh2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- FeedPoller.po2.11 years869
- lb2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- FeedPoller.po2.11 years852
- lt2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- FeedPoller.po2.11 years912
- lv2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- FeedPoller.po2.11 years896
- mg2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- FeedPoller.po2.11 years846
- mk2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- FeedPoller.po2.11 years879
- ml2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- FeedPoller.po2.11 years848
- ms2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- FeedPoller.po2.11 years837
- my2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- FeedPoller.po2.11 years839
- nb2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- FeedPoller.po2.11 years856
- ne2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- FeedPoller.po2.11 years860
- nl2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- FeedPoller.po2.11 years844
- nn2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- FeedPoller.po2.11 years856
- pl2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- FeedPoller.po2.11 years903
- pt2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- FeedPoller.po2.11 years849
- pt_BR2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- FeedPoller.po2.11 years863
- ro_RO2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- FeedPoller.po2.11 years904
- ru2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- FeedPoller.po2.11 years984
- sl2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- FeedPoller.po2.11 years900
- sr-ec2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- FeedPoller.po2.11 years920
- sv2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- FeedPoller.po2.11 years846
- ta2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- FeedPoller.po2.11 years859
- te2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- FeedPoller.po2.11 years845
- tl2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- FeedPoller.po2.11 years845
- tr2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- FeedPoller.po2.11 years845
- uk2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- FeedPoller.po2.11 years1,112
- ur_PK2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- FeedPoller.po2.11 years860
- vi2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- FeedPoller.po2.11 years842
- zh2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- FeedPoller.po2.11 years839
- zh_CN2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- FeedPoller.po2.11 years853
- zh_TW2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- FeedPoller.po2.11 years854
- README4.21 years283
- scripts1.7 days
- pollfeed.php1.7 days2,076
- FetchRemotecurrent
- FetchRemotePlugin.php1.7 days4,610
- localecurrent
- FetchRemote.potcurrent718
- FFmpegcurrent
- FFmpegPlugin.php1.7 days5,330
- localecurrent
- en_GB1.7 days
- LC_MESSAGES1.7 days
- FFmpeg.po1.7 days954
- FFmpeg.potcurrent697
- pt1.7 days
- LC_MESSAGES1.7 days
- FFmpeg.po1.7 days856
- README.md1.7 days677
- FollowEveryonecurrent
- classes1.7 days
- User_followeveryone_prefs.php1.7 days3,712
- FollowEveryonePlugin.php1.7 days5,659
- localecurrent
- af2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- FollowEveryone.po2.11 years990
- ar2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- FollowEveryone.po2.11 years1,070
- arz2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- FollowEveryone.po2.11 years1,084
- ast2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- FollowEveryone.po2.11 years991
- be-tarask2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- FollowEveryone.po2.11 years1,152
- bg2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- FollowEveryone.po2.11 years990
- bn_IN2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- FollowEveryone.po2.11 years1,002
- br2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- FollowEveryone.po2.11 years1,017
- ca2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- FollowEveryone.po2.11 years1,096
- cs2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- FollowEveryone.po2.11 years1,013
- da2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- FollowEveryone.po2.11 years987
- de2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- FollowEveryone.po2.11 years1,105
- el2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- FollowEveryone.po2.11 years986
- en_GB2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- FollowEveryone.po2.11 years1,137
- eo2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- FollowEveryone.po2.11 years990
- es2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- FollowEveryone.po2.11 years1,135
- eu2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- FollowEveryone.po2.11 years1,115
- fa2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- FollowEveryone.po2.11 years981
- fi2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- FollowEveryone.po2.11 years1,017
- FollowEveryone.potcurrent800
- fr2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- FollowEveryone.po2.11 years1,118
- fur2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- FollowEveryone.po2.11 years991
- gl2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- FollowEveryone.po2.11 years1,096
- he2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- FollowEveryone.po2.11 years1,146
- hsb2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- FollowEveryone.po2.11 years1,048
- hu2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- FollowEveryone.po2.11 years990
- hy_AM2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- FollowEveryone.po2.11 years1,005
- ia2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- FollowEveryone.po2.11 years1,083
- id2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- FollowEveryone.po2.11 years1,043
- io2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- FollowEveryone.po2.11 years1,146
- is2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- FollowEveryone.po2.11 years1,012
- it2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- FollowEveryone.po2.11 years1,099
- ja2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- FollowEveryone.po2.11 years982
- ka2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- FollowEveryone.po2.11 years982
- ko2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- FollowEveryone.po2.11 years980
- ksh2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- FollowEveryone.po2.11 years1,011
- lb2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- FollowEveryone.po2.11 years994
- lt2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- FollowEveryone.po2.11 years1,054
- lv2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- FollowEveryone.po2.11 years1,038
- mg2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- FollowEveryone.po2.11 years988
- mk2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- FollowEveryone.po2.11 years1,187
- ml2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- FollowEveryone.po2.11 years990
- ms2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- FollowEveryone.po2.11 years979
- my2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- FollowEveryone.po2.11 years981
- nb2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- FollowEveryone.po2.11 years998
- ne2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- FollowEveryone.po2.11 years1,002
- nl2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- FollowEveryone.po2.11 years1,099
- nn2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- FollowEveryone.po2.11 years998
- pl2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- FollowEveryone.po2.11 years1,164
- pt2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- FollowEveryone.po2.11 years1,092
- pt_BR2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- FollowEveryone.po2.11 years1,152
- ro_RO2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- FollowEveryone.po2.11 years1,046
- ru2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- FollowEveryone.po2.11 years1,290
- sl2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- FollowEveryone.po2.11 years1,042
- sr-ec2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- FollowEveryone.po2.11 years1,062
- sv2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- FollowEveryone.po2.11 years1,168
- ta2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- FollowEveryone.po2.11 years1,001
- te2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- FollowEveryone.po2.11 years987
- tl2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- FollowEveryone.po2.11 years1,124
- tr2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- FollowEveryone.po2.11 years987
- uk2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- FollowEveryone.po2.11 years1,329
- ur_PK2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- FollowEveryone.po2.11 years1,002
- vi2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- FollowEveryone.po2.11 years984
- zh2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- FollowEveryone.po2.11 years981
- zh_CN2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- FollowEveryone.po2.11 years995
- zh_TW2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- FollowEveryone.po2.11 years996
- README5.44 years282
- ForceGroupcurrent
- ForceGroupPlugin.php1.7 days4,885
- localecurrent
- af2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ForceGroup.po2.11 years1,091
- ar2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ForceGroup.po2.11 years1,241
- arz2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ForceGroup.po2.11 years1,229
- ast2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ForceGroup.po2.11 years1,092
- be-tarask2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ForceGroup.po2.11 years1,342
- bg2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ForceGroup.po2.11 years1,091
- bn_IN2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ForceGroup.po2.11 years1,103
- br2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ForceGroup.po2.11 years1,158
- ca2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ForceGroup.po2.11 years1,150
- cs2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ForceGroup.po2.11 years1,161
- da2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ForceGroup.po2.11 years1,137
- de2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ForceGroup.po2.11 years1,305
- el2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ForceGroup.po2.11 years1,087
- en_GB2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ForceGroup.po2.11 years1,294
- eo2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ForceGroup.po2.11 years1,091
- es2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ForceGroup.po2.11 years1,353
- eu2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ForceGroup.po2.11 years1,154
- fa2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ForceGroup.po2.11 years1,149
- fi2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ForceGroup.po2.11 years1,140
- ForceGroup.potcurrent868
- fr2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ForceGroup.po2.11 years1,298
- fur2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ForceGroup.po2.11 years1,141
- gl2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ForceGroup.po2.11 years1,285
- he2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ForceGroup.po2.11 years1,349
- hsb2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ForceGroup.po2.11 years1,149
- hu2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ForceGroup.po2.11 years1,154
- hy_AM2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ForceGroup.po2.11 years1,106
- ia2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ForceGroup.po2.11 years1,284
- id2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ForceGroup.po2.11 years1,274
- io2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ForceGroup.po2.11 years1,339
- is2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ForceGroup.po2.11 years1,113
- it2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ForceGroup.po2.11 years1,299
- ja2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ForceGroup.po2.11 years1,152
- ka2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ForceGroup.po2.11 years1,245
- ko2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ForceGroup.po2.11 years1,141
- ksh2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ForceGroup.po2.11 years1,112
- lb2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ForceGroup.po2.11 years1,095
- lt2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ForceGroup.po2.11 years1,155
- lv2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ForceGroup.po2.11 years1,139
- mg2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ForceGroup.po2.11 years1,089
- mk2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ForceGroup.po2.11 years1,488
- ml2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ForceGroup.po2.11 years1,245
- ms2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ForceGroup.po2.11 years1,080
- my2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ForceGroup.po2.11 years1,082
- nb2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ForceGroup.po2.11 years1,144
- ne2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ForceGroup.po2.11 years1,103
- nl2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ForceGroup.po2.11 years1,276
- nn2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ForceGroup.po2.11 years1,099
- pl2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ForceGroup.po2.11 years1,201
- pt2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ForceGroup.po2.11 years1,295
- pt_BR2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ForceGroup.po2.11 years1,365
- ro_RO2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ForceGroup.po2.11 years1,147
- ru2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ForceGroup.po2.11 years1,323
- sl2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ForceGroup.po2.11 years1,143
- sr-ec2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ForceGroup.po2.11 years1,253
- sv2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ForceGroup.po2.11 years1,140
- ta2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ForceGroup.po2.11 years1,102
- te2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ForceGroup.po2.11 years1,203
- tl2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ForceGroup.po2.11 years1,327
- tr2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ForceGroup.po2.11 years1,135
- uk2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ForceGroup.po2.11 years1,580
- ur_PK2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ForceGroup.po2.11 years1,103
- vi2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ForceGroup.po2.11 years1,085
- zh2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ForceGroup.po2.11 years1,082
- zh_CN2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ForceGroup.po2.11 years1,134
- zh_TW2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ForceGroup.po2.11 years1,097
- README1.7 days744
- Geonamescurrent
- GeonamesPlugin.php1.7 days16,193
- localecurrent
- af2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Geonames.po2.11 years1,724
- ar2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Geonames.po2.11 years1,804
- arz2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Geonames.po2.11 years1,818
- ast2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Geonames.po2.11 years1,725
- be-tarask2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Geonames.po2.11 years1,886
- bg2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Geonames.po2.11 years1,724
- bn_IN2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Geonames.po2.11 years1,736
- br2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Geonames.po2.11 years1,943
- ca2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Geonames.po2.11 years2,027
- cs2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Geonames.po2.11 years1,747
- da2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Geonames.po2.11 years1,721
- de2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Geonames.po2.11 years2,035
- el2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
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- en_GB2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Geonames.po2.11 years2,039
- eo2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Geonames.po2.11 years1,886
- es2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Geonames.po2.11 years2,143
- eu2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Geonames.po2.11 years2,135
- fa2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Geonames.po2.11 years1,715
- fi2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Geonames.po2.11 years1,893
- fr2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Geonames.po2.11 years2,100
- fur2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Geonames.po2.11 years1,725
- Geonames.potcurrent1,580
- gl2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Geonames.po2.11 years2,064
- he2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Geonames.po2.11 years1,967
- hsb2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Geonames.po2.11 years1,782
- hu2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Geonames.po2.11 years1,724
- hy_AM2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Geonames.po2.11 years1,739
- ia2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Geonames.po2.11 years2,064
- id2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Geonames.po2.11 years1,883
- io2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Geonames.po2.11 years2,092
- is2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Geonames.po2.11 years1,746
- it2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Geonames.po2.11 years2,044
- ja2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Geonames.po2.11 years1,716
- ka2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Geonames.po2.11 years1,716
- ko2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Geonames.po2.11 years1,714
- ksh2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Geonames.po2.11 years1,745
- lb2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Geonames.po2.11 years1,728
- lt2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Geonames.po2.11 years1,788
- lv2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Geonames.po2.11 years1,772
- mg2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Geonames.po2.11 years1,722
- mk2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Geonames.po2.11 years2,312
- ml2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Geonames.po2.11 years1,724
- ms2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Geonames.po2.11 years1,713
- my2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Geonames.po2.11 years1,715
- nb2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Geonames.po2.11 years1,892
- ne2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Geonames.po2.11 years1,736
- nl2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Geonames.po2.11 years2,046
- nn2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Geonames.po2.11 years1,732
- pl2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Geonames.po2.11 years1,779
- pt2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Geonames.po2.11 years1,903
- pt_BR2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Geonames.po2.11 years1,948
- ro_RO2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Geonames.po2.11 years1,780
- ru2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Geonames.po2.11 years2,150
- sl2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Geonames.po2.11 years1,776
- sr-ec2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Geonames.po2.11 years1,796
- sv2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Geonames.po2.11 years2,027
- ta2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Geonames.po2.11 years1,735
- te2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Geonames.po2.11 years1,721
- tl2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Geonames.po2.11 years2,101
- tr2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Geonames.po2.11 years1,721
- uk2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Geonames.po2.11 years2,292
- ur_PK2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Geonames.po2.11 years1,736
- vi2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Geonames.po2.11 years1,718
- zh2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Geonames.po2.11 years1,715
- zh_CN2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Geonames.po2.11 years1,866
- zh_TW2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Geonames.po2.11 years1,730
- README5.44 years368
- GroupFavoritedcurrent
- actions1.7 days
- groupfavorited.php1.7 days3,221
- GroupFavoritedPlugin.php1.7 days3,159
- localecurrent
- af2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- GroupFavorited.po2.11 years1,478
- ar2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- GroupFavorited.po2.11 years1,633
- arz2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- GroupFavorited.po2.11 years1,572
- ast2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- GroupFavorited.po2.11 years1,479
- be-tarask2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- GroupFavorited.po2.11 years1,640
- bg2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- GroupFavorited.po2.11 years1,478
- bn_IN2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- GroupFavorited.po2.11 years1,490
- br2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- GroupFavorited.po2.11 years1,531
- ca2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- GroupFavorited.po2.11 years1,676
- cs2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- GroupFavorited.po2.11 years1,512
- da2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- GroupFavorited.po2.11 years1,475
- de2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- GroupFavorited.po2.11 years1,708
- el2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- GroupFavorited.po2.11 years1,474
- en_GB2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- GroupFavorited.po2.11 years1,697
- eo2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- GroupFavorited.po2.11 years1,478
- es2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- GroupFavorited.po2.11 years1,786
- eu2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- GroupFavorited.po2.11 years1,684
- fa2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- GroupFavorited.po2.11 years1,469
- fi2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- GroupFavorited.po2.11 years1,476
- fr2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- GroupFavorited.po2.11 years1,709
- fur2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- GroupFavorited.po2.11 years1,538
- gl2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- GroupFavorited.po2.11 years1,684
- GroupFavorited.potcurrent1,287
- he2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- GroupFavorited.po2.11 years1,475
- hsb2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- GroupFavorited.po2.11 years1,536
- hu2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- GroupFavorited.po2.11 years1,478
- hy_AM2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- GroupFavorited.po2.11 years1,493
- ia2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- GroupFavorited.po2.11 years1,666
- id2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- GroupFavorited.po2.11 years1,521
- io2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- GroupFavorited.po2.11 years1,748
- is2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- GroupFavorited.po2.11 years1,500
- it2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- GroupFavorited.po2.11 years1,681
- ja2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- GroupFavorited.po2.11 years1,470
- ka2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- GroupFavorited.po2.11 years1,470
- ko2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- GroupFavorited.po2.11 years1,468
- ksh2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- GroupFavorited.po2.11 years1,499
- lb2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- GroupFavorited.po2.11 years1,482
- lt2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- GroupFavorited.po2.11 years1,542
- lv2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- GroupFavorited.po2.11 years1,526
- mg2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- GroupFavorited.po2.11 years1,476
- mk2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- GroupFavorited.po2.11 years1,868
- ml2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- GroupFavorited.po2.11 years1,478
- ms2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- GroupFavorited.po2.11 years1,467
- my2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- GroupFavorited.po2.11 years1,469
- nb2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- GroupFavorited.po2.11 years1,486
- ne2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- GroupFavorited.po2.11 years1,490
- nl2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- GroupFavorited.po2.11 years1,693
- nn2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- GroupFavorited.po2.11 years1,486
- pl2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- GroupFavorited.po2.11 years1,533
- pt2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- GroupFavorited.po2.11 years1,479
- pt_BR2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- GroupFavorited.po2.11 years1,493
- ro_RO2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- GroupFavorited.po2.11 years1,534
- ru2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- GroupFavorited.po2.11 years1,707
- sl2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- GroupFavorited.po2.11 years1,530
- sr-ec2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- GroupFavorited.po2.11 years1,550
- sv2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- GroupFavorited.po2.11 years1,737
- ta2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- GroupFavorited.po2.11 years1,489
- te2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- GroupFavorited.po2.11 years1,745
- tl2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- GroupFavorited.po2.11 years1,770
- tr2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- GroupFavorited.po2.11 years1,718
- uk2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- GroupFavorited.po2.11 years1,920
- ur_PK2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- GroupFavorited.po2.11 years1,490
- vi2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- GroupFavorited.po2.11 years1,472
- zh2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- GroupFavorited.po2.11 years1,469
- zh_CN2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- GroupFavorited.po2.11 years1,483
- zh_TW2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- GroupFavorited.po2.11 years1,484
- README5.44 years240
- GroupPrivateMessagecurrent
- actions2.23 years
- groupinbox.php2.23 years5,963
- newgroupmessage.php2.23 years5,126
- showgroupmessage.php2.23 years5,475
- classes1.7 days
- Group_message.php1.7 days6,992
- Group_message_profile.php1.7 days5,413
- Group_privacy_settings.php7.91 years5,927
- forms1.7 days
- groupmessage.php1.7 days4,741
- GroupPrivateMessagePlugin.php1.7 days15,176
- lib7.07 years
- groupmessagecommand.php10.28 years2,632
- groupmessagelist.php10.28 years2,413
- groupmessagelistitem.php7.07 years4,152
- localecurrent
- af2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- GroupPrivateMessage.po2.11 years10,540
- ar2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- GroupPrivateMessage.po2.11 years13,225
- arz2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- GroupPrivateMessage.po2.11 years10,700
- ast2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- GroupPrivateMessage.po2.11 years10,472
- be-tarask2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- GroupPrivateMessage.po2.11 years10,867
- bg2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- GroupPrivateMessage.po2.11 years10,593
- bn_IN2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- GroupPrivateMessage.po2.11 years10,483
- br2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- GroupPrivateMessage.po2.11 years10,838
- ca2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- GroupPrivateMessage.po2.11 years12,148
- cs2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- GroupPrivateMessage.po2.11 years10,655
- da2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- GroupPrivateMessage.po2.11 years10,534
- de2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- GroupPrivateMessage.po2.11 years12,458
- el2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- GroupPrivateMessage.po2.11 years10,580
- en_GB2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- GroupPrivateMessage.po2.11 years12,118
- eo2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- GroupPrivateMessage.po2.11 years10,580
- es2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- GroupPrivateMessage.po2.11 years12,768
- eu2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- GroupPrivateMessage.po2.11 years12,304
- fa2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- GroupPrivateMessage.po2.11 years10,597
- fi2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- GroupPrivateMessage.po2.11 years10,563
- fr2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- GroupPrivateMessage.po2.11 years12,532
- fur2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- GroupPrivateMessage.po2.11 years10,639
- gl2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- GroupPrivateMessage.po2.11 years12,507
- GroupPrivateMessage.potcurrent9,774
- he2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- GroupPrivateMessage.po2.11 years10,615
- hsb2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- GroupPrivateMessage.po2.11 years10,677
- hu2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- GroupPrivateMessage.po2.11 years10,575
- hy_AM2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- GroupPrivateMessage.po2.11 years10,486
- ia2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- GroupPrivateMessage.po2.11 years12,457
- id2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- GroupPrivateMessage.po2.11 years10,536
- io2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- GroupPrivateMessage.po2.11 years12,279
- is2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- GroupPrivateMessage.po2.11 years10,527
- it2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- GroupPrivateMessage.po2.11 years12,547
- ja2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- GroupPrivateMessage.po2.11 years10,651
- ka2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- GroupPrivateMessage.po2.11 years10,685
- ko2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- GroupPrivateMessage.po2.11 years10,578
- ksh2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- GroupPrivateMessage.po2.11 years10,505
- lb2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- GroupPrivateMessage.po2.11 years10,475
- lt2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- GroupPrivateMessage.po2.11 years10,555
- lv2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- GroupPrivateMessage.po2.11 years10,532
- mg2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- GroupPrivateMessage.po2.11 years10,469
- mk2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- GroupPrivateMessage.po2.11 years13,682
- ml2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- GroupPrivateMessage.po2.11 years10,889
- ms2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- GroupPrivateMessage.po2.11 years10,447
- my2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- GroupPrivateMessage.po2.11 years10,449
- nb2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- GroupPrivateMessage.po2.11 years10,586
- ne2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- GroupPrivateMessage.po2.11 years10,483
- nl2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- GroupPrivateMessage.po2.11 years12,434
- nn2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- GroupPrivateMessage.po2.11 years10,521
- pl2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- GroupPrivateMessage.po2.11 years10,656
- pt2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- GroupPrivateMessage.po2.11 years10,852
- pt_BR2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- GroupPrivateMessage.po2.11 years10,623
- ro_RO2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- GroupPrivateMessage.po2.11 years10,540
- ru2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- GroupPrivateMessage.po2.11 years10,847
- sl2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- GroupPrivateMessage.po2.11 years10,549
- sr-ec2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- GroupPrivateMessage.po2.11 years10,723
- sv2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- GroupPrivateMessage.po2.11 years11,513
- ta2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- GroupPrivateMessage.po2.11 years10,482
- te2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- GroupPrivateMessage.po2.11 years10,942
- tl2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- GroupPrivateMessage.po2.11 years12,916
- tr2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- GroupPrivateMessage.po2.11 years10,586
- uk2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- GroupPrivateMessage.po2.11 years14,499
- ur_PK2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- GroupPrivateMessage.po2.11 years10,575
- vi2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- GroupPrivateMessage.po2.11 years10,508
- zh2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- GroupPrivateMessage.po2.11 years10,449
- zh_CN2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- GroupPrivateMessage.po2.11 years10,574
- zh_TW2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- GroupPrivateMessage.po2.11 years10,494
- README5.44 years257
- ImageMagickcurrent
- ImageMagickPlugin.php1.7 days3,008
- localecurrent
- ImageMagick.potcurrent704
- README1.7 days403
- Imapcurrent
- ImapPlugin.php1.7 days3,534
- lib10.23 years
- imapmailhandler.php10.26 years1,163
- imapmanager.php10.23 years4,040
- localecurrent
- af2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Imap.po2.11 years1,896
- ar2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Imap.po2.11 years1,976
- arz2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Imap.po2.11 years1,990
- ast2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Imap.po2.11 years1,897
- be-tarask2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Imap.po2.11 years2,058
- bg2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Imap.po2.11 years1,896
- bn_IN2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Imap.po2.11 years1,908
- br2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Imap.po2.11 years2,024
- ca2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Imap.po2.11 years2,077
- cs2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Imap.po2.11 years1,919
- da2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Imap.po2.11 years1,893
- de2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Imap.po2.11 years2,297
- el2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Imap.po2.11 years1,892
- en_GB2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Imap.po2.11 years2,280
- eo2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Imap.po2.11 years1,896
- es2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Imap.po2.11 years2,394
- eu2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Imap.po2.11 years2,260
- fa2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Imap.po2.11 years1,887
- fi2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Imap.po2.11 years1,894
- fr2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Imap.po2.11 years2,366
- fur2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Imap.po2.11 years1,954
- gl2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Imap.po2.11 years2,309
- he2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Imap.po2.11 years1,893
- hsb2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Imap.po2.11 years1,954
- hu2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Imap.po2.11 years1,896
- hy_AM2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Imap.po2.11 years1,911
- ia2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Imap.po2.11 years2,291
- id2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Imap.po2.11 years1,937
- Imap.potcurrent1,758
- io2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Imap.po2.11 years2,334
- is2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Imap.po2.11 years1,918
- it2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Imap.po2.11 years2,362
- ja2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Imap.po2.11 years1,888
- ka2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Imap.po2.11 years1,888
- ko2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Imap.po2.11 years1,886
- ksh2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Imap.po2.11 years1,917
- lb2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Imap.po2.11 years1,900
- lt2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Imap.po2.11 years1,960
- lv2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Imap.po2.11 years1,944
- mg2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Imap.po2.11 years1,894
- mk2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Imap.po2.11 years2,526
- ml2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Imap.po2.11 years1,896
- ms2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Imap.po2.11 years1,885
- my2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Imap.po2.11 years1,887
- nb2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Imap.po2.11 years2,287
- ne2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Imap.po2.11 years1,908
- nl2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Imap.po2.11 years2,317
- nn2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Imap.po2.11 years1,904
- pl2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Imap.po2.11 years1,951
- pt2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Imap.po2.11 years1,897
- pt_BR2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Imap.po2.11 years1,911
- ro_RO2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Imap.po2.11 years1,952
- ru2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Imap.po2.11 years2,801
- sl2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Imap.po2.11 years1,948
- sr-ec2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Imap.po2.11 years1,968
- sv1.7 days
- LC_MESSAGES1.7 days
- Imap.po1.7 days2,285
- ta2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Imap.po2.11 years1,907
- te2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Imap.po2.11 years1,893
- tl2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Imap.po2.11 years2,364
- tr2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Imap.po2.11 years1,893
- uk2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Imap.po2.11 years2,657
- ur_PK2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Imap.po2.11 years1,908
- vi2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Imap.po2.11 years1,890
- zh2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Imap.po2.11 years1,887
- zh_CN2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Imap.po2.11 years2,118
- zh_TW2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Imap.po2.11 years1,902
- README11.52 years1,178
- InfiniteScrollcurrent
- InfiniteScrollPlugin.php1.7 days2,299
- localecurrent
- InfiniteScroll.potcurrent964
- README10.22 years923
- InProcessCachecurrent
- InProcessCachePlugin.php1.7 days6,341
- localecurrent
- af2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- InProcessCache.po2.11 years838
- ar2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- InProcessCache.po2.11 years918
- arz2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- InProcessCache.po2.11 years932
- ast2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- InProcessCache.po2.11 years839
- be-tarask2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- InProcessCache.po2.11 years1,000
- bg2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- InProcessCache.po2.11 years838
- bn_IN2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- InProcessCache.po2.11 years850
- br2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- InProcessCache.po2.11 years834
- ca2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- InProcessCache.po2.11 years836
- cs2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- InProcessCache.po2.11 years861
- da2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- InProcessCache.po2.11 years835
- de2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- InProcessCache.po2.11 years894
- el2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- InProcessCache.po2.11 years834
- en_GB2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- InProcessCache.po2.11 years941
- eo2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- InProcessCache.po2.11 years838
- es2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- InProcessCache.po2.11 years961
- eu2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- InProcessCache.po2.11 years889
- fa2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- InProcessCache.po2.11 years829
- fi2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- InProcessCache.po2.11 years836
- fr2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- InProcessCache.po2.11 years910
- fur2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- InProcessCache.po2.11 years839
- gl2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- InProcessCache.po2.11 years898
- he2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- InProcessCache.po2.11 years906
- hsb2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- InProcessCache.po2.11 years896
- hu2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- InProcessCache.po2.11 years838
- hy_AM2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- InProcessCache.po2.11 years853
- ia2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- InProcessCache.po2.11 years900
- id2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- InProcessCache.po2.11 years832
- InProcessCache.potcurrent703
- io2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- InProcessCache.po2.11 years1,011
- is2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- InProcessCache.po2.11 years860
- it2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- InProcessCache.po2.11 years891
- ja2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- InProcessCache.po2.11 years830
- ka2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- InProcessCache.po2.11 years830
- ko2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- InProcessCache.po2.11 years828
- ksh2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- InProcessCache.po2.11 years859
- lb2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- InProcessCache.po2.11 years842
- lt2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- InProcessCache.po2.11 years902
- lv2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- InProcessCache.po2.11 years886
- mg2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- InProcessCache.po2.11 years836
- mk2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- InProcessCache.po2.11 years980
- ml2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- InProcessCache.po2.11 years838
- ms2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- InProcessCache.po2.11 years827
- my2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- InProcessCache.po2.11 years829
- nb2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- InProcessCache.po2.11 years846
- ne2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- InProcessCache.po2.11 years850
- nl2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- InProcessCache.po2.11 years884
- nn2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- InProcessCache.po2.11 years846
- pl2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- InProcessCache.po2.11 years893
- pt2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- InProcessCache.po2.11 years896
- pt_BR2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- InProcessCache.po2.11 years853
- ro_RO2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- InProcessCache.po2.11 years894
- ru2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- InProcessCache.po2.11 years1,082
- sl2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- InProcessCache.po2.11 years890
- sr-ec2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- InProcessCache.po2.11 years910
- sv2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- InProcessCache.po2.11 years836
- ta2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- InProcessCache.po2.11 years849
- te2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- InProcessCache.po2.11 years835
- tl2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- InProcessCache.po2.11 years903
- tr2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- InProcessCache.po2.11 years835
- uk2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- InProcessCache.po2.11 years1,001
- ur_PK2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- InProcessCache.po2.11 years850
- vi2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- InProcessCache.po2.11 years832
- zh2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- InProcessCache.po2.11 years829
- zh_CN2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- InProcessCache.po2.11 years891
- zh_TW2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- InProcessCache.po2.11 years844
- README5.44 years594
- LdapAuthenticationcurrent
- LdapAuthenticationPlugin.php1.7 days5,861
- localecurrent
- af2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- LdapAuthentication.po2.11 years1,584
- ar2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- LdapAuthentication.po2.11 years1,664
- arz2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- LdapAuthentication.po2.11 years1,678
- ast2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- LdapAuthentication.po2.11 years1,585
- be-tarask2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- LdapAuthentication.po2.11 years1,746
- bg2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- LdapAuthentication.po2.11 years1,584
- bn_IN2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- LdapAuthentication.po2.11 years1,596
- br2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- LdapAuthentication.po2.11 years1,580
- ca2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- LdapAuthentication.po2.11 years1,582
- cs2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- LdapAuthentication.po2.11 years1,607
- da2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- LdapAuthentication.po2.11 years1,581
- de2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- LdapAuthentication.po2.11 years1,938
- el2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- LdapAuthentication.po2.11 years1,580
- en_GB2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- LdapAuthentication.po2.11 years1,943
- eo2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- LdapAuthentication.po2.11 years1,584
- es2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- LdapAuthentication.po2.11 years2,081
- eu2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- LdapAuthentication.po2.11 years1,912
- fa2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- LdapAuthentication.po2.11 years1,575
- fi2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- LdapAuthentication.po2.11 years1,681
- fr2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- LdapAuthentication.po2.11 years1,940
- fur2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- LdapAuthentication.po2.11 years1,585
- gl2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- LdapAuthentication.po2.11 years1,929
- he2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- LdapAuthentication.po2.11 years1,689
- hsb2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- LdapAuthentication.po2.11 years1,642
- hu2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- LdapAuthentication.po2.11 years1,584
- hy_AM2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- LdapAuthentication.po2.11 years1,599
- ia2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- LdapAuthentication.po2.11 years1,934
- id2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- LdapAuthentication.po2.11 years1,755
- io2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- LdapAuthentication.po2.11 years1,973
- is2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- LdapAuthentication.po2.11 years1,606
- it2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- LdapAuthentication.po2.11 years1,916
- ja2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- LdapAuthentication.po2.11 years1,695
- ka2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- LdapAuthentication.po2.11 years1,576
- ko2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- LdapAuthentication.po2.11 years1,574
- ksh2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- LdapAuthentication.po2.11 years1,605
- lb2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- LdapAuthentication.po2.11 years1,588
- LdapAuthentication.potcurrent1,443
- lt2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- LdapAuthentication.po2.11 years1,648
- lv2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- LdapAuthentication.po2.11 years1,632
- mg2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- LdapAuthentication.po2.11 years1,582
- mk2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- LdapAuthentication.po2.11 years2,177
- ml2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- LdapAuthentication.po2.11 years1,584
- ms2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- LdapAuthentication.po2.11 years1,573
- my2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- LdapAuthentication.po2.11 years1,575
- nb2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- LdapAuthentication.po2.11 years1,708
- ne2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- LdapAuthentication.po2.11 years1,596
- nl2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- LdapAuthentication.po2.11 years1,939
- nn2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- LdapAuthentication.po2.11 years1,592
- pl2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- LdapAuthentication.po2.11 years1,639
- pt2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- LdapAuthentication.po2.11 years1,696
- pt_BR2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- LdapAuthentication.po2.11 years1,709
- ro_RO2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- LdapAuthentication.po2.11 years1,640
- ru2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- LdapAuthentication.po2.11 years1,902
- sl2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- LdapAuthentication.po2.11 years1,636
- sr-ec2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- LdapAuthentication.po2.11 years1,656
- sv2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- LdapAuthentication.po2.11 years1,802
- ta2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- LdapAuthentication.po2.11 years1,595
- te2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- LdapAuthentication.po2.11 years1,581
- tl2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- LdapAuthentication.po2.11 years1,966
- tr2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- LdapAuthentication.po2.11 years1,581
- uk2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- LdapAuthentication.po2.11 years2,203
- ur_PK2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- LdapAuthentication.po2.11 years1,596
- vi2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- LdapAuthentication.po2.11 years1,578
- zh2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- LdapAuthentication.po2.11 years1,575
- zh_CN2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- LdapAuthentication.po2.11 years1,665
- zh_TW2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- LdapAuthentication.po2.11 years1,590
- README10.23 years3,667
- LdapAuthorizationcurrent
- LdapAuthorizationPlugin.php1.7 days5,232
- localecurrent
- af2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- LdapAuthorization.po2.11 years1,358
- ar2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- LdapAuthorization.po2.11 years1,438
- arz2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- LdapAuthorization.po2.11 years1,452
- ast2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- LdapAuthorization.po2.11 years1,359
- be-tarask2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- LdapAuthorization.po2.11 years1,520
- bg2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- LdapAuthorization.po2.11 years1,358
- bn_IN2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- LdapAuthorization.po2.11 years1,370
- br2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- LdapAuthorization.po2.11 years1,354
- ca2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- LdapAuthorization.po2.11 years1,356
- cs2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- LdapAuthorization.po2.11 years1,381
- da2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- LdapAuthorization.po2.11 years1,355
- de2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- LdapAuthorization.po2.11 years1,647
- el2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- LdapAuthorization.po2.11 years1,354
- en_GB2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- LdapAuthorization.po2.11 years1,629
- eo2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- LdapAuthorization.po2.11 years1,358
- es2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- LdapAuthorization.po2.11 years1,772
- eu2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- LdapAuthorization.po2.11 years1,572
- fa2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- LdapAuthorization.po2.11 years1,349
- fi2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- LdapAuthorization.po2.11 years1,356
- fr2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- LdapAuthorization.po2.11 years1,643
- fur2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- LdapAuthorization.po2.11 years1,359
- gl2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- LdapAuthorization.po2.11 years1,620
- he2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- LdapAuthorization.po2.11 years1,463
- hsb2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- LdapAuthorization.po2.11 years1,416
- hu2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- LdapAuthorization.po2.11 years1,358
- hy_AM2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- LdapAuthorization.po2.11 years1,373
- ia2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- LdapAuthorization.po2.11 years1,605
- id2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- LdapAuthorization.po2.11 years1,557
- io2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- LdapAuthorization.po2.11 years1,678
- is2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- LdapAuthorization.po2.11 years1,380
- it2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- LdapAuthorization.po2.11 years1,633
- ja2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- LdapAuthorization.po2.11 years1,350
- ka2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- LdapAuthorization.po2.11 years1,350
- ko2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- LdapAuthorization.po2.11 years1,348
- ksh2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- LdapAuthorization.po2.11 years1,379
- lb2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- LdapAuthorization.po2.11 years1,362
- LdapAuthorization.potcurrent1,217
- lt2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- LdapAuthorization.po2.11 years1,422
- lv2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- LdapAuthorization.po2.11 years1,406
- mg2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- LdapAuthorization.po2.11 years1,356
- mk2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- LdapAuthorization.po2.11 years1,783
- ml2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- LdapAuthorization.po2.11 years1,358
- ms2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- LdapAuthorization.po2.11 years1,347
- my2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- LdapAuthorization.po2.11 years1,349
- nb2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- LdapAuthorization.po2.11 years1,480
- ne2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- LdapAuthorization.po2.11 years1,370
- nl2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- LdapAuthorization.po2.11 years1,649
- nn2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- LdapAuthorization.po2.11 years1,366
- pl2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- LdapAuthorization.po2.11 years1,413
- pt2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- LdapAuthorization.po2.11 years1,468
- pt_BR2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- LdapAuthorization.po2.11 years1,481
- ro_RO2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- LdapAuthorization.po2.11 years1,414
- ru2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- LdapAuthorization.po2.11 years1,670
- sl2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- LdapAuthorization.po2.11 years1,410
- sr-ec2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- LdapAuthorization.po2.11 years1,430
- sv2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- LdapAuthorization.po2.11 years1,598
- ta2.11 years
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- ta2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Mapstraction.po2.11 years1,969
- te2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Mapstraction.po2.11 years2,067
- tl2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Mapstraction.po2.11 years2,158
- tr2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Mapstraction.po2.11 years1,901
- uk2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Mapstraction.po2.11 years2,308
- ur_PK2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Mapstraction.po2.11 years1,898
- vi2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Mapstraction.po2.11 years1,901
- zh2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Mapstraction.po2.11 years1,840
- zh_CN2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Mapstraction.po2.11 years2,089
- zh_TW2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Mapstraction.po2.11 years1,870
- MapstractionPlugin.php1.7 days6,551
- README5.44 years527
- Memcachedcurrent
- localecurrent
- af2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Memcached.po2.11 years872
- ar2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Memcached.po2.11 years952
- arz2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Memcached.po2.11 years966
- ast2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Memcached.po2.11 years873
- be-tarask2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Memcached.po2.11 years1,034
- bg2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Memcached.po2.11 years872
- bn_IN2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Memcached.po2.11 years884
- br2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Memcached.po2.11 years868
- ca2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Memcached.po2.11 years870
- cs2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Memcached.po2.11 years895
- da2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Memcached.po2.11 years869
- de2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Memcached.po2.11 years983
- el2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Memcached.po2.11 years868
- en_GB2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Memcached.po2.11 years968
- eo2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Memcached.po2.11 years872
- es2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Memcached.po2.11 years1,074
- eu2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Memcached.po2.11 years972
- fa2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Memcached.po2.11 years863
- fi2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Memcached.po2.11 years979
- fr2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Memcached.po2.11 years989
- fur2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Memcached.po2.11 years873
- gl2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Memcached.po2.11 years996
- he2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Memcached.po2.11 years1,031
- hsb2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Memcached.po2.11 years930
- hu2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Memcached.po2.11 years872
- hy_AM2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Memcached.po2.11 years887
- ia2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Memcached.po2.11 years991
- id2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Memcached.po2.11 years995
- io2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Memcached.po2.11 years1,073
- is2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Memcached.po2.11 years894
- it2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Memcached.po2.11 years997
- ja2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Memcached.po2.11 years976
- ka2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Memcached.po2.11 years864
- ko2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Memcached.po2.11 years862
- ksh2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Memcached.po2.11 years893
- lb2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Memcached.po2.11 years876
- lt2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Memcached.po2.11 years936
- lv2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Memcached.po2.11 years920
- Memcached.potcurrent737
- mg2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Memcached.po2.11 years870
- mk2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Memcached.po2.11 years1,045
- ml2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Memcached.po2.11 years872
- ms2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Memcached.po2.11 years861
- my2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Memcached.po2.11 years863
- nb2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Memcached.po2.11 years981
- ne2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Memcached.po2.11 years884
- nl2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Memcached.po2.11 years969
- nn2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Memcached.po2.11 years880
- pl2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Memcached.po2.11 years927
- pt2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Memcached.po2.11 years996
- pt_BR2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Memcached.po2.11 years988
- ro_RO2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Memcached.po2.11 years928
- ru2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Memcached.po2.11 years1,168
- sl2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Memcached.po2.11 years924
- sr-ec2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Memcached.po2.11 years944
- sv2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Memcached.po2.11 years969
- ta2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Memcached.po2.11 years883
- te2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Memcached.po2.11 years869
- tl2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Memcached.po2.11 years988
- tr2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Memcached.po2.11 years869
- uk2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Memcached.po2.11 years1,108
- ur_PK2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Memcached.po2.11 years884
- vi2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Memcached.po2.11 years866
- zh2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Memcached.po2.11 years863
- zh_CN2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Memcached.po2.11 years971
- zh_TW2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Memcached.po2.11 years878
- MemcachedPlugin.php1.7 days9,312
- README1.7 days1,443
- MentionURLcurrent
- classes1.7 days
- Mention_url_profile.php1.7 days4,551
- lib5.72 years
- util.php5.72 years1,501
- localecurrent
- MentionURL.potcurrent701
- MentionURLPlugin.php1.7 days2,951
- README5.44 years214
- Meteorcurrent
- localecurrent
- af2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Meteor.po2.11 years1,170
- ar2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Meteor.po2.11 years1,250
- arz2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Meteor.po2.11 years1,264
- ast2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Meteor.po2.11 years1,171
- be-tarask2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Meteor.po2.11 years1,332
- bg2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Meteor.po2.11 years1,170
- bn_IN2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Meteor.po2.11 years1,182
- br2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Meteor.po2.11 years1,166
- ca2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Meteor.po2.11 years1,168
- cs2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Meteor.po2.11 years1,193
- da2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Meteor.po2.11 years1,167
- de2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Meteor.po2.11 years1,338
- el2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Meteor.po2.11 years1,166
- en_GB2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Meteor.po2.11 years1,350
- eo2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Meteor.po2.11 years1,170
- es2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Meteor.po2.11 years1,411
- eu2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Meteor.po2.11 years1,327
- fa2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Meteor.po2.11 years1,161
- fi2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Meteor.po2.11 years1,168
- fr2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Meteor.po2.11 years1,365
- fur2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Meteor.po2.11 years1,171
- gl2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Meteor.po2.11 years1,340
- he2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Meteor.po2.11 years1,167
- hsb2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Meteor.po2.11 years1,228
- hu2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Meteor.po2.11 years1,170
- hy_AM2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Meteor.po2.11 years1,185
- ia2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Meteor.po2.11 years1,339
- id2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Meteor.po2.11 years1,244
- io2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Meteor.po2.11 years1,390
- is2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Meteor.po2.11 years1,192
- it2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Meteor.po2.11 years1,379
- ja2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Meteor.po2.11 years1,162
- ka2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Meteor.po2.11 years1,162
- ko2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Meteor.po2.11 years1,160
- ksh2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Meteor.po2.11 years1,191
- lb2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Meteor.po2.11 years1,174
- lt2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Meteor.po2.11 years1,234
- lv2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Meteor.po2.11 years1,218
- Meteor.potcurrent1,035
- mg2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Meteor.po2.11 years1,168
- mk2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Meteor.po2.11 years1,464
- ml2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Meteor.po2.11 years1,170
- ms2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Meteor.po2.11 years1,159
- my2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Meteor.po2.11 years1,161
- nb2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Meteor.po2.11 years1,334
- ne2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Meteor.po2.11 years1,182
- nl2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Meteor.po2.11 years1,341
- nn2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Meteor.po2.11 years1,178
- pl2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Meteor.po2.11 years1,225
- pt2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Meteor.po2.11 years1,171
- pt_BR2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Meteor.po2.11 years1,185
- ro_RO2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Meteor.po2.11 years1,226
- ru2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Meteor.po2.11 years1,306
- sl2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Meteor.po2.11 years1,222
- sr-ec2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Meteor.po2.11 years1,242
- sv2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Meteor.po2.11 years1,434
- ta2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Meteor.po2.11 years1,166
- te2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Meteor.po2.11 years1,167
- tl2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Meteor.po2.11 years1,371
- tr2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Meteor.po2.11 years1,167
- uk2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Meteor.po2.11 years1,586
- ur_PK2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Meteor.po2.11 years1,182
- vi2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Meteor.po2.11 years1,164
- zh2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Meteor.po2.11 years1,161
- zh_CN2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Meteor.po2.11 years1,175
- zh_TW2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Meteor.po2.11 years1,176
- MeteorPlugin.php1.7 days6,159
- README.md1.7 days1,056
- Mobile5.44 years
- README5.44 years87
- WAP20Plugin.php6.12 years1,561
- MobileProfilecurrent
- localecurrent
- af2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- MobileProfile.po2.11 years1,398
- ar2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- MobileProfile.po2.11 years1,478
- arz2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- MobileProfile.po2.11 years1,492
- ast2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- MobileProfile.po2.11 years1,399
- be-tarask2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- MobileProfile.po2.11 years1,560
- bg2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- MobileProfile.po2.11 years1,398
- bn_IN2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- MobileProfile.po2.11 years1,410
- br2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- MobileProfile.po2.11 years1,394
- ca2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- MobileProfile.po2.11 years1,620
- ce2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- MobileProfile.po2.11 years1,674
- cs2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- MobileProfile.po2.11 years1,421
- da2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- MobileProfile.po2.11 years1,395
- de2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- MobileProfile.po2.11 years1,598
- el2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- MobileProfile.po2.11 years1,394
- en_GB2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- MobileProfile.po2.11 years1,628
- eo2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- MobileProfile.po2.11 years1,398
- es2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- MobileProfile.po2.11 years1,700
- eu2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- MobileProfile.po2.11 years1,591
- fa2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- MobileProfile.po2.11 years1,389
- fi2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- MobileProfile.po2.11 years1,396
- fr2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- MobileProfile.po2.11 years1,632
- fur2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- MobileProfile.po2.11 years1,612
- gl2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- MobileProfile.po2.11 years1,620
- he2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- MobileProfile.po2.11 years1,395
- hsb2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- MobileProfile.po2.11 years1,456
- hu2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- MobileProfile.po2.11 years1,398
- hy_AM2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- MobileProfile.po2.11 years1,413
- ia2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- MobileProfile.po2.11 years1,635
- id2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- MobileProfile.po2.11 years1,392
- io2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- MobileProfile.po2.11 years1,690
- is2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- MobileProfile.po2.11 years1,420
- it2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- MobileProfile.po2.11 years1,667
- ja2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- MobileProfile.po2.11 years1,390
- ka2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- MobileProfile.po2.11 years1,390
- ko2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- MobileProfile.po2.11 years1,388
- ksh2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- MobileProfile.po2.11 years1,419
- lb2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- MobileProfile.po2.11 years1,402
- lt2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- MobileProfile.po2.11 years1,462
- lv2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- MobileProfile.po2.11 years1,446
- mg2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- MobileProfile.po2.11 years1,396
- mk2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- MobileProfile.po2.11 years1,747
- ml2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- MobileProfile.po2.11 years1,398
- MobileProfile.potcurrent1,256
- ms2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- MobileProfile.po2.11 years1,387
- my2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- MobileProfile.po2.11 years1,389
- nb2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- MobileProfile.po2.11 years1,538
- ne2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- MobileProfile.po2.11 years1,410
- nl2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- MobileProfile.po2.11 years1,659
- nn2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- MobileProfile.po2.11 years1,406
- pl2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- MobileProfile.po2.11 years1,453
- pt2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- MobileProfile.po2.11 years1,399
- pt_BR2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- MobileProfile.po2.11 years1,413
- ro_RO2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- MobileProfile.po2.11 years1,454
- ru2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- MobileProfile.po2.11 years1,957
- sl2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- MobileProfile.po2.11 years1,450
- sr-ec2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- MobileProfile.po2.11 years1,470
- sv2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- MobileProfile.po2.11 years1,606
- ta2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- MobileProfile.po2.11 years1,394
- te2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- MobileProfile.po2.11 years1,395
- tl2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- MobileProfile.po2.11 years1,668
- tr2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- MobileProfile.po2.11 years1,395
- uk2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- MobileProfile.po2.11 years1,932
- ur_PK2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- MobileProfile.po2.11 years1,410
- vi2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- MobileProfile.po2.11 years1,392
- zh2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- MobileProfile.po2.11 years1,389
- zh_CN2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- MobileProfile.po2.11 years1,516
- zh_TW2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- MobileProfile.po2.11 years1,404
- MobileProfilePlugin.php1.7 days13,086
- README5.44 years391
- ModHelpercurrent
- localecurrent
- af2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ModHelper.po2.11 years872
- ar2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ModHelper.po2.11 years952
- arz2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ModHelper.po2.11 years966
- ast2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ModHelper.po2.11 years873
- be-tarask2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ModHelper.po2.11 years1,034
- bg2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ModHelper.po2.11 years872
- bn_IN2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ModHelper.po2.11 years884
- br2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ModHelper.po2.11 years868
- ca2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ModHelper.po2.11 years870
- cs2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ModHelper.po2.11 years895
- da2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ModHelper.po2.11 years869
- de2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ModHelper.po2.11 years983
- el2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ModHelper.po2.11 years868
- en_GB2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ModHelper.po2.11 years1,011
- eo2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ModHelper.po2.11 years872
- es2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ModHelper.po2.11 years1,084
- eu2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ModHelper.po2.11 years962
- fa2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ModHelper.po2.11 years863
- fi2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ModHelper.po2.11 years870
- fr2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ModHelper.po2.11 years1,000
- fur2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ModHelper.po2.11 years873
- gl2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ModHelper.po2.11 years974
- he2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ModHelper.po2.11 years982
- hsb2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ModHelper.po2.11 years930
- hu2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ModHelper.po2.11 years872
- hy_AM2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ModHelper.po2.11 years887
- ia2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ModHelper.po2.11 years983
- id2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ModHelper.po2.11 years866
- io2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ModHelper.po2.11 years1,040
- is2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ModHelper.po2.11 years894
- it2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ModHelper.po2.11 years998
- ja2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ModHelper.po2.11 years864
- ka2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ModHelper.po2.11 years864
- ko2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ModHelper.po2.11 years862
- ksh2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ModHelper.po2.11 years893
- lb2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ModHelper.po2.11 years876
- lt2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ModHelper.po2.11 years936
- lv2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ModHelper.po2.11 years920
- mg2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ModHelper.po2.11 years870
- mk2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ModHelper.po2.11 years1,078
- ml2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ModHelper.po2.11 years872
- ModHelper.potcurrent737
- ms2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ModHelper.po2.11 years861
- my2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ModHelper.po2.11 years863
- nb2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ModHelper.po2.11 years880
- ne2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ModHelper.po2.11 years884
- nl2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ModHelper.po2.11 years980
- nn2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ModHelper.po2.11 years880
- pl2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ModHelper.po2.11 years927
- pt2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ModHelper.po2.11 years986
- pt_BR2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ModHelper.po2.11 years1,028
- ro_RO2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ModHelper.po2.11 years928
- ru2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ModHelper.po2.11 years1,194
- sl2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ModHelper.po2.11 years924
- sr-ec2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ModHelper.po2.11 years944
- sv2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ModHelper.po2.11 years1,065
- ta2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ModHelper.po2.11 years868
- te2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ModHelper.po2.11 years869
- tl2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ModHelper.po2.11 years999
- tr2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ModHelper.po2.11 years869
- uk2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ModHelper.po2.11 years1,189
- ur_PK2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ModHelper.po2.11 years884
- vi2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ModHelper.po2.11 years866
- zh2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ModHelper.po2.11 years863
- zh_CN2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ModHelper.po2.11 years877
- zh_TW2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ModHelper.po2.11 years878
- ModHelperPlugin.php1.7 days2,134
- README5.44 years270
- ModLogcurrent
- classes1.7 days
- ModLog.php1.7 days3,428
- localecurrent
- af2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ModLog.po2.11 years817
- ar2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ModLog.po2.11 years897
- arz2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ModLog.po2.11 years911
- ast2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ModLog.po2.11 years818
- be-tarask2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ModLog.po2.11 years979
- bg2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ModLog.po2.11 years817
- bn_IN2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ModLog.po2.11 years829
- br2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ModLog.po2.11 years813
- ca2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ModLog.po2.11 years815
- cs2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ModLog.po2.11 years840
- da2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ModLog.po2.11 years814
- de2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ModLog.po2.11 years814
- el2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ModLog.po2.11 years813
- en_GB2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ModLog.po2.11 years936
- eo2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ModLog.po2.11 years817
- es2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ModLog.po2.11 years1,004
- eu2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ModLog.po2.11 years814
- fa2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ModLog.po2.11 years808
- fi2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ModLog.po2.11 years815
- fr2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ModLog.po2.11 years939
- fur2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ModLog.po2.11 years818
- gl2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ModLog.po2.11 years816
- he2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ModLog.po2.11 years814
- hsb2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ModLog.po2.11 years875
- hu2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ModLog.po2.11 years817
- hy_AM2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ModLog.po2.11 years832
- ia2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ModLog.po2.11 years819
- id2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ModLog.po2.11 years811
- io2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ModLog.po2.11 years964
- is2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ModLog.po2.11 years839
- it2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ModLog.po2.11 years815
- ja2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ModLog.po2.11 years809
- ka2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ModLog.po2.11 years809
- ko2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ModLog.po2.11 years807
- ksh2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ModLog.po2.11 years838
- lb2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ModLog.po2.11 years821
- lt2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ModLog.po2.11 years881
- lv2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ModLog.po2.11 years865
- mg2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ModLog.po2.11 years815
- mk2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ModLog.po2.11 years848
- ml2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ModLog.po2.11 years817
- ModLog.potcurrent682
- ms2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ModLog.po2.11 years806
- my2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ModLog.po2.11 years808
- nb2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ModLog.po2.11 years825
- ne2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ModLog.po2.11 years829
- nl2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ModLog.po2.11 years813
- nn2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ModLog.po2.11 years825
- pl2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ModLog.po2.11 years872
- pt2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ModLog.po2.11 years818
- pt_BR2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ModLog.po2.11 years832
- ro_RO2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ModLog.po2.11 years873
- ru2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ModLog.po2.11 years953
- sl2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ModLog.po2.11 years869
- sr-ec2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ModLog.po2.11 years889
- sv2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ModLog.po2.11 years972
- ta2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ModLog.po2.11 years813
- te2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ModLog.po2.11 years814
- tl2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ModLog.po2.11 years814
- tr2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ModLog.po2.11 years814
- uk2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ModLog.po2.11 years1,033
- ur_PK2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ModLog.po2.11 years829
- vi2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ModLog.po2.11 years811
- zh2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ModLog.po2.11 years808
- zh_CN2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ModLog.po2.11 years822
- zh_TW2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ModLog.po2.11 years823
- ModLogPlugin.php1.7 days5,606
- README5.44 years227
- ModPluscurrent
- localecurrent
- af2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ModPlus.po2.11 years1,719
- ar2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ModPlus.po2.11 years1,799
- arz2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ModPlus.po2.11 years1,813
- ast2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ModPlus.po2.11 years1,720
- be-tarask2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ModPlus.po2.11 years1,881
- bg2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ModPlus.po2.11 years1,719
- bn_IN2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ModPlus.po2.11 years1,731
- br2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ModPlus.po2.11 years1,715
- ca2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ModPlus.po2.11 years1,883
- cs2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ModPlus.po2.11 years1,742
- da2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ModPlus.po2.11 years1,716
- de2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ModPlus.po2.11 years2,080
- el2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ModPlus.po2.11 years1,715
- en_GB2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ModPlus.po2.11 years2,073
- eo2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ModPlus.po2.11 years1,719
- es2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ModPlus.po2.11 years2,151
- eu2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ModPlus.po2.11 years2,046
- fa2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ModPlus.po2.11 years1,710
- fi2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ModPlus.po2.11 years1,717
- fr2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ModPlus.po2.11 years2,098
- fur2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ModPlus.po2.11 years1,784
- gl2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ModPlus.po2.11 years2,083
- he2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ModPlus.po2.11 years1,716
- hsb2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ModPlus.po2.11 years1,777
- hu2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ModPlus.po2.11 years1,719
- hy_AM2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ModPlus.po2.11 years1,734
- ia2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ModPlus.po2.11 years2,081
- id2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ModPlus.po2.11 years1,769
- io2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ModPlus.po2.11 years2,097
- is2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ModPlus.po2.11 years1,741
- it2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ModPlus.po2.11 years2,121
- ja2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ModPlus.po2.11 years1,711
- ka2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ModPlus.po2.11 years1,711
- ko2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ModPlus.po2.11 years1,709
- ksh2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ModPlus.po2.11 years1,740
- lb2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ModPlus.po2.11 years1,723
- lt2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ModPlus.po2.11 years1,783
- lv2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ModPlus.po2.11 years1,767
- mg2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ModPlus.po2.11 years1,717
- mk2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ModPlus.po2.11 years2,422
- ml2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ModPlus.po2.11 years1,719
- ModPlus.potcurrent823
- ms2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ModPlus.po2.11 years1,708
- my2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ModPlus.po2.11 years1,710
- nb2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ModPlus.po2.11 years1,727
- ne2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ModPlus.po2.11 years1,731
- nl2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ModPlus.po2.11 years2,106
- nn2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ModPlus.po2.11 years1,727
- pl2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ModPlus.po2.11 years1,774
- pt2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ModPlus.po2.11 years1,720
- pt_BR2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ModPlus.po2.11 years1,734
- ro_RO2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ModPlus.po2.11 years1,775
- ru2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ModPlus.po2.11 years1,855
- sl2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ModPlus.po2.11 years1,771
- sr-ec2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ModPlus.po2.11 years1,791
- sv2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ModPlus.po2.11 years2,085
- ta2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ModPlus.po2.11 years1,715
- te2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ModPlus.po2.11 years1,716
- tl2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ModPlus.po2.11 years2,144
- tr2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ModPlus.po2.11 years1,716
- uk2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ModPlus.po2.11 years2,417
- ur_PK2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ModPlus.po2.11 years1,731
- vi2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ModPlus.po2.11 years1,713
- zh2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ModPlus.po2.11 years1,710
- zh_CN2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ModPlus.po2.11 years1,724
- zh_TW2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ModPlus.po2.11 years1,725
- ModPlusPlugin.php1.7 days3,315
- README5.44 years222
- Mollomcurrent
- localecurrent
- af2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Mollom.po2.11 years857
- ar2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Mollom.po2.11 years937
- arz2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Mollom.po2.11 years951
- ast2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Mollom.po2.11 years858
- be-tarask2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Mollom.po2.11 years1,019
- bg2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Mollom.po2.11 years857
- bn_IN2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Mollom.po2.11 years869
- br2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Mollom.po2.11 years853
- ca2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Mollom.po2.11 years891
- cs2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Mollom.po2.11 years880
- da2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Mollom.po2.11 years854
- de2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Mollom.po2.11 years882
- el2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Mollom.po2.11 years853
- en_GB2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Mollom.po2.11 years934
- eo2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Mollom.po2.11 years857
- es2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Mollom.po2.11 years885
- eu2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Mollom.po2.11 years886
- fa2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Mollom.po2.11 years848
- fi2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Mollom.po2.11 years855
- fr2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Mollom.po2.11 years883
- fur2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Mollom.po2.11 years858
- gl2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Mollom.po2.11 years886
- he2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Mollom.po2.11 years885
- hsb2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Mollom.po2.11 years915
- hu2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Mollom.po2.11 years857
- hy_AM2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Mollom.po2.11 years872
- ia2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Mollom.po2.11 years888
- id2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Mollom.po2.11 years851
- io2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Mollom.po2.11 years965
- is2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Mollom.po2.11 years879
- it2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Mollom.po2.11 years893
- ja2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Mollom.po2.11 years903
- ka2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Mollom.po2.11 years849
- ko2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Mollom.po2.11 years847
- ksh2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Mollom.po2.11 years878
- lb2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Mollom.po2.11 years861
- lt2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Mollom.po2.11 years921
- lv2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Mollom.po2.11 years905
- mg2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Mollom.po2.11 years855
- mk2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Mollom.po2.11 years930
- ml2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Mollom.po2.11 years857
- Mollom.potcurrent719
- ms2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Mollom.po2.11 years846
- my2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Mollom.po2.11 years848
- nb2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Mollom.po2.11 years865
- ne2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Mollom.po2.11 years869
- nl2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Mollom.po2.11 years886
- nn2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Mollom.po2.11 years865
- pl2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Mollom.po2.11 years912
- pt2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Mollom.po2.11 years858
- pt_BR2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Mollom.po2.11 years943
- ro_RO2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Mollom.po2.11 years913
- ru2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Mollom.po2.11 years993
- sl2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Mollom.po2.11 years909
- sr-ec2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Mollom.po2.11 years929
- sv2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Mollom.po2.11 years887
- ta2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Mollom.po2.11 years853
- te2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Mollom.po2.11 years854
- tl2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Mollom.po2.11 years898
- tr2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Mollom.po2.11 years854
- uk2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Mollom.po2.11 years972
- ur_PK2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Mollom.po2.11 years869
- vi2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Mollom.po2.11 years851
- zh2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Mollom.po2.11 years848
- zh_CN2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Mollom.po2.11 years862
- zh_TW2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Mollom.po2.11 years863
- MollomPlugin.php1.7 days34,214
- README10.23 years629
- Nodeinfocurrent
- actions1.7 days
- nodeinfo_2_0.php1.7 days13,224
- nodeinfojrd.php1.93 years1,560
- classes1.7 days
- Usage_stats.php1.7 days2,870
- EVENTS.txt2.01 years145
- LICENSE4.87 years34,521
- localecurrent
- en_GB2.10 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.10 years
- Nodeinfo.po2.10 years1,003
- eo2.10 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.10 years
- Nodeinfo.po2.10 years998
- es2.10 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.10 years
- Nodeinfo.po2.10 years1,010
- Nodeinfo.potcurrent707
- pl2.10 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.10 years
- Nodeinfo.po2.10 years1,064
- pt2.10 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.10 years
- Nodeinfo.po2.10 years995
- pt_BR2.10 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.10 years
- Nodeinfo.po2.10 years1,010
- ru2.10 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.10 years
- Nodeinfo.po2.10 years1,058
- NodeinfoPlugin.php1.7 days6,606
- README.md1.93 years366
- scripts1.7 days
- fix_stats.php1.7 days3,536
- NoticeTitlecurrent
- classes6.43 years
- Notice_title.php6.43 years3,188
- localecurrent
- af2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- NoticeTitle.po2.11 years1,326
- ar2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- NoticeTitle.po2.11 years1,538
- arz2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- NoticeTitle.po2.11 years1,472
- ast2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- NoticeTitle.po2.11 years1,316
- be-tarask2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- NoticeTitle.po2.11 years1,516
- bg2.11 years
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- NoticeTitle.po2.11 years1,326
- bn_IN2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- NoticeTitle.po2.11 years1,327
- br2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- NoticeTitle.po2.11 years1,385
- ca2.11 years
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- cs2.11 years
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- NoticeTitle.po2.11 years1,362
- da2.11 years
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- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- NoticeTitle.po2.11 years1,313
- fr2.11 years
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- NoticeTitle.po2.11 years1,536
- fur2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- NoticeTitle.po2.11 years1,327
- gl2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- NoticeTitle.po2.11 years1,506
- he2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- NoticeTitle.po2.11 years1,589
- hsb2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- NoticeTitle.po2.11 years1,410
- hu2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- NoticeTitle.po2.11 years1,326
- hy_AM2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- NoticeTitle.po2.11 years1,330
- ia2.11 years
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- id2.11 years
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- ka2.11 years
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- NoticeTitle.po2.11 years1,305
- ko2.11 years
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- ksh2.11 years
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- lb2.11 years
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- NoticeTitle.po2.11 years1,319
- lt2.11 years
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- lv2.11 years
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- mg2.11 years
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- mk2.11 years
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- ml2.11 years
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- NoticeTitle.po2.11 years1,315
- ms2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- NoticeTitle.po2.11 years1,291
- my2.11 years
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- NoticeTitle.po2.11 years1,293
- nb2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- NoticeTitle.po2.11 years1,384
- ne2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- NoticeTitle.po2.11 years1,440
- nl2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- NoticeTitle.po2.11 years1,484
- nn2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- NoticeTitle.po2.11 years1,323
- NoticeTitle.potcurrent1,232
- pl2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- NoticeTitle.po2.11 years1,394
- pt2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- NoticeTitle.po2.11 years1,327
- pt_BR2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- NoticeTitle.po2.11 years1,341
- ro_RO2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- NoticeTitle.po2.11 years1,384
- ru2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- NoticeTitle.po2.11 years1,598
- sl2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- NoticeTitle.po2.11 years1,393
- sr-ec2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- NoticeTitle.po2.11 years1,400
- sv2.11 years
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- NoticeTitle.po2.11 years1,564
- ta2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- NoticeTitle.po2.11 years1,311
- te2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- NoticeTitle.po2.11 years1,323
- tl2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- NoticeTitle.po2.11 years1,534
- tr2.11 years
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- NoticeTitle.po2.11 years1,312
- uk2.11 years
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- vi2.11 years
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- NoticeTitle.po2.11 years1,330
- zh2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- NoticeTitle.po2.11 years1,293
- zh_CN2.11 years
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- NoticeTitle.po2.11 years1,366
- zh_TW2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- NoticeTitle.po2.11 years1,308
- NoticeTitlePlugin.php1.7 days9,780
- README5.44 years333
- OfflineBackupcurrent
- actions1.7 days
- offlinebackup.php1.7 days2,403
- lib1.7 days
- offlinebackupqueuehandler.php1.7 days11,280
- localecurrent
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- OfflineBackup.po2.11 years1,037
- ar2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OfflineBackup.po2.11 years1,117
- arz2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OfflineBackup.po2.11 years1,131
- ast2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OfflineBackup.po2.11 years1,038
- be-tarask2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OfflineBackup.po2.11 years1,199
- bg2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OfflineBackup.po2.11 years1,037
- bn_IN2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OfflineBackup.po2.11 years1,049
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- OfflineBackup.po2.11 years1,033
- ca2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
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- cs2.11 years
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- OfflineBackup.po2.11 years1,060
- da2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OfflineBackup.po2.11 years1,034
- de2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OfflineBackup.po2.11 years1,121
- el2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OfflineBackup.po2.11 years1,033
- en_GB2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OfflineBackup.po2.11 years1,159
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- es2.11 years
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- OfflineBackup.po2.11 years1,165
- eu2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OfflineBackup.po2.11 years1,034
- fa2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OfflineBackup.po2.11 years1,028
- fi2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OfflineBackup.po2.11 years1,035
- fr2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OfflineBackup.po2.11 years1,183
- fur2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OfflineBackup.po2.11 years1,038
- gl2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OfflineBackup.po2.11 years1,159
- he2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OfflineBackup.po2.11 years1,034
- hsb2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OfflineBackup.po2.11 years1,095
- hu2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OfflineBackup.po2.11 years1,037
- hy_AM2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OfflineBackup.po2.11 years1,052
- ia2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OfflineBackup.po2.11 years1,158
- id2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OfflineBackup.po2.11 years1,031
- io2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OfflineBackup.po2.11 years1,206
- is2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OfflineBackup.po2.11 years1,059
- it2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OfflineBackup.po2.11 years1,173
- ja2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OfflineBackup.po2.11 years1,029
- ka2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OfflineBackup.po2.11 years1,029
- ko2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OfflineBackup.po2.11 years1,027
- ksh2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OfflineBackup.po2.11 years1,058
- lb2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OfflineBackup.po2.11 years1,041
- lt2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OfflineBackup.po2.11 years1,101
- lv2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OfflineBackup.po2.11 years1,085
- mg2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OfflineBackup.po2.11 years1,035
- mk2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OfflineBackup.po2.11 years1,260
- ml2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OfflineBackup.po2.11 years1,037
- ms2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OfflineBackup.po2.11 years1,026
- my2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OfflineBackup.po2.11 years1,028
- nb2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OfflineBackup.po2.11 years1,045
- ne2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OfflineBackup.po2.11 years1,034
- nl2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OfflineBackup.po2.11 years1,115
- nn2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OfflineBackup.po2.11 years1,045
- OfflineBackup.potcurrent902
- pl2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OfflineBackup.po2.11 years1,092
- pt2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OfflineBackup.po2.11 years1,038
- pt_BR2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OfflineBackup.po2.11 years1,194
- ro_RO2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OfflineBackup.po2.11 years1,093
- ru2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OfflineBackup.po2.11 years1,173
- sl2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OfflineBackup.po2.11 years1,089
- sr-ec2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OfflineBackup.po2.11 years1,109
- sv2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OfflineBackup.po2.11 years1,228
- ta2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OfflineBackup.po2.11 years1,033
- te2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OfflineBackup.po2.11 years1,034
- tl2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OfflineBackup.po2.11 years1,190
- tr2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OfflineBackup.po2.11 years1,034
- uk2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OfflineBackup.po2.11 years1,355
- ur_PK2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OfflineBackup.po2.11 years1,049
- vi2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OfflineBackup.po2.11 years1,031
- zh2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OfflineBackup.po2.11 years1,028
- zh_CN2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OfflineBackup.po2.11 years1,042
- zh_TW2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OfflineBackup.po2.11 years1,043
- OfflineBackupPlugin.php1.7 days2,666
- README5.44 years246
- OpenExternalLinkTargetcurrent
- localecurrent
- af2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OpenExternalLinkTarget.po2.11 years875
- ar2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OpenExternalLinkTarget.po2.11 years1,092
- arz2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OpenExternalLinkTarget.po2.11 years969
- ast2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OpenExternalLinkTarget.po2.11 years876
- be-tarask2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OpenExternalLinkTarget.po2.11 years1,037
- bg2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OpenExternalLinkTarget.po2.11 years875
- bn_IN2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OpenExternalLinkTarget.po2.11 years887
- br2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OpenExternalLinkTarget.po2.11 years871
- ca2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OpenExternalLinkTarget.po2.11 years977
- cs2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OpenExternalLinkTarget.po2.11 years898
- da2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OpenExternalLinkTarget.po2.11 years872
- de2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OpenExternalLinkTarget.po2.11 years960
- el2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OpenExternalLinkTarget.po2.11 years871
- en_GB2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OpenExternalLinkTarget.po2.11 years1,007
- eo2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OpenExternalLinkTarget.po2.11 years875
- es2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OpenExternalLinkTarget.po2.11 years1,044
- eu2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
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- fa2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OpenExternalLinkTarget.po2.11 years866
- fi2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OpenExternalLinkTarget.po2.11 years873
- fr2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OpenExternalLinkTarget.po2.11 years986
- fur2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OpenExternalLinkTarget.po2.11 years876
- gl2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OpenExternalLinkTarget.po2.11 years974
- he2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OpenExternalLinkTarget.po2.11 years1,003
- hsb2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OpenExternalLinkTarget.po2.11 years933
- hu2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OpenExternalLinkTarget.po2.11 years875
- hy_AM2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OpenExternalLinkTarget.po2.11 years890
- ia2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OpenExternalLinkTarget.po2.11 years969
- id2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OpenExternalLinkTarget.po2.11 years869
- io2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OpenExternalLinkTarget.po2.11 years1,039
- is2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OpenExternalLinkTarget.po2.11 years897
- it2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OpenExternalLinkTarget.po2.11 years958
- ja2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OpenExternalLinkTarget.po2.11 years982
- ka2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OpenExternalLinkTarget.po2.11 years867
- ko2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OpenExternalLinkTarget.po2.11 years865
- ksh2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OpenExternalLinkTarget.po2.11 years896
- lb2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OpenExternalLinkTarget.po2.11 years879
- lt2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OpenExternalLinkTarget.po2.11 years939
- lv2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OpenExternalLinkTarget.po2.11 years923
- mg2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OpenExternalLinkTarget.po2.11 years873
- mk2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OpenExternalLinkTarget.po2.11 years1,042
- ml2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OpenExternalLinkTarget.po2.11 years875
- ms2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OpenExternalLinkTarget.po2.11 years864
- my2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OpenExternalLinkTarget.po2.11 years866
- nb2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OpenExternalLinkTarget.po2.11 years981
- ne2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OpenExternalLinkTarget.po2.11 years872
- nl2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OpenExternalLinkTarget.po2.11 years968
- nn2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OpenExternalLinkTarget.po2.11 years883
- OpenExternalLinkTarget.potcurrent740
- pl2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OpenExternalLinkTarget.po2.11 years930
- pt2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OpenExternalLinkTarget.po2.11 years972
- pt_BR2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OpenExternalLinkTarget.po2.11 years890
- ro_RO2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OpenExternalLinkTarget.po2.11 years931
- ru2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OpenExternalLinkTarget.po2.11 years1,151
- sl2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OpenExternalLinkTarget.po2.11 years927
- sr-ec2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OpenExternalLinkTarget.po2.11 years947
- sv2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OpenExternalLinkTarget.po2.11 years1,050
- ta2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OpenExternalLinkTarget.po2.11 years871
- te2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OpenExternalLinkTarget.po2.11 years872
- tl2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OpenExternalLinkTarget.po2.11 years997
- tr2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OpenExternalLinkTarget.po2.11 years872
- uk2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OpenExternalLinkTarget.po2.11 years1,099
- ur_PK2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OpenExternalLinkTarget.po2.11 years887
- vi2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OpenExternalLinkTarget.po2.11 years869
- zh2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OpenExternalLinkTarget.po2.11 years866
- zh_CN2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OpenExternalLinkTarget.po2.11 years973
- zh_TW2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OpenExternalLinkTarget.po2.11 years881
- OpenExternalLinkTargetPlugin.php1.7 days2,419
- README5.44 years261
- OpenIDcurrent
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- finishaddopenid.php1.7 days6,209
- finishopenidlogin.php2.11 years20,863
- finishsynchopenid.php1.7 days5,187
- openidadminpanel.php1.7 days8,109
- openidlogin.php2.20 years7,112
- openidserver.php1.7 days6,797
- openidsettings.php1.7 days15,455
- openidtrust.php5.13 years4,484
- publicxrds.php6.12 years2,304
- classes1.7 days
- User_openid.php5.40 years2,470
- User_openid_prefs.php1.7 days2,957
- User_openid_trustroot.php6.43 years1,519
- doc-src11.10 years
- openid11.10 years2,391
- extlib11.17 years
- README11.17 years215
- teams-extension.php11.17 years4,876
- lib1.7 days
- openiddbconn.php1.7 days5,812
- xrdsoutputter.php6.12 years2,877
- localecurrent
- af2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OpenID.po2.11 years21,043
- ar2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OpenID.po2.11 years26,847
- arz2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OpenID.po2.11 years21,185
- ast2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OpenID.po2.11 years20,879
- be-tarask2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OpenID.po2.11 years22,337
- bg2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OpenID.po2.11 years21,406
- bn_IN2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OpenID.po2.11 years20,875
- br2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OpenID.po2.11 years21,801
- ca2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OpenID.po2.11 years25,992
- cs2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OpenID.po2.11 years26,789
- da2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OpenID.po2.11 years21,067
- de2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OpenID.po2.11 years26,714
- el2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OpenID.po2.11 years21,089
- en_GB2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OpenID.po2.11 years26,789
- eo2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OpenID.po2.11 years21,264
- es2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OpenID.po2.11 years27,279
- eu2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OpenID.po2.11 years26,091
- fa2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OpenID.po2.11 years21,877
- fi2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OpenID.po2.11 years21,584
- fr2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OpenID.po2.11 years27,381
- fur2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OpenID.po2.11 years21,540
- gl2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OpenID.po2.11 years26,536
- he2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OpenID.po2.11 years21,207
- hsb2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OpenID.po2.11 years21,359
- hu2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OpenID.po2.11 years21,254
- hy_AM2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OpenID.po2.11 years20,878
- ia2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OpenID.po2.11 years26,523
- id2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OpenID.po2.11 years21,076
- io2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OpenID.po2.11 years25,928
- is2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OpenID.po2.11 years21,252
- it2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OpenID.po2.11 years26,687
- ja2.11 years
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- ka2.11 years
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- ko2.11 years
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- ksh2.11 years
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- lt2.11 years
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- lv2.11 years
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- mg2.11 years
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- ms2.11 years
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- nb2.11 years
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- ne2.11 years
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- OpenID.po2.11 years20,875
- nl2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OpenID.po2.11 years26,539
- nn2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OpenID.po2.11 years21,138
- OpenID.potcurrent21,492
- pl2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OpenID.po2.11 years21,645
- pt2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OpenID.po2.11 years23,156
- pt_BR2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OpenID.po2.11 years23,456
- ro_RO2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OpenID.po2.11 years20,919
- ru2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OpenID.po2.11 years24,447
- sl2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OpenID.po2.11 years20,915
- sr-ec2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OpenID.po2.11 years21,186
- sv2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OpenID.po2.11 years23,425
- ta2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OpenID.po2.11 years20,874
- te2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OpenID.po2.11 years22,307
- tl2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OpenID.po2.11 years27,377
- tr2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OpenID.po2.11 years22,242
- uk2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OpenID.po2.11 years30,003
- ur_PK2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OpenID.po2.11 years20,957
- vi2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OpenID.po2.11 years21,184
- zh2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OpenID.po2.11 years20,854
- zh_CN2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OpenID.po2.11 years21,660
- zh_TW2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OpenID.po2.11 years20,980
- openid.php1.7 days13,306
- OpenIDPlugin.php1.7 days26,938
- README5.44 years524
- OpportunisticQMcurrent
- actions1.7 days
- runqueue.php1.7 days1,822
- lib1.7 days
- opportunisticqueuemanager.php1.7 days5,262
- runqueuebadkeyexception.php7.66 years1,322
- runqueueoutofworkexception.php7.66 years1,311
- localecurrent
- af2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OpportunisticQM.po2.11 years860
- ar2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OpportunisticQM.po2.11 years940
- arz2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OpportunisticQM.po2.11 years954
- ast2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OpportunisticQM.po2.11 years861
- be-tarask2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OpportunisticQM.po2.11 years1,022
- bg2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OpportunisticQM.po2.11 years860
- bn_IN2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OpportunisticQM.po2.11 years872
- br2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OpportunisticQM.po2.11 years856
- ca2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OpportunisticQM.po2.11 years858
- cs2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OpportunisticQM.po2.11 years883
- da2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OpportunisticQM.po2.11 years857
- de2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OpportunisticQM.po2.11 years857
- el2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OpportunisticQM.po2.11 years856
- en_GB2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OpportunisticQM.po2.11 years984
- eo2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OpportunisticQM.po2.11 years860
- es2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OpportunisticQM.po2.11 years1,047
- eu2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OpportunisticQM.po2.11 years857
- fa2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OpportunisticQM.po2.11 years851
- fi2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OpportunisticQM.po2.11 years858
- fr2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OpportunisticQM.po2.11 years856
- fur2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OpportunisticQM.po2.11 years861
- gl2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OpportunisticQM.po2.11 years859
- he2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OpportunisticQM.po2.11 years857
- hsb2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OpportunisticQM.po2.11 years918
- hu2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OpportunisticQM.po2.11 years860
- hy_AM2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OpportunisticQM.po2.11 years875
- ia2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OpportunisticQM.po2.11 years862
- id2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OpportunisticQM.po2.11 years854
- io2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OpportunisticQM.po2.11 years854
- is2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OpportunisticQM.po2.11 years882
- it2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OpportunisticQM.po2.11 years858
- ja2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OpportunisticQM.po2.11 years852
- ka2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OpportunisticQM.po2.11 years852
- ko2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OpportunisticQM.po2.11 years850
- ksh2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OpportunisticQM.po2.11 years881
- lb2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OpportunisticQM.po2.11 years864
- lt2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OpportunisticQM.po2.11 years924
- lv2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OpportunisticQM.po2.11 years908
- mg2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OpportunisticQM.po2.11 years858
- mk2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OpportunisticQM.po2.11 years891
- ml2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OpportunisticQM.po2.11 years860
- ms2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OpportunisticQM.po2.11 years849
- my2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OpportunisticQM.po2.11 years851
- nb2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OpportunisticQM.po2.11 years868
- ne2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OpportunisticQM.po2.11 years857
- nl2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OpportunisticQM.po2.11 years856
- nn2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OpportunisticQM.po2.11 years868
- OpportunisticQM.potcurrent725
- pl2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OpportunisticQM.po2.11 years915
- pt2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OpportunisticQM.po2.11 years861
- pt_BR2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OpportunisticQM.po2.11 years875
- ro_RO2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OpportunisticQM.po2.11 years916
- ru2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OpportunisticQM.po2.11 years996
- sl2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OpportunisticQM.po2.11 years912
- sr-ec2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OpportunisticQM.po2.11 years932
- sv2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OpportunisticQM.po2.11 years858
- ta2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OpportunisticQM.po2.11 years856
- te2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OpportunisticQM.po2.11 years857
- tl2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OpportunisticQM.po2.11 years857
- tr2.11 years
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- OpportunisticQM.po2.11 years857
- uk2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OpportunisticQM.po2.11 years1,115
- ur_PK2.11 years
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- OpportunisticQM.po2.11 years872
- vi2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OpportunisticQM.po2.11 years854
- zh2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OpportunisticQM.po2.11 years851
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- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OpportunisticQM.po2.11 years865
- zh_TW2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OpportunisticQM.po2.11 years866
- OpportunisticQMPlugin.php1.7 days1,668
- README5.51 years1,230
- Orbitedcurrent
- localecurrent
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- Orbited.po2.11 years1,005
- ar2.11 years
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- Orbited.po2.11 years1,085
- arz2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Orbited.po2.11 years1,099
- ast2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Orbited.po2.11 years1,006
- be-tarask2.11 years
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- Orbited.po2.11 years1,167
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- Orbited.po2.11 years1,005
- bn_IN2.11 years
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- Orbited.po2.11 years1,017
- br2.11 years
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- ca2.11 years
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- cs2.11 years
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- Orbited.po2.11 years1,028
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- de2.11 years
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- eu2.11 years
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- fa2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Orbited.po2.11 years996
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- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Orbited.po2.11 years1,003
- fr2.11 years
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- fur2.11 years
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- Orbited.po2.11 years1,006
- gl2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
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- he2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
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- hsb2.11 years
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- Orbited.po2.11 years1,063
- hu2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Orbited.po2.11 years1,005
- hy_AM2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Orbited.po2.11 years1,020
- ia2.11 years
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- Orbited.po2.11 years1,122
- id2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Orbited.po2.11 years999
- io2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Orbited.po2.11 years1,066
- is2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Orbited.po2.11 years1,027
- it2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Orbited.po2.11 years1,118
- ja2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Orbited.po2.11 years997
- ka2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Orbited.po2.11 years997
- ko2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Orbited.po2.11 years995
- ksh2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Orbited.po2.11 years1,026
- lb2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Orbited.po2.11 years1,009
- lt2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Orbited.po2.11 years1,069
- lv2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Orbited.po2.11 years1,053
- mg2.11 years
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- mk2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Orbited.po2.11 years1,237
- ml2.11 years
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- ms2.11 years
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- Orbited.po2.11 years994
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- nb2.11 years
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- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
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- nn2.11 years
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- Orbited.po2.11 years1,013
- Orbited.potcurrent867
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- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
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- pt2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Orbited.po2.11 years1,006
- pt_BR2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Orbited.po2.11 years1,020
- ro_RO2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Orbited.po2.11 years1,061
- ru2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Orbited.po2.11 years1,141
- sl2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Orbited.po2.11 years1,057
- sr-ec2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Orbited.po2.11 years1,077
- sv2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Orbited.po2.11 years1,227
- ta2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Orbited.po2.11 years1,001
- te2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Orbited.po2.11 years1,002
- tl2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Orbited.po2.11 years1,138
- tr2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Orbited.po2.11 years1,002
- uk2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Orbited.po2.11 years1,288
- ur_PK2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Orbited.po2.11 years1,017
- vi2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Orbited.po2.11 years999
- zh2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
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- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Orbited.po2.11 years1,010
- zh_TW2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- Orbited.po2.11 years1,011
- OrbitedPlugin.php1.7 days5,267
- README5.44 years643
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- usersalmon.php5.29 years8,810
- classes1.7 days
- FeedSub.php1.7 days26,916
- HubSub.php1.7 days16,759
- Magicsig.php1.7 days11,158
- Ostatus_profile.php1.7 days71,018
- EVENTS.txt6.12 years664
- lib1.7 days
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- magicenvelope.php1.7 days17,266
- ostatusqueuehandler.php1.94 years13,450
- ostatusshadowexception.php5.47 years595
- pushinqueuehandler.php1.94 years2,079
- pushrenewqueuehandler.php1.94 years1,665
- salmon.php1.7 days2,700
- salmonaction.php1.7 days13,522
- salmonqueuehandler.php1.94 years1,496
- util.php1.7 days2,424
- localecurrent
- af2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OStatus.po2.11 years26,862
- ar2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OStatus.po2.11 years27,326
- arz2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OStatus.po2.11 years27,032
- ast2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OStatus.po2.11 years26,788
- be-tarask2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
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- OStatus.po2.11 years27,190
- bn_IN2.11 years
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- OStatus.po2.11 years26,784
- br2.11 years
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- OStatus.po2.11 years27,694
- ca2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OStatus.po2.11 years33,238
- cs2.11 years
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- da2.11 years
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- eo2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
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- es2.11 years
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- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OStatus.po2.11 years30,263
- fa2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OStatus.po2.11 years27,262
- fi2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OStatus.po2.11 years27,095
- fr2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OStatus.po2.11 years34,548
- fur2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OStatus.po2.11 years26,998
- gl2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OStatus.po2.11 years33,836
- he2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OStatus.po2.11 years27,130
- hsb2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OStatus.po2.11 years27,265
- hu2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OStatus.po2.11 years27,136
- hy_AM2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OStatus.po2.11 years26,787
- ia2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OStatus.po2.11 years33,476
- id2.11 years
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- OStatus.po2.11 years26,982
- io2.11 years
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- OStatus.po2.11 years26,983
- is2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OStatus.po2.11 years27,041
- it2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OStatus.po2.11 years27,214
- ja2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OStatus.po2.11 years27,388
- ka2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OStatus.po2.11 years27,366
- ko2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OStatus.po2.11 years33,093
- ksh2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OStatus.po2.11 years26,808
- lb2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OStatus.po2.11 years26,820
- lt2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OStatus.po2.11 years26,836
- lv2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OStatus.po2.11 years26,820
- mg2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OStatus.po2.11 years26,853
- mk2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OStatus.po2.11 years38,466
- ml2.11 years
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- OStatus.po2.11 years27,950
- ms2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OStatus.po2.11 years26,827
- my2.11 years
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- OStatus.po2.11 years26,763
- nb2.11 years
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- OStatus.po2.11 years27,125
- ne2.11 years
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- OStatus.po2.11 years26,784
- nl2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OStatus.po2.11 years34,271
- nn2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OStatus.po2.11 years26,961
- OStatus.potcurrent23,277
- pl2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OStatus.po2.11 years27,328
- pt2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OStatus.po2.11 years27,064
- pt_BR2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OStatus.po2.11 years27,266
- ro_RO2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OStatus.po2.11 years26,828
- ru2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- OStatus.po2.11 years27,830
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- fr2.11 years
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- fur2.11 years
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- gl2.11 years
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- he2.11 years
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- hsb2.11 years
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- hu2.11 years
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- PtitUrl.po2.11 years1,120
- hy_AM2.11 years
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- PtitUrl.po2.11 years1,135
- ia2.11 years
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- PtitUrl.po2.11 years1,293
- id2.11 years
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- io2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- PtitUrl.po2.11 years1,349
- is2.11 years
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- PtitUrl.po2.11 years1,142
- it2.11 years
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- PtitUrl.po2.11 years1,178
- ja2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- PtitUrl.po2.11 years1,208
- ka2.11 years
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- ko2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- PtitUrl.po2.11 years1,110
- ksh2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- PtitUrl.po2.11 years1,141
- lb2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- PtitUrl.po2.11 years1,124
- lt2.11 years
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- PtitUrl.po2.11 years1,184
- lv2.11 years
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- mg2.11 years
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- ml2.11 years
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- PtitUrl.po2.11 years1,120
- ms2.11 years
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- my2.11 years
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- nb2.11 years
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- ne2.11 years
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- PtitUrl.po2.11 years1,117
- nl2.11 years
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- PtitUrl.po2.11 years1,270
- nn2.11 years
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- pl2.11 years
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- PtitUrl.po2.11 years1,175
- pt2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- PtitUrl.po2.11 years1,209
- pt_BR2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- PtitUrl.po2.11 years1,350
- PtitUrl.potcurrent979
- ro_RO2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- PtitUrl.po2.11 years1,176
- ru2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- PtitUrl.po2.11 years1,370
- sl2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- PtitUrl.po2.11 years1,172
- sr-ec2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- PtitUrl.po2.11 years1,192
- sv2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- PtitUrl.po2.11 years1,364
- ta2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- PtitUrl.po2.11 years1,116
- te2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- PtitUrl.po2.11 years1,117
- tl2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- PtitUrl.po2.11 years1,294
- tr2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- PtitUrl.po2.11 years1,117
- uk2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- PtitUrl.po2.11 years1,420
- ur_PK2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- PtitUrl.po2.11 years1,132
- vi2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- PtitUrl.po2.11 years1,114
- zh2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- PtitUrl.po2.11 years1,111
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- PtitUrl.po2.11 years1,181
- zh_TW2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- PtitUrl.po2.11 years1,126
- PtitUrlPlugin.php1.7 days2,834
- README5.44 years312
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- QnA.po2.11 years11,643
- arz2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- QnA.po2.11 years10,982
- ast2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- QnA.po2.11 years10,738
- be-tarask2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- QnA.po2.11 years11,038
- bg2.11 years
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- QnA.po2.11 years10,816
- bn_IN2.11 years
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- QnA.po2.11 years10,937
- ca2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- QnA.po2.11 years12,181
- cs2.11 years
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- QnA.po2.11 years12,197
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- de2.11 years
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- QnA.po2.11 years12,006
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- QnA.po2.11 years12,055
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- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- QnA.po2.11 years10,779
- fi2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- QnA.po2.11 years10,765
- fr2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- QnA.po2.11 years12,172
- fur2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- QnA.po2.11 years10,765
- gl2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- QnA.po2.11 years12,219
- he2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- QnA.po2.11 years10,777
- hsb2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- QnA.po2.11 years10,883
- hu2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- QnA.po2.11 years10,776
- hy_AM2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- QnA.po2.11 years10,737
- ia2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- QnA.po2.11 years12,108
- id2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- QnA.po2.11 years10,796
- io2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- QnA.po2.11 years10,858
- is2.11 years
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- QnA.po2.11 years10,792
- it2.11 years
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- QnA.po2.11 years10,899
- ja2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- QnA.po2.11 years12,288
- ka2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- QnA.po2.11 years10,838
- ko2.11 years
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- QnA.po2.11 years10,742
- ksh2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- QnA.po2.11 years10,784
- lb2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- QnA.po2.11 years10,781
- lt2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- QnA.po2.11 years10,849
- lv2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- QnA.po2.11 years10,796
- mg2.11 years
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- QnA.po2.11 years10,745
- mk2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- QnA.po2.11 years13,219
- ml2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- QnA.po2.11 years10,880
- ms2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- QnA.po2.11 years10,765
- my2.11 years
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- QnA.po2.11 years10,711
- nb2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- QnA.po2.11 years10,828
- ne2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- QnA.po2.11 years10,734
- nl2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- QnA.po2.11 years12,171
- nn2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- QnA.po2.11 years10,775
- pl2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- QnA.po2.11 years11,076
- pt2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- QnA.po2.11 years10,849
- pt_BR2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- QnA.po2.11 years10,853
- QnA.potcurrent10,500
- ro_RO2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- QnA.po2.11 years10,804
- ru2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- QnA.po2.11 years11,131
- sl2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- QnA.po2.11 years10,826
- sr-ec2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- QnA.po2.11 years10,898
- sv2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- QnA.po2.11 years11,034
- ta2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- QnA.po2.11 years10,796
- te2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- QnA.po2.11 years10,882
- tl2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- QnA.po2.11 years12,231
- tr2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- QnA.po2.11 years10,830
- uk2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- QnA.po2.11 years13,462
- ur_PK2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- QnA.po2.11 years10,807
- vi2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- QnA.po2.11 years10,723
- zh2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- QnA.po2.11 years10,687
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- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- QnA.po2.11 years10,744
- zh_TW2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- QnA.po2.11 years10,717
- QnAPlugin.php1.7 days13,495
- README5.44 years147
- README.md2.12 years836
- RedisCachecurrent
- localecurrent
- RedisCache.potcurrent721
- README1.7 days802
- RedisCachePlugin.php1.7 days5,927
- RedisQueuecurrent
- classes1.7 days
- RedisQueueManager.php1.7 days1,798
- localecurrent
- RedisQueue.potcurrent719
- README.md1.7 days483
- RedisQueuePlugin.php1.7 days1,860
- RegisterThrottlecurrent
- actions5.43 years
- ipregistrations.php5.43 years1,229
- classes1.7 days
- Registration_ip.php1.7 days3,237
- localecurrent
- af2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- RegisterThrottle.po2.11 years1,476
- ar2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- RegisterThrottle.po2.11 years1,556
- arz2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- RegisterThrottle.po2.11 years1,570
- ast2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- RegisterThrottle.po2.11 years1,477
- be-tarask2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- RegisterThrottle.po2.11 years1,638
- bg2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- RegisterThrottle.po2.11 years1,476
- bn_IN2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- RegisterThrottle.po2.11 years1,488
- br2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- RegisterThrottle.po2.11 years1,472
- ca2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- RegisterThrottle.po2.11 years1,590
- cs2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- RegisterThrottle.po2.11 years1,499
- da2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- RegisterThrottle.po2.11 years1,473
- de2.11 years
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- RegisterThrottle.po2.11 years1,721
- el2.11 years
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- RegisterThrottle.po2.11 years1,472
- en_GB2.11 years
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- eo2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- RegisterThrottle.po2.11 years1,476
- es2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- RegisterThrottle.po2.11 years1,780
- eu2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- RegisterThrottle.po2.11 years1,473
- fa2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- RegisterThrottle.po2.11 years1,467
- fi2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- RegisterThrottle.po2.11 years1,474
- fr2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- RegisterThrottle.po2.11 years1,724
- fur2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- RegisterThrottle.po2.11 years1,477
- gl2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- RegisterThrottle.po2.11 years1,702
- he2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- RegisterThrottle.po2.11 years1,473
- hsb2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- RegisterThrottle.po2.11 years1,534
- hu2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- RegisterThrottle.po2.11 years1,476
- hy_AM2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- RegisterThrottle.po2.11 years1,491
- ia2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- RegisterThrottle.po2.11 years1,692
- id2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- RegisterThrottle.po2.11 years1,470
- io2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- RegisterThrottle.po2.11 years1,624
- is2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- RegisterThrottle.po2.11 years1,498
- it2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- RegisterThrottle.po2.11 years1,567
- ja2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- RegisterThrottle.po2.11 years1,468
- ka2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- RegisterThrottle.po2.11 years1,468
- ko2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- RegisterThrottle.po2.11 years1,466
- ksh2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- RegisterThrottle.po2.11 years1,497
- lb2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- RegisterThrottle.po2.11 years1,480
- lt2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- RegisterThrottle.po2.11 years1,540
- lv2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- RegisterThrottle.po2.11 years1,509
- mg2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- RegisterThrottle.po2.11 years1,474
- mk2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- RegisterThrottle.po2.11 years1,878
- ml2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- RegisterThrottle.po2.11 years1,476
- ms2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
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- my2.11 years
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- nb2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- RegisterThrottle.po2.11 years1,484
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- nl2.11 years
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- RegisterThrottle.po2.11 years1,720
- nn2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
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- pl2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- RegisterThrottle.po2.11 years1,531
- pt2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- RegisterThrottle.po2.11 years1,477
- pt_BR2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- RegisterThrottle.po2.11 years1,491
- RegisterThrottle.potcurrent1,332
- ro_RO2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- RegisterThrottle.po2.11 years1,532
- ru2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- RegisterThrottle.po2.11 years1,659
- sl2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- RegisterThrottle.po2.11 years1,528
- sr-ec2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- RegisterThrottle.po2.11 years1,548
- sv2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- RegisterThrottle.po2.11 years1,790
- ta2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- RegisterThrottle.po2.11 years1,472
- te2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- RegisterThrottle.po2.11 years1,473
- tl2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- RegisterThrottle.po2.11 years1,739
- tr2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- RegisterThrottle.po2.11 years1,473
- uk2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- RegisterThrottle.po2.11 years1,952
- ur_PK2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- RegisterThrottle.po2.11 years1,488
- vi2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- RegisterThrottle.po2.11 years1,470
- zh2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- RegisterThrottle.po2.11 years1,467
- zh_CN2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- RegisterThrottle.po2.11 years1,481
- zh_TW2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- RegisterThrottle.po2.11 years1,482
- README5.44 years751
- RegisterThrottlePlugin.php1.7 days10,807
- RemoteFollowcurrent
- actions1.7 days
- remotefollowinit.php1.7 days8,289
- remotefollowsub.php1.7 days12,073
- EVENTS.txt1.7 days541
- localecurrent
- en_GB1.7 days
- LC_MESSAGES1.7 days
- RemoteFollow.po1.7 days5,114
- pt1.7 days
- LC_MESSAGES1.7 days
- RemoteFollow.po1.7 days5,199
- RemoteFollow.potcurrent4,303
- README.md1.7 days1,474
- RemoteFollowPlugin.php1.7 days5,286
- RequireValidatedEmailcurrent
- actions2.23 years
- confirmfirstemail.php2.23 years7,103
- localecurrent
- af2.11 years
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- RequireValidatedEmail.po2.11 years3,794
- ar2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- RequireValidatedEmail.po2.11 years4,232
- arz2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- RequireValidatedEmail.po2.11 years3,938
- ast2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- RequireValidatedEmail.po2.11 years3,769
- be-tarask2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- RequireValidatedEmail.po2.11 years4,226
- bg2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- RequireValidatedEmail.po2.11 years3,946
- bn_IN2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- RequireValidatedEmail.po2.11 years3,780
- br2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- RequireValidatedEmail.po2.11 years4,021
- ca2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- RequireValidatedEmail.po2.11 years4,302
- cs2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- RequireValidatedEmail.po2.11 years3,954
- da2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- RequireValidatedEmail.po2.11 years3,864
- de2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- RequireValidatedEmail.po2.11 years4,444
- el2.11 years
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- RequireValidatedEmail.po2.11 years3,894
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- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- RequireValidatedEmail.po2.11 years4,443
- eo2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- RequireValidatedEmail.po2.11 years3,878
- es2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- RequireValidatedEmail.po2.11 years4,689
- eu2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- RequireValidatedEmail.po2.11 years4,130
- fa2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- RequireValidatedEmail.po2.11 years3,909
- fi2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- RequireValidatedEmail.po2.11 years3,935
- fr2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- RequireValidatedEmail.po2.11 years4,651
- fur2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- RequireValidatedEmail.po2.11 years3,916
- gl2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- RequireValidatedEmail.po2.11 years4,546
- he2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- RequireValidatedEmail.po2.11 years3,866
- hsb2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- RequireValidatedEmail.po2.11 years3,994
- hu2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- RequireValidatedEmail.po2.11 years3,951
- hy_AM2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- RequireValidatedEmail.po2.11 years3,783
- ia2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- RequireValidatedEmail.po2.11 years4,477
- id2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- RequireValidatedEmail.po2.11 years3,785
- io2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
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- zh_TW2.11 years
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- pt_BR2.11 years
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- zh_TW2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- ShareNotice.po2.11 years1,608
- README5.44 years457
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- SimpleCaptchacurrent
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- SimpleCaptcha.potcurrent1,150
- README5.44 years127
- SimpleCaptchaPlugin.php1.7 days2,965
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- hy_AM2.11 years
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- id2.11 years
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- io2.11 years
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- it2.11 years
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- ja2.11 years
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- ka2.11 years
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- ko2.11 years
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- ksh2.11 years
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- SimpleUrl.po2.11 years1,054
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- lv2.11 years
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- ms2.11 years
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- pt2.11 years
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- pt_BR2.11 years
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- SimpleUrl.po2.11 years1,230
- ro_RO2.11 years
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- SimpleUrl.po2.11 years1,089
- ru2.11 years
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- SimpleUrl.po2.11 years1,283
- SimpleUrl.potcurrent895
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- zh_TW2.11 years
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- SimpleUrl.po2.11 years1,039
- README5.44 years322
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- Sitemapcurrent
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- hu2.11 years
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- Sitemap.po2.11 years1,994
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- Sitemap.po2.11 years2,002
- ia2.11 years
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- id2.11 years
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- io2.11 years
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- Sitemap.po2.11 years1,993
- README5.44 years467
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- SiteNoticeInSidebar5.44 years
- lib6.36 years
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- README5.44 years333
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- SlicedFavorites.po2.11 years969
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- id2.11 years
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- io2.11 years
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- SlicedFavorites.po2.11 years963
- is2.11 years
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- it2.11 years
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- ja2.11 years
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- SlicedFavorites.po2.11 years961
- ka2.11 years
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- ko2.11 years
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- SlicedFavorites.po2.11 years959
- ksh2.11 years
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- lt2.11 years
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- lv2.11 years
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- SlicedFavorites.po2.11 years1,002
- mg2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- SlicedFavorites.po2.11 years967
- mk2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- SlicedFavorites.po2.11 years1,226
- ml2.11 years
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- SlicedFavorites.po2.11 years969
- ms2.11 years
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- SlicedFavorites.po2.11 years958
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- SlicedFavorites.po2.11 years960
- nb2.11 years
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- SlicedFavorites.po2.11 years977
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- nl2.11 years
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- SlicedFavorites.po2.11 years1,103
- nn2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- SlicedFavorites.po2.11 years977
- pl2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- SlicedFavorites.po2.11 years1,024
- pt2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- SlicedFavorites.po2.11 years970
- pt_BR2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- SlicedFavorites.po2.11 years984
- ro_RO2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- SlicedFavorites.po2.11 years1,025
- ru2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- SlicedFavorites.po2.11 years1,341
- sl2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- SlicedFavorites.po2.11 years1,021
- SlicedFavorites.potcurrent834
- sr-ec2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- SlicedFavorites.po2.11 years1,041
- sv2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- SlicedFavorites.po2.11 years1,149
- ta2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- SlicedFavorites.po2.11 years965
- te2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- SlicedFavorites.po2.11 years966
- tl2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- SlicedFavorites.po2.11 years1,140
- tr2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- SlicedFavorites.po2.11 years966
- uk2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- SlicedFavorites.po2.11 years1,258
- ur_PK2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- SlicedFavorites.po2.11 years981
- vi2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- SlicedFavorites.po2.11 years963
- zh2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- SlicedFavorites.po2.11 years960
- zh_CN2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- SlicedFavorites.po2.11 years974
- zh_TW2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- SlicedFavorites.po2.11 years975
- README5.44 years775
- SlicedFavoritesPlugin.php1.7 days3,451
- SphinxSearchcurrent
- localecurrent
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- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- SphinxSearch.po2.11 years1,114
- ar2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- SphinxSearch.po2.11 years1,194
- arz2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- SphinxSearch.po2.11 years1,208
- ast2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- SphinxSearch.po2.11 years1,115
- be-tarask2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- SphinxSearch.po2.11 years1,276
- bg2.11 years
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- SphinxSearch.po2.11 years1,114
- bn_IN2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- SphinxSearch.po2.11 years1,126
- br2.11 years
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- SphinxSearch.po2.11 years1,172
- ca2.11 years
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- SphinxSearch.po2.11 years1,112
- cs2.11 years
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- SphinxSearch.po2.11 years1,137
- da2.11 years
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- SphinxSearch.po2.11 years1,111
- de2.11 years
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- SphinxSearch.po2.11 years1,296
- eo2.11 years
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- SphinxSearch.po2.11 years1,114
- es2.11 years
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- SphinxSearch.po2.11 years1,349
- eu2.11 years
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- SphinxSearch.po2.11 years1,111
- fa2.11 years
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- SphinxSearch.po2.11 years1,105
- fi2.11 years
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- SphinxSearch.po2.11 years1,112
- fr2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- SphinxSearch.po2.11 years1,291
- fur2.11 years
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- gl2.11 years
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- SphinxSearch.po2.11 years1,287
- he2.11 years
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- SphinxSearch.po2.11 years1,111
- hsb2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- SphinxSearch.po2.11 years1,172
- hu2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- SphinxSearch.po2.11 years1,114
- hy_AM2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- SphinxSearch.po2.11 years1,129
- ia2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- SphinxSearch.po2.11 years1,285
- id2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- SphinxSearch.po2.11 years1,108
- io2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- SphinxSearch.po2.11 years1,348
- is2.11 years
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- SphinxSearch.po2.11 years1,136
- it2.11 years
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- SphinxSearch.po2.11 years1,112
- ja2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- SphinxSearch.po2.11 years1,106
- ka2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- SphinxSearch.po2.11 years1,106
- ko2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- SphinxSearch.po2.11 years1,104
- ksh2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- SphinxSearch.po2.11 years1,135
- lb2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- SphinxSearch.po2.11 years1,118
- lt2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- SphinxSearch.po2.11 years1,178
- lv2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- SphinxSearch.po2.11 years1,147
- mg2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- SphinxSearch.po2.11 years1,112
- mk2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- SphinxSearch.po2.11 years1,395
- ml2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- SphinxSearch.po2.11 years1,114
- ms2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- SphinxSearch.po2.11 years1,103
- my2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- SphinxSearch.po2.11 years1,105
- nb2.11 years
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- SphinxSearch.po2.11 years1,122
- ne2.11 years
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- SphinxSearch.po2.11 years1,111
- nl2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- SphinxSearch.po2.11 years1,276
- nn2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- SphinxSearch.po2.11 years1,122
- pl2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- SphinxSearch.po2.11 years1,169
- pt2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- SphinxSearch.po2.11 years1,115
- pt_BR2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- SphinxSearch.po2.11 years1,129
- ro_RO2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- SphinxSearch.po2.11 years1,170
- ru2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- SphinxSearch.po2.11 years1,499
- sl2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- SphinxSearch.po2.11 years1,166
- SphinxSearch.potcurrent979
- sr-ec2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- SphinxSearch.po2.11 years1,186
- sv2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- SphinxSearch.po2.11 years1,374
- ta2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- SphinxSearch.po2.11 years1,110
- te2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- SphinxSearch.po2.11 years1,111
- tl2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- SphinxSearch.po2.11 years1,300
- tr2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- SphinxSearch.po2.11 years1,111
- uk2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- SphinxSearch.po2.11 years1,429
- ur_PK2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- SphinxSearch.po2.11 years1,126
- vi2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- SphinxSearch.po2.11 years1,108
- zh2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- SphinxSearch.po2.11 years1,105
- zh_CN2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- SphinxSearch.po2.11 years1,119
- zh_TW2.11 years
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- SphinxSearch.po2.11 years1,120
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- sphinx.sh13.20 years428
- sphinx.conf.sample11.89 years2,075
- sphinxsearch.php9.55 years4,450
- SphinxSearchPlugin.php1.7 days3,830
- SQLProfilecurrent
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- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- SQLProfile.po2.11 years924
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- SQLProfile.po2.11 years856
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- SQLProfile.po2.11 years840
- ca2.11 years
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- SQLProfile.po2.11 years842
- cs2.11 years
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- SQLProfile.po2.11 years867
- da2.11 years
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- SQLProfile.po2.11 years835
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- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- SQLProfile.po2.11 years902
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- hy_AM2.11 years
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- SQLProfile.po2.11 years859
- ia2.11 years
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- ja2.11 years
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- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- SQLProfile.po2.11 years836
- ko2.11 years
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- SQLProfile.po2.11 years834
- ksh2.11 years
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- SQLProfile.po2.11 years908
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- ms2.11 years
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- pt2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- SQLProfile.po2.11 years928
- pt_BR2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- SQLProfile.po2.11 years859
- ro_RO2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- SQLProfile.po2.11 years900
- ru2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- SQLProfile.po2.11 years1,132
- sl2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- SQLProfile.po2.11 years896
- SQLProfile.potcurrent709
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- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- SQLProfile.po2.11 years842
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- SQLProfile.po2.11 years840
- te2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- SQLProfile.po2.11 years841
- tl2.11 years
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- SQLProfile.po2.11 years982
- tr2.11 years
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- SQLProfile.po2.11 years841
- uk2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- SQLProfile.po2.11 years1,088
- ur_PK2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- SQLProfile.po2.11 years856
- vi2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- SQLProfile.po2.11 years838
- zh2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- SQLProfile.po2.11 years835
- zh_CN2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- SQLProfile.po2.11 years849
- zh_TW2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- SQLProfile.po2.11 years850
- README5.44 years269
- SQLProfilePlugin.php1.7 days2,404
- SQLStatscurrent
- localecurrent
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- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- SQLStats.po2.11 years841
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- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- SQLStats.po2.11 years921
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- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- SQLStats.po2.11 years842
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- SQLStats.po2.11 years841
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- SQLStats.po2.11 years853
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- SQLStats.po2.11 years837
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- SQLStats.po2.11 years864
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- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- SQLStats.po2.11 years832
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- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
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- SQLStats.po2.11 years938
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- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- SQLStats.po2.11 years967
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- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- SQLStats.po2.11 years899
- hu2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- SQLStats.po2.11 years841
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- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- SQLStats.po2.11 years856
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- SQLStats.po2.11 years926
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- SQLStats.po2.11 years835
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- SQLStats.po2.11 years1,028
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- SQLStats.po2.11 years863
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- SQLStats.po2.11 years839
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- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- SQLStats.po2.11 years946
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- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- SQLStats.po2.11 years833
- ko2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- SQLStats.po2.11 years831
- ksh2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- SQLStats.po2.11 years978
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- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- SQLStats.po2.11 years845
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- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- SQLStats.po2.11 years905
- lv2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- SQLStats.po2.11 years874
- mg2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- SQLStats.po2.11 years839
- mk2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- SQLStats.po2.11 years1,046
- ml2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- SQLStats.po2.11 years841
- ms2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- SQLStats.po2.11 years830
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- SQLStats.po2.11 years849
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- SQLStats.po2.11 years896
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- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- SQLStats.po2.11 years910
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- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- SQLStats.po2.11 years856
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- SQLStats.po2.11 years897
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- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
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- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
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- SQLStats.po2.11 years838
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- SQLStats.po2.11 years1,085
- ur_PK2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- SQLStats.po2.11 years853
- vi2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- SQLStats.po2.11 years835
- zh2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- SQLStats.po2.11 years832
- zh_CN2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- SQLStats.po2.11 years846
- zh_TW2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- SQLStats.po2.11 years847
- README5.44 years338
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- StompQueuecurrent
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- StompQueueManager.php1.7 days19,935
- localecurrent
- StompQueue.potcurrent719
- README.md1.7 days2,008
- StompQueuePlugin.php1.7 days2,547
- StoreRemoteMediacurrent
- localecurrent
- StoreRemoteMedia.potcurrent1,258
- README.md1.7 days1,333
- scripts1.7 days
- deleteRemoteMedia.php1.7 days2,461
- StoreRemoteMediaPlugin.php1.7 days16,592
- StrictTransportSecuritycurrent
- localecurrent
- af2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- StrictTransportSecurity.po2.11 years942
- ar2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- StrictTransportSecurity.po2.11 years1,022
- arz2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- StrictTransportSecurity.po2.11 years1,036
- ast2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- StrictTransportSecurity.po2.11 years958
- be-tarask2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- StrictTransportSecurity.po2.11 years1,104
- bg2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- StrictTransportSecurity.po2.11 years942
- bn_IN2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- StrictTransportSecurity.po2.11 years954
- br2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- StrictTransportSecurity.po2.11 years938
- ca2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- StrictTransportSecurity.po2.11 years940
- cs2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- StrictTransportSecurity.po2.11 years1,203
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- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- StrictTransportSecurity.po2.11 years939
- de2.11 years
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- StrictTransportSecurity.po2.11 years1,109
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- StrictTransportSecurity.po2.11 years938
- en_GB2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- StrictTransportSecurity.po2.11 years1,134
- eo2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- StrictTransportSecurity.po2.11 years942
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- fi2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- StrictTransportSecurity.po2.11 years940
- fr2.11 years
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- StrictTransportSecurity.po2.11 years1,118
- fur2.11 years
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- StrictTransportSecurity.po2.11 years943
- gl2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- StrictTransportSecurity.po2.11 years1,111
- he2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- StrictTransportSecurity.po2.11 years1,163
- hsb2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- StrictTransportSecurity.po2.11 years1,000
- hu2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- StrictTransportSecurity.po2.11 years942
- hy_AM2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- StrictTransportSecurity.po2.11 years957
- ia2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- StrictTransportSecurity.po2.11 years1,159
- id2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- StrictTransportSecurity.po2.11 years1,104
- io2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- StrictTransportSecurity.po2.11 years1,202
- is2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- StrictTransportSecurity.po2.11 years964
- it2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- StrictTransportSecurity.po2.11 years940
- ja2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- StrictTransportSecurity.po2.11 years934
- ka2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- StrictTransportSecurity.po2.11 years934
- ko2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- StrictTransportSecurity.po2.11 years932
- ksh2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- StrictTransportSecurity.po2.11 years978
- lb2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- StrictTransportSecurity.po2.11 years961
- lt2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- StrictTransportSecurity.po2.11 years1,006
- lv2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- StrictTransportSecurity.po2.11 years990
- mg2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- StrictTransportSecurity.po2.11 years955
- mk2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- StrictTransportSecurity.po2.11 years1,224
- ml2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- StrictTransportSecurity.po2.11 years942
- ms2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- StrictTransportSecurity.po2.11 years931
- my2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- StrictTransportSecurity.po2.11 years933
- nb2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- StrictTransportSecurity.po2.11 years950
- ne2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- StrictTransportSecurity.po2.11 years954
- nl2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- StrictTransportSecurity.po2.11 years1,081
- nn2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- StrictTransportSecurity.po2.11 years950
- pl2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- StrictTransportSecurity.po2.11 years997
- pt2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- StrictTransportSecurity.po2.11 years943
- pt_BR2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- StrictTransportSecurity.po2.11 years957
- ro_RO2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- StrictTransportSecurity.po2.11 years998
- ru2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- StrictTransportSecurity.po2.11 years1,340
- sl2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- StrictTransportSecurity.po2.11 years994
- sr-ec2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- StrictTransportSecurity.po2.11 years1,014
- StrictTransportSecurity.potcurrent807
- sv2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- StrictTransportSecurity.po2.11 years940
- ta2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- StrictTransportSecurity.po2.11 years953
- te2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- StrictTransportSecurity.po2.11 years939
- tl2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- StrictTransportSecurity.po2.11 years1,109
- tr2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- StrictTransportSecurity.po2.11 years939
- uk2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- StrictTransportSecurity.po2.11 years1,206
- ur_PK2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- StrictTransportSecurity.po2.11 years954
- vi2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- StrictTransportSecurity.po2.11 years936
- zh2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- StrictTransportSecurity.po2.11 years933
- zh_CN2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- StrictTransportSecurity.po2.11 years947
- zh_TW2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- StrictTransportSecurity.po2.11 years948
- README5.44 years796
- StrictTransportSecurityPlugin.php1.7 days2,529
- SubMirrorcurrent
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- mirrorsettings.php6.00 years3,607
- classes5.53 years
- SubMirror.php5.53 years7,103
- forms7.79 years
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- editmirror.php7.79 years6,374
- lib1.94 years
- addmirrorwizard.php7.38 years4,520
- mirrorqueuehandler.php1.94 years1,855
- localecurrent
- af2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- SubMirror.po2.11 years4,922
- ar2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- SubMirror.po2.11 years5,072
- arz2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- SubMirror.po2.11 years5,032
- ast2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- SubMirror.po2.11 years4,899
- be-tarask2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- SubMirror.po2.11 years5,335
- bg2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- SubMirror.po2.11 years5,071
- bn_IN2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- SubMirror.po2.11 years4,910
- br2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- SubMirror.po2.11 years5,020
- ca2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- SubMirror.po2.11 years5,274
- cs2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- SubMirror.po2.11 years5,093
- da2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- SubMirror.po2.11 years4,975
- de2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- SubMirror.po2.11 years5,773
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- SubMirror.po2.11 years5,073
- fr2.11 years
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- SubMirror.po2.11 years5,886
- fur2.11 years
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- SubMirror.po2.11 years4,935
- gl2.11 years
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- SubMirror.po2.11 years5,922
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- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- SubMirror.po2.11 years5,005
- hsb2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- SubMirror.po2.11 years5,110
- hu2.11 years
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- SubMirror.po2.11 years5,009
- hy_AM2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- SubMirror.po2.11 years4,913
- ia2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- SubMirror.po2.11 years5,879
- id2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- SubMirror.po2.11 years4,962
- io2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- SubMirror.po2.11 years4,982
- is2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- SubMirror.po2.11 years5,043
- it2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- SubMirror.po2.11 years5,120
- ja2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- SubMirror.po2.11 years5,110
- ka2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- SubMirror.po2.11 years5,107
- ko2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- SubMirror.po2.11 years5,053
- ksh2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- SubMirror.po2.11 years4,919
- lb2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- SubMirror.po2.11 years4,913
- lt2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- SubMirror.po2.11 years4,972
- lv2.11 years
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- SubMirror.po2.11 years4,931
- mg2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- SubMirror.po2.11 years4,974
- mk2.11 years
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- SubMirror.po2.11 years6,581
- ml2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- SubMirror.po2.11 years5,171
- ms2.11 years
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- SubMirror.po2.11 years4,918
- my2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- SubMirror.po2.11 years4,913
- nb2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- SubMirror.po2.11 years4,989
- ne2.11 years
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- SubMirror.po2.11 years4,895
- nl2.11 years
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- SubMirror.po2.11 years5,767
- nn2.11 years
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- SubMirror.po2.11 years4,997
- pl2.11 years
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- SubMirror.po2.11 years5,085
- pt2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- SubMirror.po2.11 years5,041
- pt_BR2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- SubMirror.po2.11 years5,077
- ro_RO2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- SubMirror.po2.11 years4,954
- ru2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- SubMirror.po2.11 years5,289
- sl2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- SubMirror.po2.11 years4,950
- sr-ec2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- SubMirror.po2.11 years5,185
- SubMirror.potcurrent4,610
- sv2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- SubMirror.po2.11 years5,215
- ta2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- SubMirror.po2.11 years4,894
- te2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- SubMirror.po2.11 years5,008
- tl2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- SubMirror.po2.11 years5,934
- tr2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- SubMirror.po2.11 years4,981
- uk2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- SubMirror.po2.11 years6,330
- ur_PK2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- SubMirror.po2.11 years4,946
- vi2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- SubMirror.po2.11 years4,979
- zh2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- SubMirror.po2.11 years4,889
- zh_CN2.11 years
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- SubMirror.po2.11 years5,014
- zh_TW2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- SubMirror.po2.11 years4,916
- README4.21 years223
- SubMirrorPlugin.php1.7 days6,022
- SubscriptionThrottlecurrent
- localecurrent
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- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- SubscriptionThrottle.po2.11 years1,286
- arz2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- SubscriptionThrottle.po2.11 years1,300
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- SubscriptionThrottle.po2.11 years1,207
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- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- SubscriptionThrottle.po2.11 years1,368
- bg2.11 years
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- SubscriptionThrottle.po2.11 years1,206
- bn_IN2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- SubscriptionThrottle.po2.11 years1,218
- br2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- SubscriptionThrottle.po2.11 years1,202
- ca2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- SubscriptionThrottle.po2.11 years1,421
- cs2.11 years
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- SubscriptionThrottle.po2.11 years1,229
- da2.11 years
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- SubscriptionThrottle.po2.11 years1,203
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- SubscriptionThrottle.po2.11 years1,439
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- SubscriptionThrottle.po2.11 years1,441
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- SubscriptionThrottle.po2.11 years1,206
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- fr2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
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- gl2.11 years
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- SubscriptionThrottle.po2.11 years1,450
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- SubscriptionThrottle.po2.11 years1,264
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- hy_AM2.11 years
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- SubscriptionThrottle.po2.11 years1,221
- ia2.11 years
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- SubscriptionThrottle.po2.11 years1,403
- id2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- SubscriptionThrottle.po2.11 years1,287
- io2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- SubscriptionThrottle.po2.11 years1,470
- is2.11 years
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- SubscriptionThrottle.po2.11 years1,228
- it2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- SubscriptionThrottle.po2.11 years1,204
- ja2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- SubscriptionThrottle.po2.11 years1,198
- ka2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- SubscriptionThrottle.po2.11 years1,198
- ko2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- SubscriptionThrottle.po2.11 years1,196
- ksh2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- SubscriptionThrottle.po2.11 years1,227
- lb2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- SubscriptionThrottle.po2.11 years1,210
- lt2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- SubscriptionThrottle.po2.11 years1,270
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- SubscriptionThrottle.po2.11 years1,239
- mg2.11 years
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- mk2.11 years
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- SubscriptionThrottle.po2.11 years1,570
- ml2.11 years
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- SubscriptionThrottle.po2.11 years1,206
- ms2.11 years
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- SubscriptionThrottle.po2.11 years1,402
- my2.11 years
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- nb2.11 years
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- pl2.11 years
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- SubscriptionThrottle.po2.11 years1,261
- pt2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- SubscriptionThrottle.po2.11 years1,284
- pt_BR2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- SubscriptionThrottle.po2.11 years1,221
- ro_RO2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- SubscriptionThrottle.po2.11 years1,262
- ru2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- SubscriptionThrottle.po2.11 years1,467
- sl2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- SubscriptionThrottle.po2.11 years1,258
- sr-ec2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- SubscriptionThrottle.po2.11 years1,278
- SubscriptionThrottle.potcurrent1,071
- sv2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- SubscriptionThrottle.po2.11 years1,499
- ta2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- SubscriptionThrottle.po2.11 years1,202
- te2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- SubscriptionThrottle.po2.11 years1,203
- tl2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- SubscriptionThrottle.po2.11 years1,432
- tr2.11 years
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- SubscriptionThrottle.po2.11 years1,203
- uk2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- SubscriptionThrottle.po2.11 years1,917
- ur_PK2.11 years
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- SubscriptionThrottle.po2.11 years1,218
- vi2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- SubscriptionThrottle.po2.11 years1,200
- zh2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- SubscriptionThrottle.po2.11 years1,197
- zh_CN2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- SubscriptionThrottle.po2.11 years1,211
- zh_TW2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- SubscriptionThrottle.po2.11 years1,212
- README5.44 years673
- SubscriptionThrottlePlugin.php1.7 days5,106
- TabFocuscurrent
- localecurrent
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- TabFocus.po2.11 years959
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- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- TabFocus.po2.11 years1,039
- arz2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- TabFocus.po2.11 years1,053
- ast2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- TabFocus.po2.11 years960
- be-tarask2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- TabFocus.po2.11 years1,121
- bg2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- TabFocus.po2.11 years959
- bn_IN2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- TabFocus.po2.11 years971
- br2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- TabFocus.po2.11 years1,167
- ca2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- TabFocus.po2.11 years957
- cs2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- TabFocus.po2.11 years982
- da2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- TabFocus.po2.11 years956
- de2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- TabFocus.po2.11 years1,177
- el2.11 years
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- TabFocus.po2.11 years955
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- eo2.11 years
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- TabFocus.po2.11 years959
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- eu2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- TabFocus.po2.11 years956
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- hu2.11 years
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- TabFocus.po2.11 years959
- hy_AM2.11 years
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- ia2.11 years
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- ne2.11 years
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- TabFocus.po2.11 years956
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- nn2.11 years
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- pl2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- TabFocus.po2.11 years1,014
- pt2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- TabFocus.po2.11 years960
- pt_BR2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- TabFocus.po2.11 years974
- ro_RO2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- TabFocus.po2.11 years1,015
- ru2.11 years
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- TabFocus.po2.11 years1,454
- sl2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- TabFocus.po2.11 years1,011
- sr-ec2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- TabFocus.po2.11 years1,031
- sv2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- TabFocus.po2.11 years957
- ta2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- TabFocus.po2.11 years955
- TabFocus.potcurrent824
- te2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- TabFocus.po2.11 years956
- tl2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- TabFocus.po2.11 years1,172
- tr2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- TabFocus.po2.11 years956
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- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- TabFocus.po2.11 years1,408
- ur_PK2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- TabFocus.po2.11 years971
- vi2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- TabFocus.po2.11 years953
- zh2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- TabFocus.po2.11 years950
- zh_CN2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- TabFocus.po2.11 years964
- zh_TW2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- TabFocus.po2.11 years965
- README5.44 years322
- TabFocusPlugin.php1.7 days2,228
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- subscriptionspeopletagcloudsection.php1.7 days2,311
- tagcloudsection.php6.02 years3,755
- localecurrent
- TagCloud.potcurrent1,265
- README1.7 days149
- TagCloudPlugin.php1.7 days3,175
- TagSubcurrent
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- classes2.08 years
- TagSub.php2.08 years4,247
- forms2.08 years
- tagsub.php2.08 years3,585
- tagunsub.php2.08 years3,015
- lib2.08 years
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- TagSub.po2.11 years4,811
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- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- TagSub.po2.11 years5,158
- arz2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- TagSub.po2.11 years4,926
- ast2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- TagSub.po2.11 years4,792
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- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- TagSub.po2.11 years5,266
- bg2.11 years
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- TagSub.po2.11 years4,992
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- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- TagSub.po2.11 years4,788
- br2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- TagSub.po2.11 years4,931
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- cs2.11 years
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- TagSub.po2.11 years5,904
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- eo2.11 years
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- TagSub.po2.11 years4,932
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- TagSub.po2.11 years5,253
- fa2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- TagSub.po2.11 years5,114
- fi2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- TagSub.po2.11 years4,994
- fr2.11 years
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- fur2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- TagSub.po2.11 years4,897
- gl2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- TagSub.po2.11 years5,841
- he2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- TagSub.po2.11 years4,947
- hsb2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- TagSub.po2.11 years5,026
- hu2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- TagSub.po2.11 years4,915
- hy_AM2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- TagSub.po2.11 years4,791
- ia2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- TagSub.po2.11 years5,883
- id2.11 years
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- TagSub.po2.11 years4,934
- io2.11 years
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- TagSub.po2.11 years4,906
- is2.11 years
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- TagSub.po2.11 years4,949
- it2.11 years
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- TagSub.po2.11 years4,990
- ja2.11 years
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- TagSub.po2.11 years5,102
- ka2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- TagSub.po2.11 years5,152
- ko2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- TagSub.po2.11 years5,018
- ksh2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- TagSub.po2.11 years4,812
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- TagSub.po2.11 years4,795
- lt2.11 years
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- TagSub.po2.11 years4,840
- lv2.11 years
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- TagSub.po2.11 years4,824
- mg2.11 years
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- TagSub.po2.11 years4,857
- mk2.11 years
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- TagSub.po2.11 years6,549
- ml2.11 years
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- TagSub.po2.11 years5,144
- ms2.11 years
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- my2.11 years
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- TagSub.po2.11 years4,767
- nb2.11 years
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- TagSub.po2.11 years4,912
- ne2.11 years
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- TagSub.po2.11 years4,788
- nl2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- TagSub.po2.11 years5,860
- nn2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- TagSub.po2.11 years4,906
- pl2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- TagSub.po2.11 years5,024
- pt2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- TagSub.po2.11 years4,982
- pt_BR2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- TagSub.po2.11 years5,965
- ro_RO2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- TagSub.po2.11 years4,832
- ru2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- TagSub.po2.11 years5,258
- sl2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- TagSub.po2.11 years4,828
- sr-ec2.11 years
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- TagSub.po2.11 years6,245
- sv2.11 years
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- TagSub.po2.11 years5,241
- ta2.11 years
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- TagSub.po2.11 years4,787
- TagSub.potcurrent4,042
- te2.11 years
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- TagSub.po2.11 years5,358
- tl2.11 years
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- TagSub.po2.11 years6,050
- tr2.11 years
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- TagSub.po2.11 years4,923
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- TagSub.po2.11 years6,502
- ur_PK2.11 years
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- vi2.11 years
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- TagSub.po2.11 years4,873
- zh2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- TagSub.po2.11 years4,767
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- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- TagSub.po2.11 years4,952
- zh_TW2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- TagSub.po2.11 years4,794
- README5.44 years152
- TagSubPlugin.php1.7 days6,257
- TightUrlcurrent
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- ar2.11 years
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- arz2.11 years
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- TightUrl.po2.11 years1,150
- ast2.11 years
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- TightUrl.po2.11 years1,057
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- TightUrl.po2.11 years1,336
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- TightUrl.po2.11 years1,056
- bn_IN2.11 years
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- TightUrl.po2.11 years1,068
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- TightUrl.po2.11 years1,124
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- TightUrl.po2.11 years1,071
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- id2.11 years
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- io2.11 years
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- is2.11 years
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- it2.11 years
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- ja2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- TightUrl.po2.11 years1,194
- ka2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- TightUrl.po2.11 years1,048
- ko2.11 years
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- TightUrl.po2.11 years1,046
- ksh2.11 years
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- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
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- lt2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- TightUrl.po2.11 years1,120
- lv2.11 years
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- pt2.11 years
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- TightUrl.po2.11 years1,145
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- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
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- TightUrl.po2.11 years1,112
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- TightUrl.po2.11 years1,306
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- zh_TW2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- TightUrl.po2.11 years1,062
- README5.44 years317
- TightUrlPlugin.php1.7 days2,760
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- TwitterBridge.po2.11 years18,388
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- TwitterBridge.po2.11 years15,854
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- TwitterBridge.po2.11 years19,479
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- fr2.11 years
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- hsb2.11 years
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- TwitterBridge.po2.11 years16,050
- hu2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- TwitterBridge.po2.11 years15,793
- hy_AM2.11 years
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- TwitterBridge.po2.11 years15,573
- ia2.11 years
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- TwitterBridge.po2.11 years19,513
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- io2.11 years
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- TwitterBridge.po2.11 years19,164
- is2.11 years
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- ja2.11 years
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- TwitterBridge.po2.11 years16,276
- ka2.11 years
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- ko2.11 years
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- lb2.11 years
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- TwitterBridge.po2.11 years15,632
- lv2.11 years
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- TwitterBridge.po2.11 years15,591
- mg2.11 years
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- TwitterBridge.po2.11 years16,263
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- zh_TW2.11 years
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- TwitterBridge.po2.11 years15,615
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- tweetctlqueuehandler.php1.94 years2,003
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- TwitterBridgePlugin.php1.7 days19,732
- UnQueuecurrent
- classes5.51 years
- UnQueueManager.php5.51 years2,095
- localecurrent
- UnQueue.potcurrent716
- README.md1.7 days203
- UnQueuePlugin.php1.7 days1,680
- UserFlagcurrent
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- hsb2.11 years
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- hu2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
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- hy_AM2.11 years
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- ko2.11 years
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- ksh2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
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- lb2.11 years
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- mk2.11 years
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- UserFlag.po2.11 years3,712
- ms2.11 years
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- UserFlag.po2.11 years3,577
- nb2.11 years
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- nl2.11 years
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- UserFlag.po2.11 years4,174
- nn2.11 years
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- UserFlag.po2.11 years3,622
- pl2.11 years
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- UserFlag.po2.11 years3,688
- pt2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- UserFlag.po2.11 years3,977
- pt_BR2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
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- ro_RO2.11 years
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- UserFlag.po2.11 years3,668
- ru2.11 years
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- UserFlag.po2.11 years4,545
- sl2.11 years
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- UserFlag.po2.11 years3,677
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- UserFlag.po2.11 years3,716
- sv2.11 years
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- UserFlag.po2.11 years4,168
- ta2.11 years
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- te2.11 years
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- tl2.11 years
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- UserFlag.po2.11 years3,609
- zh_TW2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- UserFlag.po2.11 years3,604
- README5.44 years352
- UserFlagPlugin.php1.7 days7,738
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- ka2.11 years
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- UserLimit.po2.11 years1,251
- ko2.11 years
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- ksh2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- UserLimit.po2.11 years1,306
- lb2.11 years
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- UserLimit.po2.11 years1,361
- lt2.11 years
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- mg2.11 years
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- nl2.11 years
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- pt2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- UserLimit.po2.11 years1,344
- pt_BR2.11 years
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- ro_RO2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- UserLimit.po2.11 years1,341
- ru2.11 years
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- UserLimit.po2.11 years1,584
- sl2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
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- zh2.11 years
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- UserLimit.po2.11 years1,264
- zh_TW2.11 years
- LC_MESSAGES2.11 years
- UserLimit.po2.11 years1,265
- README5.44 years295
- UserLimitPlugin.php1.7 days3,352
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- WebFinger.po2.11 years998
- README5.44 years171
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- years9,056
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- years9,293
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- theme5.33 years
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- framedCloud.css13.20 years-
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- README11.66 years226
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- ProcessRunnerInterface.php1.7 days961
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- Tests1.7 days
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- Http1.96 years
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- Any.php1.96 years2,108
- Interface.php1.96 years1,692
- Trusted.php1.96 years1,884
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- RequestInterface.php1.96 years5,449
- Sessioncurrent
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- years13,507
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- years28,538
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- X509.php5.08 years176,601
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- Identity.php5.08 years4,831
- README.md1.96 years2,062
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- replication_complex.php1.7 days2,617
- replication_sentinel.php1.7 days2,162
- replication_simple.php1.7 days1,767
- session_handler.php1.7 days1,893
- shared.phpcurrent1,025
- transaction_using_cas.php1.7 days1,542
- FAQ.mdcurrent9,069
- LICENSE1.7 days1,067
- package.inicurrent905
- README.mdcurrent22,067
- srccurrent
- Autoloader.php1.7 days1,710
- Client.phpcurrent16,296
- ClientContextInterface.phpcurrent7,906
- ClientException.php1.7 days429
- ClientInterface.phpcurrent9,942
- Clustercurrent
- ClusterStrategy.php1.7 days15,340
- Distributorcurrent
- DistributorInterface.php1.7 days1,868
- EmptyRingException.php1.7 days440
- HashRing.phpcurrent6,881
- KetamaRing.php1.7 days1,926
- Hashcurrent
- CRC16.phpcurrent3,220
- HashGeneratorInterface.php1.7 days692
- PredisStrategy.php1.7 days1,724
- RedisStrategy.php1.7 days1,339
- StrategyInterface.php1.7 days1,342
- Collectioncurrent
- Iteratorcurrent
- CursorBasedIterator.php1.7 days4,572
- HashKey.phpcurrent1,325
- Keyspace.php1.7 days1,024
- ListKey.php1.7 days4,405
- SetKey.php1.7 days1,083
- SortedSetKey.phpcurrent1,332
- Commandcurrent
- Command.php1.7 days2,595
- CommandInterface.php1.7 days1,862
- ConnectionAuth.php1.7 days512
- ConnectionEcho.php1.7 days512
- ConnectionPing.php1.7 days512
- ConnectionQuit.php1.7 days512
- ConnectionSelect.php1.7 days518
- GeospatialGeoAdd.php1.7 days859
- GeospatialGeoDist.php1.7 days521
- GeospatialGeoHash.php1.7 days838
- GeospatialGeoPos.php1.7 days835
- GeospatialGeoRadius.php1.7 days1,800
- GeospatialGeoRadiusByMember.php1.7 days563
- HashDelete.php1.7 days667
- HashExists.php1.7 days514
- HashGet.php1.7 days505
- HashGetAll.php1.7 days762
- HashGetMultiple.php1.7 days674
- HashIncrementBy.php1.7 days519
- HashIncrementByFloat.php1.7 days534
- HashKeys.php1.7 days508
- HashLength.php1.7 days508
- HashScan.php1.7 days1,846
- HashSet.php1.7 days505
- HashSetMultiple.php1.7 days979
- HashSetPreserve.php1.7 days517
- HashStringLength.php1.7 days520
- HashValues.php1.7 days510
- HyperLogLogAdd.php1.7 days673
- HyperLogLogCount.php1.7 days680
- HyperLogLogMerge.php1.7 days680
- KeyDelete.php1.7 days665
- KeyDump.php1.7 days505
- KeyExists.php1.7 days511
- KeyExpire.php1.7 days511
- KeyExpireAt.php1.7 days517
- KeyKeys.php1.7 days505
- KeyMigrate.php1.7 days1,091
- KeyMove.php1.7 days505
- KeyPersist.php1.7 days514
- KeyPreciseExpire.php1.7 days522
- KeyPreciseExpireAt.php1.7 days530
- KeyPreciseTimeToLive.php1.7 days524
- KeyRandom.php1.7 days652
- KeyRename.php1.7 days511
- KeyRenamePreserve.php1.7 days525
- KeyRestore.php1.7 days514
- KeyScan.php1.7 days1,469
- KeySort.php1.7 days1,968
- KeyTimeToLive.php1.7 days509
- KeyType.php1.7 days505
- ListIndex.php1.7 days511
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- ListPopFirst.php1.7 days510
- ListPopFirstBlocking.php1.7 days830
- ListPopLast.php1.7 days509
- ListPopLastBlocking.php1.7 days532
- ListPopLastPushHead.php1.7 days527
- ListPopLastPushHeadBlocking.php1.7 days537
- ListPushHead.php1.7 days517
- ListPushHeadX.php1.7 days515
- ListPushTail.php1.7 days671
- ListPushTailX.php1.7 days515
- ListRange.php1.7 days511
- ListRemove.php1.7 days508
- ListSet.php1.7 days505
- ListTrim.php1.7 days508
- PrefixableCommandInterface.php1.7 days640
- Processorcurrent
- KeyPrefixProcessor.php1.7 days14,980
- ProcessorChain.phpcurrent2,841
- ProcessorInterface.php1.7 days671
- PubSubPublish.php1.7 days517
- PubSubPubsub.php1.7 days1,229
- PubSubSubscribe.php1.7 days683
- PubSubSubscribeByPattern.php1.7 days542
- PubSubUnsubscribe.php1.7 days689
- PubSubUnsubscribeByPattern.php1.7 days550
- RawCommand.php1.7 days2,775
- ScriptCommand.php1.7 days1,857
- ServerBackgroundRewriteAOF.php1.7 days704
- ServerBackgroundSave.php1.7 days682
- ServerClient.php1.7 days1,665
- ServerCommand.php1.7 days517
- ServerConfig.php1.7 days995
- ServerDatabaseSize.php1.7 days520
- ServerEval.php1.7 days716
- ServerEvalSHA.php1.7 days719
- ServerFlushAll.php1.7 days520
- ServerFlushDatabase.php1.7 days523
- ServerInfo.php1.7 days2,380
- ServerInfoV26x.php1.7 days1,220
- ServerLastSave.php1.7 days520
- ServerMonitor.php1.7 days517
- ServerObject.php1.7 days514
- ServerSave.php1.7 days508
- ServerScript.php1.7 days514
- ServerSentinel.php1.7 days1,407
- ServerShutdown.php1.7 days520
- ServerSlaveOf.php1.7 days770
- ServerSlowlog.php1.7 days1,022
- ServerTime.php1.7 days508
- SetAdd.php1.7 days663
- SetCardinality.php1.7 days514
- SetDifference.php1.7 days521
- SetDifferenceStore.php1.7 days541
- SetIntersection.php1.7 days677
- SetIntersectionStore.php1.7 days812
- SetIsMember.php1.7 days519
- SetMembers.php1.7 days516
- SetMove.php1.7 days507
- SetPop.php1.7 days504
- SetRandomMember.php1.7 days527
- SetRemove.php1.7 days666
- SetScan.php1.7 days1,471
- SetUnion.php1.7 days518
- SetUnionStore.php1.7 days538
- StringAppend.php1.7 days514
- StringBitCount.php1.7 days520
- StringBitField.php1.7 days520
- StringBitOp.php1.7 days884
- StringBitPos.php1.7 days514
- StringDecrement.php1.7 days513
- StringDecrementBy.php1.7 days519
- StringGet.php1.7 days505
- StringGetBit.php1.7 days514
- StringGetMultiple.php1.7 days675
- StringGetRange.php1.7 days520
- StringGetSet.php1.7 days514
- StringIncrement.php1.7 days513
- StringIncrementBy.php1.7 days519
- StringIncrementByFloat.php1.7 days534
- StringPreciseSetExpire.php1.7 days532
- StringSet.php1.7 days505
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- StringSetMultiplePreserve.php1.7 days537
- StringSetPreserve.php1.7 days517
- StringSetRange.php1.7 days520
- StringStrlen.php1.7 days514
- StringSubstr.php1.7 days514
- TransactionDiscard.php1.7 days522
- TransactionExec.php1.7 days513
- TransactionMulti.php1.7 days516
- TransactionUnwatch.php1.7 days522
- TransactionWatch.php1.7 days758
- ZSetAdd.php1.7 days851
- ZSetCardinality.php1.7 days515
- ZSetCount.php1.7 days511
- ZSetIncrementBy.php1.7 days519
- ZSetIntersectionStore.php1.7 days540
- ZSetLexCount.php1.7 days520
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- ZSetRangeByLex.php1.7 days1,222
- ZSetRangeByScore.php1.7 days1,603
- ZSetRank.php1.7 days508
- ZSetRemove.php1.7 days667
- ZSetRemoveRangeByLex.php1.7 days538
- ZSetRemoveRangeByRank.php1.7 days541
- ZSetRemoveRangeByScore.php1.7 days544
- ZSetReverseRange.php1.7 days526
- ZSetReverseRangeByLex.php1.7 days546
- ZSetReverseRangeByScore.php1.7 days554
- ZSetReverseRank.php1.7 days521
- ZSetScan.php1.7 days1,858
- ZSetScore.php1.7 days511
- ZSetUnionStore.php1.7 days1,813
- CommunicationException.php1.7 days2,078
- Configurationcurrent
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- ConnectionFactoryOption.php1.7 days1,477
- ExceptionsOption.php1.7 days850
- OptionInterface.php1.7 days987
- Options.php1.7 days3,192
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- PrefixOption.php1.7 days988
- ProfileOption.php1.7 days2,036
- ReplicationOption.phpcurrent2,275
- Connectioncurrent
- AbstractConnection.php1.7 days5,122
- Aggregatecurrent
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- MasterSlaveReplication.php1.7 days13,596
- PredisCluster.phpcurrent5,589
- RedisCluster.phpcurrent19,625
- ReplicationInterface.php1.7 days1,277
- SentinelReplication.phpcurrent19,257
- AggregateConnectionInterface.php1.7 days1,603
- CompositeConnectionInterface.php1.7 days1,219
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- ConnectionInterface.php1.7 days1,556
- Factory.phpcurrent5,562
- FactoryInterface.php1.7 days1,543
- NodeConnectionInterface.php1.7 days1,354
- Parameters.phpcurrent4,893
- ParametersInterface.php1.7 days2,229
- PhpiredisSocketConnection.phpcurrent11,810
- PhpiredisStreamConnection.phpcurrent7,386
- StreamConnection.php1.7 days12,122
- WebdisConnection.phpcurrent9,332
- Monitor1.7 days
- Consumer.php1.7 days4,124
- NotSupportedException.php1.7 days497
- Pipeline1.7 days
- Atomic.php1.7 days3,489
- ConnectionErrorProof.php1.7 days3,802
- FireAndForget.php1.7 days812
- Pipeline.php1.7 days6,639
- PredisException.php1.7 days429
- Profile1.7 days
- Factory.php1.7 days2,491
- ProfileInterface.php1.7 days1,463
- RedisProfile.php1.7 days3,499
- RedisUnstable.php1.7 days737
- RedisVersion200.php1.7 days7,370
- RedisVersion220.php1.7 days8,610
- RedisVersion240.php1.7 days8,778
- RedisVersion260.php1.7 days10,012
- RedisVersion280.php1.7 days11,277
- RedisVersion300.php1.7 days11,341
- RedisVersion320.php1.7 days11,954
- Protocol1.7 days
- ProtocolException.php1.7 days520
- ProtocolProcessorInterface.php1.7 days1,176
- RequestSerializerInterface.php1.7 days666
- ResponseReaderInterface.php1.7 days787
- Text1.7 days
- CompositeProtocolProcessor.php1.7 days2,830
- Handler1.7 days
- BulkResponse.php1.7 days1,440
- ErrorResponse.php1.7 days840
- IntegerResponse.php1.7 days1,210
- MultiBulkResponse.php1.7 days1,861
- ResponseHandlerInterface.php1.7 days896
- StatusResponse.php1.7 days886
- StreamableMultiBulkResponse.php1.7 days1,427
- ProtocolProcessor.php1.7 days3,364
- RequestSerializer.php1.7 days1,113
- ResponseReader.php1.7 days3,148
- PubSub1.7 days
- AbstractConsumer.php1.7 days5,466
- Consumer.php1.7 days4,470
- DispatcherLoop.php1.7 days4,242
- Replicationcurrent
- MissingMasterException.php1.7 days504
- ReplicationStrategy.phpcurrent7,998
- RoleException.php1.7 days532
- Response1.7 days
- Error.php1.7 days1,151
- ErrorInterface.php1.7 days785
- Iterator1.7 days
- MultiBulk.php1.7 days2,052
- MultiBulkIterator.php1.7 days2,256
- MultiBulkTuple.php1.7 days2,227
- ResponseInterface.php1.7 days417
- ServerException.php1.7 days950
- Status.php1.7 days1,743
- Session1.7 days
- Handler.php1.7 days3,073
- Transaction1.7 days
- AbortedMultiExecException.php1.7 days1,103
- MultiExec.php1.7 days12,793
- MultiExecState.php1.7 days3,065
- testscurrent
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- phpunit_php7.patchcurrent2,281
- phpunit_php8.patchcurrent1,444
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- UriFactoryInterface.phpcurrent325
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- composer.json1.96 years621
- LICENSE1.96 years1,085
- README.md1.96 years358
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- ServerRequestInterface.php1.96 years10,098
- StreamInterface.php1.96 years4,746
- UploadedFileInterface.php1.96 years4,689
- UriInterface.php1.96 years12,607
- logcurrent
- composer.jsoncurrent562
- LICENSE1.7 days1,085
- Psrcurrent
- Logcurrent
- AbstractLogger.phpcurrent3,104
- InvalidArgumentException.php1.7 days96
- LoggerAwareInterface.php1.7 days297
- LoggerAwareTrait.phpcurrent402
- LoggerInterface.php1.7 days3,114
- LoggerTrait.php1.7 days3,415
- LogLevel.php1.7 days336
- NullLogger.php1.7 days707
- Test1.7 days
- DummyTest.php1.7 days251
- LoggerInterfaceTest.php1.7 days4,649
- TestLogger.php1.7 days4,527
- README.md1.7 days1,346
- queue-interop1.7 days
- queue-interop1.7 days
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- LICENSE1.7 days1,079
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- Context.php1.7 days1,192
- Destination.php1.7 days660
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- Exception1.7 days
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- Exception.php1.7 days142
- InvalidDestinationException.php1.7 days631
- InvalidMessageException.php1.7 days593
- PriorityNotSupportedException.php1.7 days440
- PurgeQueueNotSupportedException.php1.7 days438
- SubscriptionConsumerNotSupportedException.php1.7 days458
- TemporaryQueueNotSupportedException.php1.7 days453
- TimeToLiveNotSupportedException.php1.7 days446
- Impl1.7 days
- ConsumerPollingTrait.php1.7 days1,725
- ConsumerVisibilityTimeoutTrait.php1.7 days743
- MessageTrait.php1.7 days2,932
- Message.php1.7 days4,463
- Processor.php1.7 days1,161
- Producer.php1.7 days3,515
- Queue.php1.7 days244
- SubscriptionConsumer.php1.7 days970
- Topic.php1.7 days560
- tests1.7 days
- Impl1.7 days
- ConsumerPollingTest.php1.7 days1,724
- ConsumerVisibilityTimeoutTest.php1.7 days554
- MessageTest.php1.7 days673
- ralouphie1.96 years
- getallheaders1.96 years
- composer.json1.96 years465
- LICENSE1.96 years1,080
- README.md1.96 years1,088
- src1.96 years
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- README.md1.96 years2,206
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- .gitignore1.7 days23
- composer.json1.7 days1,005
- LICENSE1.7 days1,076
- README.md1.7 days1,377
- src1.7 days
- Api1.7 days
- AbstractApi.php1.7 days290
- Binding.php1.7 days5,837
- Channel.php1.7 days589
- Connection.php1.7 days851
- Exchange.php1.7 days4,912
- Node.php1.7 days712
- Parameter.php1.7 days2,065
- Permission.php1.7 days1,877
- Policy.php1.7 days1,612
- Queue.php1.7 days4,377
- User.php1.7 days1,845
- Vhost.php1.7 days1,366
- Client.php1.7 days5,062
- Exception1.7 days
- InvalidArgumentException.php1.7 days191
- stomp-php1.7 days
- stomp-php1.7 days
- .gitattributes1.96 years45
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- CHANGELOG.md1.96 years5,192
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- LICENSE1.96 years11,365
- phpstan.neon1.96 years51
- phpunit.xml1.96 years1,294
- pre_commit.sh1.96 years408
- README.md1.7 days2,913
- run_phpcs.sh1.96 years98
- run_phpunit.sh1.7 days72
- src1.7 days
- Broker1.7 days
- ActiveMq1.96 years
- ActiveMq.php1.96 years3,737
- Mode1.96 years
- ActiveMqMode.php1.96 years1,530
- DurableSubscription.php1.96 years4,113
- Options.php1.96 years2,435
- Apollo1.96 years
- Apollo.php1.96 years2,904
- Mode1.96 years
- QueueBrowser.php1.96 years4,340
- SequenceQueueBrowser.php1.96 years1,891
- Exception1.96 years
- UnsupportedBrokerException.php1.96 years854
- OpenMq1.7 days
- OpenMq.php1.7 days1,276
- RabbitMq1.96 years
- RabbitMq.php1.96 years3,489
- Client.php1.96 years12,208
- Exception1.96 years
- ConnectionException.php1.96 years1,285
- ErrorFrameException.php1.96 years825
- MissingReceiptException.php1.96 years1,026
- StompException.php1.96 years356
- UnexpectedResponseException.php1.96 years940
- Network1.7 days
- Connection.php1.7 days18,370
- Observer1.96 years
- AbstractBeats.php1.96 years5,689
- ConnectionObserver.php1.96 years1,262
- ConnectionObserverCollection.php1.96 years2,929
- Exception1.96 years
- HeartbeatException.php1.96 years747
- HeartbeatEmitter.php1.96 years5,237
- ServerAliveObserver.php1.96 years2,832
- Protocol1.7 days
- Protocol.php1.7 days8,408
- Version.php1.96 years2,776
- SimpleStomp.php1.96 years3,930
- StatefulStomp.php1.96 years3,923
- States1.7 days
- ConsumerState.php1.96 years4,692
- ConsumerTransactionState.php1.96 years2,172
- Exception1.96 years
- InvalidStateException.php1.96 years826
- IStateful.php1.96 years2,204
- Meta1.7 days
- Subscription.php1.96 years2,069
- SubscriptionList.php1.7 days2,168
- ProducerState.php1.96 years1,141
- ProducerTransactionState.php1.96 years1,731
- StateSetter.php1.96 years581
- StateTemplate.php1.96 years3,606
- TransactionsTrait.php1.96 years2,347
- Transport1.7 days
- Bytes.php1.96 years799
- Frame.php1.96 years4,612
- FrameFactory.php1.96 years2,435
- Map.php1.96 years1,180
- Message.php1.96 years538
- Parser.php1.7 days9,374
- Util1.7 days
- IdGenerator.php1.7 days1,237
- symfony1.7 days
- filesystem1.7 days
- .gitignore1.7 days34
- CHANGELOG.md1.7 days559
- composer.json1.7 days767
- Exception1.7 days
- ExceptionInterface.php1.7 days445
- FileNotFoundException.php1.7 days951
- IOException.php1.7 days938
- IOExceptionInterface.php1.7 days673
- Filesystem.php1.7 days23,486
- LICENSE1.7 days1,065
- LockHandler.php1.7 days3,319
- phpunit.xml.dist1.7 days779
- README.md1.7 days504
- Tests1.7 days
- ExceptionTest.php1.7 days1,409
- FilesystemTest.php1.7 days38,042
- FilesystemTestCase.php1.7 days3,766
- Fixtures1.7 days
- MockStream1.7 days
- MockStream.php1.7 days1,443
- LockHandlerTest.php1.7 days2,706
- options-resolver1.7 days
- .gitignore1.7 days34
- CHANGELOG.md1.7 days2,482
- composer.json1.7 days818
- Debug1.7 days
- OptionsResolverIntrospector.php1.7 days3,242
- Exception1.7 days
- AccessException.php1.7 days575
- ExceptionInterface.php1.7 days488
- InvalidArgumentException.php1.7 days494
- InvalidOptionsException.php1.7 days564
- MissingOptionsException.php1.7 days528
- NoConfigurationException.php1.7 days712
- NoSuchOptionException.php1.7 days831
- OptionDefinitionException.php1.7 days504
- UndefinedOptionsException.php1.7 days574
- LICENSE1.7 days1,065
- Options.php1.7 days483
- OptionsResolver.php1.7 days40,740
- phpunit.xml.dist1.7 days893
- README.md1.7 days631
- Tests1.7 days
- Debug1.7 days
- OptionsResolverIntrospectorTest.php1.7 days10,117
- OptionsResolverTest.php1.7 days83,230
- process1.7 days
- .gitignore1.7 days34
- CHANGELOG.md1.7 days1,085
- composer.json1.7 days758
- Exception1.7 days
- ExceptionInterface.php1.7 days431
- InvalidArgumentException.php1.7 days496
- LogicException.php1.7 days466
- ProcessFailedException.php1.7 days1,421
- ProcessTimedOutException.php1.7 days1,659
- RuntimeException.php1.7 days481
- ExecutableFinder.php1.7 days2,566
- LICENSE1.7 days1,065
- PhpExecutableFinder.php1.7 days2,411
- PhpProcess.php1.7 days2,416
- phpunit.xml.dist1.7 days834
- Pipes1.7 days
- AbstractPipes.php1.7 days3,798
- PipesInterface.php1.7 days1,396
- UnixPipes.php1.7 days3,924
- WindowsPipes.php1.7 days5,910
- Process.php1.7 days46,135
- ProcessBuilder.php1.7 days6,518
- ProcessUtils.php1.7 days3,743
- README.md1.7 days477
- Tests1.7 days
- ExecutableFinderTest.php1.7 days4,585
- NonStopableProcess.php1.7 days1,061
- PhpExecutableFinderTest.php1.7 days3,769
- PhpProcessTest.php1.7 days1,416
- PipeStdinInStdoutStdErrStreamSelect.php1.7 days1,753
- ProcessBuilderTest.php1.7 days6,866
- ProcessFailedExceptionTest.php1.7 days4,894
- ProcessTest.php1.7 days40,934
- ProcessUtilsTest.php1.7 days1,476
- SignalListener.php1.7 days398